Rightwing radio host and anti-vaxxer dies of Covid

Here's yet another fake news story dreamed up by the Deep State Chinese Hitler Alinsky Swamp Commie Media that never happened MAGA freedom liberty:

“The doctor was trying to find him an ICU bed,” Puget said. “He said ‘we have been refused so far.’ He said ‘we have called Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Colorado.’”

All those darn people stuffing ICUs kept him from getting aid. Damn those people. Why are they taking up critical ICU space with something as silly as a minor flu like COVID? Why are they faking being so sick? Maybe the Democrats are making them do it! BLM! Antifa!
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Your appalling dancing on the graves of others aside, Dick Farrell was a big dude. So are you. Covid really doesn't like obesity, and the vaccine efficacy is waning. Did you get Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca? I wouldn't trust those so very much. Are you in line for boosters?
Don't waste your breath. People die every day except right now in the day and age of super magnified propaganda nobody dies of anything but covid. That of course is ridiculous but it's what we're facing right now.
If you listen to the media all liberals have completely stopped dying. The only ones experiencing death right now are conservatives. All covid deaths take place only in red states and it's only the unvaccinated in those states that are dying nobody else is dying from anything anywhere.

Nuff said

That's not true. It is widely known that around 40% of people do not get the disease for reasons their immune aystems stave it off, and no.one knows why or how their immunity comes around.
I mix freely with people who have had it and who say they have it now. I feel great. No mask....no shot...no fear.


A rightwing TV and radio host who was a vociferous critic of Dr Anthony Fauci and who urged his listeners not to get vaccinated against Covid-19 has died after contracting the virus.

Dick Farrel, who had described Fauci as a “power-tripping lying freak” who conspired with “power trip libb loons”, had urged people not to get vaccinated as recently as June.

He reportedly changed his opinion about vaccines after falling ill and later being admitted to hospital before passing away on 4 August aged 65. “He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, “I wish I had gotten [the vaccine]!” close friend Amy Leigh Hair wrote on Facebook.

Ive composed a few lines as an elegy to this fallen broadcaster.

Some lines on the death of anti vaxxer and trumper "Dick" Farrell (Deceased)

Lets shed a tear
For dopey Dick.
Despite him being
A stupid prick.

He lived his life
like a loon
Hes meeting Satan
pretty soon

T.Tainant 2021
Good Riddance. Maybe his death might actually save lives when his followers learn the news.
Your appalling dancing on the graves of others aside, Dick Farrell was a big dude. So are you. Covid really doesn't like obesity, and the vaccine efficacy is waning. Did you get Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca? I wouldn't trust those so very much. Are you in line for boosters?
Not even reading the thread of another obituary chaser that hopes for death to push a narrative.
Tommy joined the club of ghouls who inhabit the site.
Disgusting people.
I mix freely with people who have had it and who say they have it now. I feel great. No mask....no shot...no fear.

Two weeks ago at Mall of America with grandkids. No mask, no vacc. Crowded as hell in the lines for rides, so social distancing was non existent.
I suppose I should be dead by now.
Two weeks ago at Mall of America with grandkids. No mask, no vacc. Crowded as hell in the lines for rides, so social distancing was non existent.
I suppose I should be dead by now.
Only a matter of time
You have a date with COVID
I may already have three weeks before the shutdowns.
My visit to the MOA should have guaranteed my exposure. Yet, nothing.
You do realize contracting it doesn't equate certain death? Don't you?
Nope…it doesn’t

Could lead to hospitalization and heart and lung damage
But you showed those vaccination bastards

A rightwing TV and radio host who was a vociferous critic of Dr Anthony Fauci and who urged his listeners not to get vaccinated against Covid-19 has died after contracting the virus.

Dick Farrel, who had described Fauci as a “power-tripping lying freak” who conspired with “power trip libb loons”, had urged people not to get vaccinated as recently as June.

He reportedly changed his opinion about vaccines after falling ill and later being admitted to hospital before passing away on 4 August aged 65. “He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, “I wish I had gotten [the vaccine]!” close friend Amy Leigh Hair wrote on Facebook.

Ive composed a few lines as an elegy to this fallen broadcaster.

Some lines on the death of anti vaxxer and trumper "Dick" Farrell (Deceased)

Lets shed a tear
For dopey Dick.
Despite him being
A stupid prick.

He lived his life
like a loon
Hes meeting Satan
pretty soon

T.Tainant 2021
Fauci is a Power tripping lying Freak...
For the record, I really hate dancing on the graves of others Tommy, and for the record, it would be terrible if you died of Covid. Truly.

It's not good for your soul to rejoice in people's deaths just because you don't like what they said politically. It's really bad for you.

Well Tommy is a sick fuck so there's that
Two weeks ago at Mall of America with grandkids. No mask, no vacc. Crowded as hell in the lines for rides, so social distancing was non existent.
I suppose I should be dead by now.
Give it time...
Yeah. I have to work on a 40 degree roof today.
I could fall to my death almost every day despite precautions.
Life isn't always guarenteed safe...
I make my own risk assessments and too bad you can't seem to live with that.
And when working on that roof I'm sure you'll take appropriate safety precautions...no?

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