Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

RW220909-#13 rightwinger • Independents are leaving Republicans in droves
Cellblk221105-#87 • Good news Libtards, no abortions were banned by repealing RvW.

NFBW: Why do MAGA democracy abusers push a narrative that no abortions were banned as a result of the Catholic dominated Trump Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision.

Lisa558230213-#470 Lisa558 • There is no law disallowing abortion in America.

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/——-/ WARNING this is graphic.

NFBW: Have you Cellblock2429 confirmed the identities of the actors in the video?

Stew Peters Radio personality​

Peters first began his career in radio in 1998 while working for ClearChannelradio as an intern at 101.3 KDWB.[9]

In 2021, he, along with L. Lin Wood, became involved in a feud with Michael Flynn and Marjorie Taylor Greene regarding Flynn's endorsement of Vernon Jones and the future of Kyle Rittenhouse's bail fund.[17]

Peters was a speaker at the 2022 America First Political Action Conference, where he called for the murders of Anthony Fauci (lynched by hanging), and Vernon Jones(executed by electric chair).[22]

COVID-19 misinformationEdit

At the end of 2021, Peters was deplatformed from media services provider Spotify for pushing COVID-19 misinformation.[11]

In January 2022, Peters became involved in the legal case of Scott Quiner. On the Stew Peters Show, Quiner's wife claimed that Mercy Hospital was refusing to give Quiner proper treatment because of his refusal to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Mercy Hospital refused to provide a reason for taking Quiner off of a ventilator citing patient privacy. Peters encouraged his listeners to "blow the hospitals phone lines up", and he also shared the hospital's address and named the doctors involved.[23]Peters received criticism after his audience began making anonymous threats. After four days, Quiner was allowed to be transferred to a hospital in Texas which would provide the care that his family wanted. Quiner was described as the "most malnourished patient" a doctor at the Texas hospital had ever seen. He died on January 19, 2022.[24]

Peters produced two anti-vaccinefilms released in 2022: Watch the Water, which claims that COVID-19 vaccines are derived from snake venom in order to transform people into "a hybrid of Satan",[1][2] and Died Suddenly, which promotes misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines and Great Reset conspiracy theories.[4][25]

Personal life​

Peters has two sons and a daughter. He has coached his sons' hockey teams.[9]

In February 2021, Peters was arrested after his wife called the police, saying that he had come home drunk and started throwing things around the house. Peters later pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct and was sentenced to probation.[10][7]


At one point, Peters made a prediction as if he were a kind of MAGA prophet. For example, he claimed in June that unless Donald Trump was reinstated as the president in 60 days, humans would face an "extinction-level event." Of course, that never happened. Meet the new Alex Jones: Conspiracy nut with a troubling criminal past is MAGA's new favorite 'shock jock'
Mike Pence who wants a national abortion ban is a not-too-bright political worm who witnessed a possible crime by the President of the United States against the people of the United States but refused to be put under oath by the Justice Department for the purpose of doing his civic duty by telling the truth about the potential crimes of Donald J Trump committed when Trump became the worst sore loser of a presidential election in history.

A worm like Pence is not a good advocate to abolish a natural and unenumerated right to privacy for women to be given time to terminate an unwanted relationship with a fetus that had potential to cause harm suffering and death when carried to full term. It’s a right that 2.5 generations of women and partners have been granted and 70% of American want to be kept.

Pence is a stupid worm who will never be president nor anybody importsnt except maybe a church..
NFBW: Have you Cellblock2429 confirmed the identities of the actors in the video?

Stew Peters Radio personality​

Peters first began his career in radio in 1998 while working for ClearChannelradio as an intern at 101.3 KDWB.[9]

In 2021, he, along with L. Lin Wood, became involved in a feud with Michael Flynn and Marjorie Taylor Greene regarding Flynn's endorsement of Vernon Jones and the future of Kyle Rittenhouse's bail fund.[17]

Peters was a speaker at the 2022 America First Political Action Conference, where he called for the murders of Anthony Fauci (lynched by hanging), and Vernon Jones(executed by electric chair).[22]

COVID-19 misinformationEdit

At the end of 2021, Peters was deplatformed from media services provider Spotify for pushing COVID-19 misinformation.[11]

