Romney supporters


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
I am posting this to make the people on the where are the threads supporting Romney thread happy since they seem I don't know put off because there aren't many at this point.So simple question do you support Romney and why? I do simple reason economy and jobs he has been in the private sector and has been a success there and knows what kind of environment is need for businesses to succeed and create jobs.
I am posting this to make the people on the where are the threads supporting Romney thread happy since they seem I don't know put off because there aren't many at this point.So simple question do you support Romney and why? I do simple reason economy and jobs he has been in the private sector and has been a success there and knows what kind of environment is need for businesses to succeed and create jobs.

I support him for the reasons you do and I think he is a good person who is decent, kind and capable. I also support him because I think in his heart he LOVES his country and he can beat Obama. He is the perfect, imperfect man for the job.
I support him. He's smart, great on economics, fiscally conservative, compassionate, decent human being.
I am posting this to make the people on the where are the threads supporting Romney thread happy since they seem I don't know put off because there aren't many at this point.So simple question do you support Romney and why? I do simple reason economy and jobs he has been in the private sector and has been a success there and knows what kind of environment is need for businesses to succeed and create jobs.

I support him for the reasons you do and I think he is a good person who is decent, kind and capable. I also support him because I think in his heart he LOVES his country and he can beat Obama. He is the perfect, imperfect man for the job.

And the more HUMAN candidate that does belive in economic liberty.
I am posting this to make the people on the where are the threads supporting Romney thread happy since they seem I don't know put off because there aren't many at this point.So simple question do you support Romney and why? I do simple reason economy and jobs he has been in the private sector and has been a success there and knows what kind of environment is need for businesses to succeed and create jobs.

Obama has been an abysmal failure.

He should have heeded Carville's words...'It's the ECONOMY, stupid...'

(And class warfare and ENVY, Divide and conquer isn't the way to garner support).

People are tired of the division.

Romney will be better at healing the nation than Obama could ever hope.
He is far from my ideal candidate...but on the issue that matters most to me as a single mom, which is the economy, I have a lot more confidence in Romney's ability to steer us in a better direction.
1) He has a history of eliminating corruption and waste in the private, non-profit, and government sectors.
2) He's extremely practical.
3) He's an effective leader.
4) He understands how business works and isn't going to create needless regulations to overburden them.
5) He isn't afraid to let business fail.
6) He's promising to cut spending by eliminating programs and move anything that can and should be done by the states to the states
7) He has experience with budgeting.
8) He is promising to work towards energy independence. Much better than letting our rates necessarily skyrocket.

Is he perfect? hardly. But he is someone we can clearly work with and who has the nations best interests at heart.
I am posting this to make the people on the where are the threads supporting Romney thread happy since they seem I don't know put off because there aren't many at this point.So simple question do you support Romney and why? I do simple reason economy and jobs he has been in the private sector and has been a success there and knows what kind of environment is need for businesses to succeed and create jobs.

You can say that again!
1) He has a history of eliminating corruption and waste in the private, non-profit, and government sectors.
2) He's extremely practical.
3) He's an effective leader.
4) He understands how business works and isn't going to create needless regulations to overburden them.
5) He isn't afraid to let business fail.
6) He's promising to cut spending by eliminating programs and move anything that can and should be done by the states to the states
7) He has experience with budgeting.
8) He is promising to work towards energy independence. Much better than letting our rates necessarily skyrocket.

Is he perfect? hardly. But he is someone we can clearly work with and who has the nations best interests at heart.

9) Will get RID of overlapping/duplicate Government Institutions/Departments and those most wasteful of the taxpayer's money.
1) He has a history of eliminating corruption and waste in the private, non-profit, and government sectors.
2) He's extremely practical.
3) He's an effective leader.
4) He understands how business works and isn't going to create needless regulations to overburden them.
5) He isn't afraid to let business fail.
6) He's promising to cut spending by eliminating programs and move anything that can and should be done by the states to the states
7) He has experience with budgeting.
8) He is promising to work towards energy independence. Much better than letting our rates necessarily skyrocket.

Is he perfect? hardly. But he is someone we can clearly work with and who has the nations best interests at heart.

Do you think President Obama also has the nation's best interests at heart?
This is a tough one for the poor rw's. the only way they can support this etch a sketch is to ignore every single thing he has ever say and done.

He's an economic disaster, very ignorant, a failure as a governor, couldn't produce jobs, has no compassion for humans OR dogs and lies and/or hides almost every thing about himself.

But, just like Bush, this is not a problem for the sheeples who have been told to vote for any idiot rather than for a (black) man who has produced jobs and economic growth.

Looking back over the comedy of the past few months, its obvious that if there's one thing the rw's are very good at, its ignoring the faults of their Clown Car Candidates.

I am posting this to make the people on the where are the threads supporting Romney thread happy since they seem I don't know put off because there aren't many at this point.So simple question do you support Romney and why? I do simple reason economy and jobs he has been in the private sector and has been a success there and knows what kind of environment is need for businesses to succeed and create jobs.

I support him for the reasons you do and I think he is a good person who is decent, kind and capable. I also support him because I think in his heart he LOVES his country and he can beat Obama. He is the perfect, imperfect man for the job.

And the more HUMAN candidate that does belive in economic liberty.

He has the LIBERTY of $250,000,000 PLUS to play with, also.
I support Romney...


...not nearly so much as his magical underwear does.

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