Robbery doesn't pay well when the clerk is armed and willing to fight....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This clerk shot and killed 2 armed robbers as they tried to rob his store......crime doesn't always pay....

No charges against Tulsa clerk who shot killed robbers News OK

No charges will be filed against a Tulsa convenience store clerk who shot and killed two armed men during an attempted robbery of the store.
Ryan’s Convenience Store clerk Bradley Keeling shot and killed Kevin Dobbs and Brian Powell on Jan. 13 when they entered the store and attempted to rob it.First Assistant District Attorney John David Luton says in a news release that Keeling was justified in shooting the men under Oklahoma’s `Stand Your Ground Law.’ The law allows a person to use deadly force when he or she has a reasonable fear of great bodily harm or death.
Two other people suspected of being a part of the robbery attempt have been arrested and charged with first-degree murder in connection with the deaths of Dobbs and Powell.
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.
Of course you would...but that's just how gd weird you are.
Every armed robber should be put to death. During the robbery, or after the fact.
If I'm being robbed at gunpoint, I'm not gonna assume they won't kill me if I give them the money. Therefore, I am justified in killing their sorry ass.
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.

Unless they just kill you anyway....but how will you know until they shoot you....happens all the time.....

Saw a show.....a motel clerk gave the 3 robbers the money, they left....and then one dashed back and shot the clerk anyway.......all caught on closed circuit television.
I would not want to be that store clerk. Imagine living with that the rest of your life, justified as it was.
But I also wouldn't want to be dead, so I suppose I would have also chosen to shoot them.

What do you think would be the first thought in your mind when a gun is drawn on you?

"Oh fuck, I'm going to get killed". What's your instinct? Willingly give up your life, or fight for a chance to live? :dunno:
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.

Too many times the assholes kill the clerk just for the hell of it. I say all clerks who wish to be should be allowed to carry. Kill enough bad guys and they'll stop.
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.

Your response also brings up the Brown's chicken massacre, that happened here in Illinois in Palatine....The robbers got the money...then killed 7 employees in the cooler
Of the restaurant...

Brown s Chicken massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.
I can't be bothered reading stupid posts by LIB pyjama-boys like you. You are just the type a robber will shoot fucking dead.
No fucking balls.
Permanent Ignore.
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.

yes, because going along with the robbers works out in the end.

Also this is Oklahoma, they will probably give him a raise.

Wendy s massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The robbery was carefully planned, as Taylor had the manager of the restaurant (whom he knew) summon the entire staff to the basement on the pretense of having an important meeting. Once in the basement, Taylor and Godineaux bound and gagged all seven of the employees at gunpoint and then shot each of them in the head with a Bryco-Jennings Model J38 .380 caliber semi-automatic pistol. All but two of the employees died. One of the survivors dialled 9-1-1, and police arrived to find the victims and discovered $2,400 missing from the safe.
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.

Your response also brings up the Brown's chicken massacre, that happened here in Illinois in Palatine....The robbers got the money...then killed 7 employees in the cooler
Of the restaurant...

Brown s Chicken massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I worked for Sirloin Stockade in 1977 at 16, my sister worked there also....Roger Dale Stafford decided to rob the place and put all the employees into the walk-in then killed them....My sis and I dodged work that night to go to an Aerosmith concert....
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.

What wrongful death? The morons deserved what they got.
No charges but I'd fire his ass. The cash isn't worth the wrongful death suits. That's why major chains tell you never to fight back in a robbery or chase after a shoplifter. Do so and you are out of a job. This ain't the wild west anymore.

What wrongful death? The morons deserved what they got.

The families will tend to sue no matter what their youngsters may have done to wind up dead.....sometimes the group being sued doesn't want to take the chance that a jury will go the wrong way and award a huge settlement....

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