Romney, Obama, Scalia all agree: They say Individual Mandate not a tax


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Health care mandate not a tax
and yet Obama argued it was a tax to keep it from being overturned.

See if it's not a tax then we all have to agree that the Supreme Court decision was wrong and Obamacare should have been overturned. If you are going to argue it wasnt a tax then you have to concede that the Court got it wrong.
Lakhota put down the huffpo crap. It's a tax that penalizes, it would be nice if liberals wanted to penalize pedophiles and criminals and not people who dont buy healtcare.
Sorry bout that,

1. So Roberts lied, he called it a tax in order to not have to rule with justice.
2. Its a mandate, with a kicker, a fine if you don't follow the mandate.
3. So all in all Robert is a *fucking fag*.
4. Yup he's a libturd.

and yet Obama argued it was a tax to keep it from being overturned.

See if it's not a tax then we all have to agree that the Supreme Court decision was wrong and Obamacare should have been overturned. If you are going to argue it wasnt a tax then you have to concede that the Court got it wrong.

Get over it! The Supreme curt said it is constitutional. Whether it is tax or a fee or a penalty is of no significance. All that matters is that it is legal to collect it. Whatever it is.

Another 5-4 decision. There have been dozens of them and they are all legal.
I'm just waiting for all the Republican Governors to tell Obama to F*ck Off, just like he told the American people to do. Why should they enforce this law when Obama gets to pick and choose which law he wants to enforce.
and yet Obama argued it was a tax to keep it from being overturned.

See if it's not a tax then we all have to agree that the Supreme Court decision was wrong and Obamacare should have been overturned. If you are going to argue it wasnt a tax then you have to concede that the Court got it wrong.

Get over it! The Supreme curt said it is constitutional. Whether it is tax or a fee or a penalty is of no significance. All that matters is that it is legal to collect it. Whatever it is.

Another 5-4 decision. There have been dozens of them and they are all legal.

Nice ends justify the means arguement there Hitler. I'd rather my government not ram a bill they "didnt read" down our throats and try to sell it with the lie it wasnt a tax, but hey I guess you fascists and commies like that kind of government.
and yet Obama argued it was a tax to keep it from being overturned.

See if it's not a tax then we all have to agree that the Supreme Court decision was wrong and Obamacare should have been overturned. If you are going to argue it wasnt a tax then you have to concede that the Court got it wrong.

Get over it! The Supreme curt said it is constitutional. Whether it is tax or a fee or a penalty is of no significance. All that matters is that it is legal to collect it. Whatever it is.

Another 5-4 decision. There have been dozens of them and they are all legal.

and yet Obama argued it was a tax to keep it from being overturned.

See if it's not a tax then we all have to agree that the Supreme Court decision was wrong and Obamacare should have been overturned. If you are going to argue it wasnt a tax then you have to concede that the Court got it wrong.

Get over it! The Supreme curt said it is constitutional. Whether it is tax or a fee or a penalty is of no significance. All that matters is that it is legal to collect it. Whatever it is.

Another 5-4 decision. There have been dozens of them and they are all legal.


Another sheep Obamabot, how suprising.
I'm just waiting for all the Republican Governors to tell Obama to F*ck Off, just like he told the American people to do. Why should they enforce this law when Obama gets to pick and choose which law he wants to enforce.

Obama's most enduring legacy just may be how he has single-handedly degraded the rule of law.

He just shit all over America and simply does not give a fuck.

I'm just waiting for all the Republican Governors to tell Obama to F*ck Off, just like he told the American people to do. Why should they enforce this law when Obama gets to pick and choose which law he wants to enforce.
Rick, 'FRAUD isn't a four letter word' Scott will also refuse to abide by the law; perhaps with the private prisons, he needs a good long stay in one. Another "Kiss my butt USA" trend from the far right.

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