In January 2022, Peters became involved in the legal case of Scott Quiner. On the Stew Peters Show, Quiner's wife claimed that Mercy Hospital was refusing to give Quiner proper treatment because of his refusal to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Mercy Hospital refused to provide a reason for taking Quiner off of a ventilator citing patient privacy. Peters encouraged his listeners to "blow the hospitals phone lines up", and he also shared the hospital's address and named the doctors involved.[23]Peters received criticism after his audience began making anonymous threats. After four days, Quiner was allowed to be transferred to a hospital in Texas which would provide the care that his family wanted. Quiner was described as the "most malnourished patient" a doctor at the Texas hospital had ever seen. He died on January 19, 2022.[24]

Peters produced two anti-vaccinefilms released in 2022: Watch the Water, which claims that COVID-19 vaccines are derived from snake venom in order to transform people into "a hybrid of Satan",[1][2] and Died Suddenly, which promotes misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines and Great Reset conspiracy theories.[4][25]

Personal life​

Peters has two sons and a daughter. He has coached his sons' hockey teams.[9]

In February 2021, Peters was arrested after his wife called the police, saying that he had come home drunk and started throwing things around the house. Peters later pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct and was sentenced to probation.[10][7]


At one point, Peters made a prediction as if he were a kind of MAGA prophet. For example, he claimed in June that unless Donald Trump was reinstated as the president in 60 days, humans would face an "extinction-level event." Of course, that never happened. Meet the new Alex Jones: Conspiracy nut with a troubling criminal past is MAGA's new favorite 'shock jock'
/——-/ When you can’t refute the message, attack the messenger.
nmf202022-#1 notmyfault2020 • I can see God being ticked off at egregious sinners like the ones who promote abortion... and as long as there's ice cream in the fridge... who cares? •••• But why does He seem to pick on people who are actually doing what He says? or certainly trying to most of the time....

NFBW: America was founded by rational theists deeply immersed in the thinking of European Enlightenment of their time. America’s originating generation elected its first four president’s who did not believe in the Catholic or Protestant concept of original sin and salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ that controls the minds of Christians like notmyfault2020 causing them to question the sanity of their beliefs in a revealed religion.

None of the Gods of the revealed religions have any standing in the behavior or standing on the punishments for any sin against against God including pregnant woman who terminate the living human organism that needs to be part of and use her body to survive.

NMF is a professed Catholic because that specific church/revealed religion supposedly saved him from a life of sin. NFM has due cause to believe abortion is a sin. To avoid being a sinner then NMF merely need to never knock up a woman and then pay for her to get an abortion as Republican Herschel Walker did.

But why does C+ CarsomyrPlusSix , an atheist, take up the anti-abortion cause of NMF based on abortion bring a sin against Catholicism and the God whom Catholics worship?

Atheist Americans have little political power in America. C+ is a mercenary in the white Christian Nationalist culture war against our multicultural nation that our rational theist founding fathers established for us and for human beings to make progress from the Monarchy and Church alliances which they saw as the antithesis to liberty and self-reliance and self-rule of their day.

NMF can’t help his current state of Church controlled mind but C+ has no excuse for being an irrational human being fighting against human reason and science so angrily and as an ugly very ugly American.

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beagle9230214-#7,305 • Look, the mother knows herself that killing her pregnancy is a sin, especially when there is nothing wrong in the pregnancy. •••• God has placed that within her, and yet her piers and/or those that are surrounding her, well they want to say to her that she shouldn't be a shamed of dispatching or aborting her pregnancy, but then they turn right around and want to act as if they are these humanitarians in life, otherwise protector's of potential or active human life when in fact they are nothing of the sort.

NFBW: You are an American beagle9 . It means you cannot impose your revealed religion’s sin doctrine through law enforcement by our government on any other American except your own kids.

It is possibly why Justice Alito said this when Dobbs was being handed down.
“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..​

You should not question the motives of the mother who chooses to abort her child. Take it from a Catholic who made it to the Supreme Court. He knows the law, and the Constitution; the woman is not a murderer. You can’t play the Jesus sin card on her
And believe in liberty.

Why do you convolute everything into something other or more than what it is ?

Oh that's right, you are a lefty.

We have many law's that are not only derived from what we know about right and wrong, but they are of course echoed or taught in our religious doctrines, institution's and school's, and once the people see that such law's protect and promote the general well being of humanity, and human's be they born or unborn, then the citizen's whole heartedly agree with the law's, and then have no problem adopting them.
The motives of those opposing laws banning abortion is that they are bigoted pieces of shit.

