Can Americans perform abortions of Government?

Bush's role. That is more complicated. It was a long time ago as well. Bush's role would be signing the legislation that bailed the banks out.

I do know this. Bush sr, had what I see to be the exact same problem when he took office. The Savings and Loans crisis. Another real estate scam gone bad costing taxpayers $1 trillion??? Yes the figure can be disputed as all government figures can be.

Same scam, the apple does not fall from the tree. Like father like son.
Bad loans from banks sold to Saving and Loans. The real estate was not worth what it was sold for. Savings and Loans were going bankrupt, Bush signed the bill to bail them out. Same thing but a little different happened with Bush jr, banks carried bad loans, Bush jr signed the bill that bailed them out.
All of that and you duckers are still against cancelling student debt
Thank you, we both state it is not a coup, you emphasis that you have never used the word, coup. Nobody tried to take over the government. Thank you.
If successful, changing the outcome, then it would have been, then it would have been, even if only briefly, but that would not have stood either. The UnAmerican idiots, (for the most part) simply did not realize what they had gotten themselves worked up and in to, and how their actions would be viewed. You still don't.
Bush's role. That is more complicated. It was a long time ago as well. Bush's role would be signing the legislation that bailed the banks out.

I do know this. Bush sr, had what I see to be the exact same problem when he took office. The Savings and Loans crisis. Another real estate scam gone bad costing taxpayers $1 trillion??? Yes the figure can be disputed as all government figures can be.

Same scam, the apple does not fall from the tree. Like father like son.
Bad loans from banks sold to Saving and Loans. The real estate was not worth what it was sold for. Savings and Loans were going bankrupt, Bush signed the bill to bail them out. Same thing but a little different happened with Bush jr, banks carried bad loans, Bush jr signed the bill that bailed them out.
Can you confirm that every bank in the USA was bailed out? Bush did not cause the crash and it's easy to prove what happened. Most talking of this either have a fixed belief or they want Bush blamed and don't care to read proof. I don't recall a scam that happened to his father, nor to his son unless the scam is the Democrats in Congress at the time insisted the market was great and the fix Bush sought was wrong. And his fix targeting Fannie Mae and in effect also Fannie Mae was turned down by Democrats in congress. Savings and loans had gone bankrupt under Carter and not either of the Bush presidents.

I have personal knowledge of this primarily as I was then a RE Broker who owned and ran my Appraisal firm plus when Jr was president I operated my own Mortgage firm for some period of years. My firm was hurt by the crash under Jr in fact. My team of agents doing loans vanished after it hit us.

Naturally as one person, I do not claim I was doing the whole thing all the way to being in Fannie Mae. But then bet your dollars I wanted answers. And it took time to finally get them. Congress could have saved the market ahead of a collapse but they refused.
If successful, changing the outcome, then it would have been, then it would have been, even if only briefly, but that would not have stood either. The UnAmerican idiots, (for the most part) simply did not realize what they had gotten themselves worked up and in to, and how their actions would be viewed. You still don't.
Elektra is correct. Your heart is good but your knowledge still suffers. I blame this on the media who has not come out with the correct story in full and at a place to correctly inform this country. You saw many photos of the crowd. Where were the massive amount of guns needed to overthrow a Government? Why is it the cops tossed grenades back of the peaceful crown which then caused the crowd to panic and even try to climb the walls around the Capitol? Why has video of at a minimum one capitol cop commander came out showing he was calling HQ prior to the rush to get things protected at the Capitol? The J6 committee he says shut him out. I have posted that video personally here on this very forum.

The crowd did not understand that the cops would attack them. They saw cops helping protesters to get entry to the Capitol. Were the cops violating law in your claim?

Remember Ashli Babbitt? Do you recall when she showed up at the doors, cops were there and casually walked away and it is reported they went down some nearby stairs. They were not panicked as was the cop who murdered Babbitt.
Those MAGArats tried to take over the Capitol to allow their Orange Cult Leader to remain in power
How could Trump be sworn back in? Trump had a major problem with elections. The system used can be fraudulently used and the media has proved they will cover it up. We saw it happen on TV in fact.
Fannie Mae did not cause the housing bubble or the bust that followed.

