Russia Pushing Neutral Finland Toward NATO

You need to read some news. Russia destroyed Mariupol block by block.
What sources of information do you use? What about alternatives?
The Nazis of Azov staged a so-called "citadel" from Mariupol, entrenching themselves among residential buildings under the cover of civilians, using them as a shield. That's why the Russians were busy for so long until they drove the Nazis into the catacombs of the Azovstal plant.
Now it's only a matter of time, after how long will they, along with the mercenaries, begin to surrender? Hunger is a good motivator... The Russians won't climb into the catacombs.
Here is an example of a fresh typical fake from Ukraine, where representatives of the Ukrainian defense Ministry shot a "patriotic" video in which they pose near a border post in the Kharkiv region allegedly after a fight with the Russian military. However, the Ukrainian security forces brought the most important attribute of fake filming with them:

...hows the weather in Moscow commie ?
Sweden is in today. 😂😂 Good deal.

yidnar Do you like to get personal? Don't, it speaks of your weakness, the absence of your own arguments and the presence of unsubstantiated statements.​

I do not know what the weather in Moscow is, but I think it is still normal, but if NATO continues to escalate the situation, it may worsen for everyone, and at once, not only in Russia, but all over the world... ""A cornered beaten animal becomes deadly." Nuclear winter is not what everyone is striving for... NATO has almost (or maybe already) crossed the red line of the Russians.
Accept it or not, from Russia's view it is fighting in Ukraine to keep NATO from significant parts of its borders & the U.S. & NATO responds by encouraging Finland with almost two thousand mile border with Russia to join NATO? It is clear the policy-makers in the West want war and many dumb Americans just go along with it.
Such horseshit.

Russia is fighting because of the vanity of its insane, murderous dictator. He perceives no threat from NATO, save for a threat against his present and future wars of aggression. He is steeped in19th century Russian mythology and thinks he is the next great emperor.
Newsmax announced this evening that an intercepted phone call by a Russian oligarch revealed that Putin has blood cancer. So he doesn't have long to live.
I'd say either way he doesn't have long to live. Maybe the blood cancer affected his brain and that's why he's having these delusions, or maybe they're just magnified fears he's lived with his entire life. I don't feel sorry for him at all. If the cancer doesn't get them, his own people are going to crucify him when they find out the truth of what's going on. The world has no use for insane men, especially if they are in positions of power.
Such horseshit.

Russia is fighting because of the vanity of its insane, murderous dictator. He perceives no threat from NATO, save for a threat against his present and future wars of aggression. He is steeped in19th century Russian mythology and thinks he is the next great emperor.
Russia is not the West. They could have been much closer to the West and an ally in more things. But we need our enemies. We had a good chance after the fall of the Soviet Union to improve things better than what they are.
Accept it or not, from Russia's view it is fighting in Ukraine to keep NATO from significant parts of its borders & the U.S. & NATO responds by encouraging Finland with almost two thousand mile border with Russia to join NATO? It is clear the policy-makers in the West want war and many dumb Americans just go along with it.
I think you've got it wrong. The unprovoked attack on the Ukraine by Russia has Finland and Sweden reconsidering their position of neutrality. putin's actions have brought all this upon himself. Just think of it as a personal interaction. Example: I'm in a crowd of people. I have a vague feeling the guy standing next to me is about to hit me. So I hit him first. The whole crowd is stunned. I tried to explain to them that I feared he was going to hit me. Everyone in the crowd just looks at me like I'm crazy, and distance themselves from me, grouping together, wondering what I'm going to do next. End of story !
Russia is not the West. They could have been much closer to the West and an ally in more things. But we need our enemies. We had a good chance after the fall of the Soviet Union to improve things better than what they are.
The United States did many things to encourage democracy in Russia. Russia even had favored nation status. It all failed, the KGB and the wealthy formed an oligarchy and all hopes for a real democracy were thrown to the wayside. Essentially, their leadership chose to go back to their old ways. Fear and intimidation, violence and indoctrination, chaos and Reactionarism. Creating a hopeless situation and lack of real prosperity.
I think you've got it wrong. The unprovoked attack on the Ukraine by Russia has Finland and Sweden reconsidering their position of neutrality. putin's actions have brought all this upon himself. Just think of it as a personal interaction. Example: I'm in a crowd of people. I have a vague feeling the guy standing next to me is about to hit me. So I hit him first. The whole crowd is stunned. I tried to explain to them that I feared he was going to hit me. Everyone in the crowd just looks at me like I'm crazy, and distance themselves from me, grouping together, wondering what I'm going to do next. End of story !
You exposed yourself as uninformed as soon as you used the word “unprovoked.“ Please get informed which requires that you stop consuming corporate media propaganda.
The United States did many things to encourage democracy in Russia. Russia even had favored nation status. It all failed, the KGB and the wealthy formed an oligarchy and all hopes for a real democracy were thrown to the wayside. Essentially, their leadership chose to go back to their old ways. Fear and intimidation, violence and indoctrination, chaos and Reactionarism. Creating a hopeless situation and lack of real prosperity.
The US government can't stop sending Billions of $$$ to war in Ukraine, meanwhile healthcare is STILL the #1 cause of bankruptcy in this country. Half of all cancer patients lose their ENTIRE life savings. And US has just seen the largest decrease in life expectancy since WWII.

What a great country!
You exposed yourself as uninformed as soon as you used the word “unprovoked.“ Please get informed which requires that you stop consuming corporate media propaganda.
Tell me then, exactly when did the Ukraine invade Russia and how many people did they murder.
Apparently you don’t know what the word unprovoked means.
All the Ukraine did was want to join NATO. Which is their right, and the invasion of the Ukraine simply confirmed that Russia is an always was a threat to them. putin really screwed this one up. He allowed his emotions and his delusions to get the better of him. Not sorry, the Soviet Union is long gone and the Ukraine isn't a slave state to the Russians any longer.

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