There is nothing to question and nothing to speculate about. Pro-aborts are irrational bigots who hate for arbitrary reasons and want those they hate reduced to subhuman property so they can be killed.
The motives of those opposing laws banning abortion is that they are bigoted pieces of shit.

There is nothing to question and nothing to speculate about. Pro-aborts are irrational bigots who hate for arbitrary reasons and want those they hate reduced to subhuman property so they can be killed.
It appears that they aren't peaceful people that's for sure.
beagle9230214-#7,305 • Look, the mother knows herself that killing her pregnancy is a sin, especially when there is nothing wrong in the pregnancy. •••• God has placed that within her, and yet her peers and/or those that are surrounding her, well they want to say to her that she shouldn't be ashamed of dispatching or aborting her pregnancy, but then they turn right around and want to act as if they are these humanitarians in life, otherwise protector's of potential or active human life when in fact they are nothing of the sort.
NFBW230214-#7,309 • You are an American beagle9 . It means you cannot impose your revealed religion’s sin doctrine through law enforcement by our government on any other American except your own kids. •••• It is possibly why Justice Alito said this when Dobbs was being handed down.

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..​

You should not question the motives of the mother who chooses to abort her child. Take it from a Catholic who made it to the Supreme Court. He knows the law, and the Constitution; the woman is not a murderer. You can’t play the Jesus sin card on her and believe in liberty. It’s
beagle9230216-#7,326 • We have many law's that are not only derived from what we know about right and wrong, but they are of course echoed or taught in our religious doctrines.

NFBW: Secular “right as good” over Catholic “wrong as sin/evil” on the matter of abortion has been legal, beagle9 until the third trimester, for fifty years. Nearly three full generations of women from all the religious and philosophical traditions thriving in a liberal self governing democratic Republic like AMERICA have had access to legal and safe abortion and the majority of us oppose you beagle9 who want to take it away BASED ON YOUR RELIGION. Your belief in Jesus you have shown has you thinking your religion and concept of sin and evil entitles you to to tell me I am evil and you are good. And you want the government to tell women that it’s not her body when her reproductive organs are active and those eggs belong to the state if they get fertilized.

Do you think Sam Alito is a baby killing lefty scum degenerate as your atheist democracy abuser and cohort CarsomyrPlusSix calls me, because I am with Alito 100 percent that we as Americans should not question the motives of those who oppose laws that irrationally restrict abortion?

Is Alito wrong to agree with me?

LBT230213-#261 • “Jesus wasn't for . . . . aborting human life. LordBrownTrout

NFBW: What about human life that has no brain and lives inside a woman’s body?

When Jesus was a fetus did he have a brain and a consciousness of self that his father was God and his mother was a Virgin who was married to an earthly dude named Joe.

Just wondering what you think of the artificial scaffolding that Christians use to hold up their minds.
And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding...

{Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823}
Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson
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Cplus623016-#7,327 • The motives of those opposing laws banning abortion is that they are bigoted pieces of shit.


Alito said this when Dobbs was being handed down.

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..​
^ Does anyone even care one bit about whatever bullshit he is inferring from a quote from someone who is writing neutral language that is not meant to disparage anyone in correctly handing the matter back to the states per the 10th Amendment, which was the objectively correct thing to do?

Fuckface McOughtToOffHimselfTonight over here has been ranting about it for who even knows how long, and clearly no one gives a fuck, for good reason, yet it’s just so important to the stupid filth somehow…
someone who is writing neutral language that is not meant to disparage anyone i
Why does C* emote hatred and opposition towards neutral language not meant to disparage anyone who recognizes that on the matter of abortion there is a conflict of rights like no other that reasonable human beings must and need to deal with?

Being an asshole must be what makes such an asshole tick and that makes him shun being reasonable and intelligent.

And by the way, the majority in the United States of America are not with that asshole
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Cplus623016-#7,327 CarsomyrPlusSix • The motives of those opposing laws banning abortion is that they are bigoted pieces of shit.

MONK-EYE230215-#7,317 Monk-Eye • Prove where elective abortion is socially deleterious to an extent that it violates minimal standards of safety or security to the public at large .

NFBW: Here is my motive. I oppose laws banning elective abortion prior to 20 weeks which falls before a fetus acquires a physical brain because no case has been made that elective abortion is socially deleterious to an extent that it violates minimal standards of safety or security to the public at large and therefore no woman’s right to privacy during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy shall be abridged.