And I thought you were in real estate. If you were then you are completely dishonest
There are bad actors where you find money. Don't you know that? Fannie Mae set the rules for those bad loans. Bush went to congress to stop the wreck. Democrats in congress put a stop to the saving of the market. It reminds me in ways of CV19 and how the media painted the Bullseye on Trump in order for the Democrats to blame him for the deaths. And it was not Trumps fault either.

I am the most imbedded at the time in all all phases of Real estate that posts here on this board. I owned 3 firms. #1 sold property and I had agents in that company. #2. Appraised property and #3 took loan applications and delivered them to wholesale lenders who funded the loans. I was clearly in the right place to see the entire market. Calling me dishonest is bullshit by you.
Elektra is correct. Your heart is good but your knowledge still suffers. I blame this on the media who has not come out with the correct story in full and at a place to correctly inform this country. You saw many photos of the crowd. Where were the massive amount of guns needed to overthrow a Government? Why is it the cops tossed grenades back of the peaceful crown which then caused the crowd to panic and even try to climb the walls around the Capitol? Why has video of at a minimum one capitol cop commander came out showing he was calling HQ prior to the rush to get things protected at the Capitol? The J6 committee he says shut him out. I have posted that video personally here on this very forum.

The crowd did not understand that the cops would attack them. They saw cops helping protesters to get entry to the Capitol. Were the cops violating law in your claim?

Remember Ashli Babbitt? Do you recall when she showed up at the doors, cops were there and casually walked away and it is reported they went down some nearby stairs. They were not panicked as was the cop who murdered Babbitt.
Your analysis, while popularly pushed by the right, does not take the place of the live video. Babbitt died of stupidity, namely her own. If unarmed, I would never be the first one to lead the mob through they door glass, they had just smashed out. It was pretty much depending on the kindness of strangers. If somebody with a gun says "Stop!" Intelligent people will not analyze and keep going. It is a deadly error in judgement, with no margin for analytical error. She chose poorly.
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There are bad actors where you find money. Don't you know that? Fannie Mae set the rules for those bad loans. Bush went to congress to stop the wreck. Democrats in congress put a stop to the saving of the market. It reminds me in ways of CV19 and how the media painted the Bullseye on Trump in order for the Democrats to blame him for the deaths. And it was not Trumps fault either.

I am the most imbedded at the time in all all phases of Real estate that posts here on this board. I owned 3 firms. #1 sold property and I had agents in that company. #2. Appraised property and #3 took loan applications and delivered them to wholesale lenders who funded the loans. I was clearly in the right place to see the entire market. Calling me dishonest is bullshit by you.
So much shit and so little time.

Fannie and Freddie did not cause the housing collapse.

It was people like you that pushed those NINJA loans .
Your analysis, while popularly pushed by the right, does not take the place of the life video. Babbitt died of stupidity, namely her own. If unarmed, I would never be the first one to lead the mob through they door glass, they had just smashed out. It was pretty much depending on the kindness of strangers. If somebody with a gun says "Stop!" Intelligent people will not analyze and keep going. It is a deadly error in judgement, with no margin for analytical error. She chose poorly.
My analysis on film. Yes a reporter happened to be with her. It looks in film to me that she was picked up and shoved into the window where the killer cop shot her immediately. What kind of gun did she carry into that window. Cops with guns had been with her. They did not see the danger you allege. She left a family who sued the Federals. You saying a cop who was not facing death was entitled to murder her. I don't happen to agree.
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So much shit and so little time.

Fannie and Freddie did not cause the housing collapse.

It was people like you that pushed those NINJA loans .
Not me but those NINJA loans were approved by Fannie and Freddie.
They were not.

You were in real estate?