Fuckface McOughtToOffHimselfTonight over here has been ranting

^ Does anyone even care one bit about whatever bullshit he is inferring from a quote

Who is ranting:

Cplus623016-#7,327 • The motives of those opposing laws banning abortion is that they are bigoted pieces of shit.


“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..

I disagree with both, however being a civilized human being who is a dad to three beautiful daughters of my own, a grandpa to four and #5 coming in July; three boys one girl and one girl on the way. And a great grandpa to two, one boy, one girl . . . . .

one is an intellectual highly trained in Constitutional Law and jurisprudence and who is of the Catholic faith The other is an atheist on a message board who wants me dead and removed from the voters’ rolls for daring to disagree with him on when I believe (protected based on viability) life begins.

So beagle9 if you had to pick from those two which one would you say is civilized enough to trust the future of our grandkid’s lives to; Sam Alito or C+ ????? Be honest!

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Lisa558230123-#22 - What makes you think Judaism allows abortion?
Lesh230123-#36 Lesh • Jewish law does not consider the fetus to be a being with a soul until it is born. It does not have personhood. Furthermore, before 40 days, some poskim, or deciders of Jewish law, have a low bar for allowing an abortion. •••• The Talmud, in Yevamos 69b, cites the view of Rav Hisda that “until forty days from conception the fetus is merely water. It is not yet considered a living being.” •••• If there is a threat to a woman’s life, the safety of the mother takes precedence over continuing the pregnancy at any stage. Many sources illustrate this graphically and rather unambiguously, and all modern poskim, or religious decisors, agree on this. In fact, in certain circumstances, a fetus that endangers the life of the mother is legally considered a “murderer” in active pursuit. •••• For example, in a case of maternal danger, we find in Sanhedrin 72b (further clarified with Rashi’s commentary) that “a midwife may insert her hand into the womb and kill the fetus … [the reason is] for as long as the fetus has not emerged into the world, it is not a nefesh [a being with a soul]; one is therefore allowed to kill it and save the mother …”
NFBW: Jefferson and Adams were neither Christian or Jewish. The consensus is broadly that they were both rational theists on the matters of religion.
And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. •••• But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding... {Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823} Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson 230217^aa​
NFBW: Nearly 200 years later we had a President who convinced a Jewish voter metaphorically that the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter Is fact & that he lost re-election because the election was stolen.

Lisa558 211019-#122 • 3) Finally, on election night, when Trump was leading despite the media headwinds, Plan B went into effect. - •••• Almost on cue, five states that had Trump well in the lead all screamed “halt!!!” while they trucked in tons of UNFOLDED mail-in ballots, with the statistical impossibility of many batches going 100% for Biden.

NFBW: APRIL 11 2023 will be the 200th Anniversary of our third president writing a letter to our second president expressing hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought would come to remove the artificial scaffolding that the Christian priesthood built to support a multitude of Christian minds.

And now states where fundamentalist believers of fables about Jesus dominate the population have been given license to impose their beliefs on all women of reproductive age that all pregnancies must be taken to natural birth.

So Lisa558 Why do you support what these religious conservatives are doing and why do you Beirut them that the election was stolen from Trump using trucked in ballots?

correction to post 7337
So Lisa558 Why do you support what these religious conservatives are doing and why do you believe them that the election was stolen from Trump using truckloads of illegal ballots?
JK230126-#509 jknowgood • Tell me, what did the baby do to deserve death

NFBW: Be conceived without a brain of its own into the natural world as the genetic offspring of a male and female parent when the female does not consent to the risk and disruption to her life that a full term natural unwanted unplanned pregnancy wouid bring. The brainless baby does not have a right to invade the privacy of a woman whenever circumstance causes a woman to make a choice about her life in private with her family and her doctor.

JK230126-#509 jknowgood • Tell me, what did the baby do to deserve death

NFBW: Be conceived without a brain of its own into the natural world as the genetic offspring of a male and female parent when the female does not consent to the risk and disruption to her life that a full term natural unwanted unplanned pregnancy wouid bring. The brainless baby does not have a right to invade the privacy of a woman whenever circumstance causes a woman to make a choice about her life in private with her family and her doctor.

If she didn't want that responsibility, maybe she should've be responsible before she had sex and used protection.

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