Bad loans were not confined to NINJA. YES my career was spent from my early 30s till retirement in Real Estate.

Babbitt was picked up and put through the window?, my ass! Did you hear here screaming "Put me down, you S.O.B., you ain't putting me through that damned window!"? NO. She was climbing through on her own choice, and a poor one, at that. If you and a mob of thugs, break out a window at my house, you had best not be the first one through, as I will probably empty half a magazine in you, just to be sure. True, I live in a castle doctrine/stand your ground state, but cops live under a stand your ground environment. If that mob, lets you go first, planning to follow, and you get shot to hell, I do not know what their next move will be, but it won't be coming through the window, and you will have saved a lot of lives. This hasn't always been a stand your ground state. Back in the late 90s or early 2000s, a burglar tried to break in an old lady's house through a bathroom window on the side. She yelled stop and then shot him dead in the window. The police came questioned her and confiscated the weapon. Three days later, they returned it, cleaned, lubricated and had replaced her old cankered green ammunition with fresh new rounds. It was that kind of a state, even before it was officially a stand your ground state. I approve of this way of thinking. Yours? Not so much.
Given what you have stated… that’s bullshit
You are like a puppy learning to fart. You won't tell anybody why you should be believed. I have posted reasons to take my word and those are all truthful.
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Babbitt was picked up and put through the window?, my ass! Did you hear here screaming "Put me down, you S.O.B., you ain't putting me through that damned window!"? NO. She was climbing through on her own choice, and a poor one, at that. If you and a mob of thugs, break out a window at my house, you had best not be the first one through, as I will probably empty half a magazine in you, just to be sure. True, I live in a castle doctrine/stand your ground state, but cops live under a stand your ground environment. If that mob, lets you go first, planning to follow, and you get shot to hell, I do not know what their next move will be, but it won't be coming through the window, and you will have saved a lot of lives. This hasn't always been a stand your ground state. Back in the late 90s or early 2000s, a burglar tried to break in an old lady's house through a bathroom window on the side. She yelled stop and then shot him dead in the window. The police came questioned her and confiscated the weapon. Three days later, they returned it, cleaned, lubricated and had replaced her old cankered green ammunition with fresh new rounds. It was that kind of a state, even before it was officially a stand your ground state. I approve of this way of thinking. Yours? Not so much.
I have been next to that window. It is pretty high up. She was tiny. I see no way she got into it unless others lifted her into it. The video with audio is not very good. For example, a reporter there said the killer cop never warned anybody. Some claim he did. I have not seen proof.

What you are proposing is cops should shoot people for the act of being in a hall in congress where there are doors with old fashioned windows and cops must kill them.

That in my view seems dictatorship is here.

Why won't you speak of Babbitts pistols or rifles? Because you know she had no such arms. Was the killer cop armed and ready to kill her? Definitely.
I have been next to that window. It is pretty high up. She was tiny. I see no way she got into it unless others lifted her into it. The video with audio is not very good. For example, a reporter there said the killer cop never warned anybody. Some claim he did. I have not seen proof.

What you are proposing is cops should shoot people for the act of being in a hall in congress where there are doors with old fashioned windows and cops must kill them.

That in my view seems dictatorship is here.

Why won't you speak of Babbitts pistols or rifles? Because you know she had no such arms. Was the killer cop armed and ready to kill her? Definitely.
If I hire armed guards to guard my house, I expect them to guard it and not allow themselves to be overrun inside. It bothered me not, except for hating to see people dying from doing stupid crap, like some Darwin Award winner, taking themselves out of the gene pool before passing on genes for mental, emotional or intellectual instability.
If I hire armed guards to guard my house, I expect them to guard it and not allow themselves to be overrun inside. It bothered me not, except for hating to see people dying from doing stupid crap, like some Darwin Award winner, taking themselves out of the gene pool before passing on genes for mental, emotional or intellectual instability.
Your home does not look like that pair of doors in the hallway of Congress. She was not armed. She could not hurt any cop. A cop murdered her.

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