Rhode Island hunting down New Yorkers seeking coronavirus refuge

Will you still be laughing when it becomes necessary to take up arms to get back ANY of the liberties you're so cheerfully kissing good-bye?

If you're a liberal no need to answer. We already know you won't lift a finger in protest. But maybe raise your right arm.....
Desperate times require desperate measures.

A. These are not desperate enough times to require those desperate measures. You've only hyped it up to be that way.

B. It is not illegal to enter the State of Rhode Island or any other state with a New York license plate on your car. She's creating a major Constitutional crisis and setting her state up for multiple lawsuits.

Many states have border crossings and have for decades in keeping produce from other states infecting their crops. There is no difference in this governors EO, much like what trump did on steroids on our Southern Border. These days are more desperate than when trump mandated women and toddlers be separated and put in separate cages.
What is pathetic is that terms are mixed and confused to the point of becoming meaningless.
Will you still be laughing when it becomes necessary to take up arms to get back ANY of the liberties you're so cheerfully kissing good-bye?

If you're a liberal no need to answer. We already know you won't lift a finger in protest. But maybe raise your right arm.....
This is the trouble with "arms"; it is the first resort for those that have them. Reason has no place.
Gestapo days are here.

Desperate times require desperate measures. To make such a comparison goes beyond hyperbole; there is no road map to use in what direction to take to get where one want to be, in this case a safer environment for the Governors Constituents.

Fox News manipulates matters; why is something that I cannot understand. The crap that comes out of Hannity's mouth, and echoed by Fox&Friends is unworthy of consideration, on any issue and in particular in these times and in many cases evil.
Desperate times only because your masters tell you.
17,000 Americans died from H1N1 and nobody even blinked.
What is Master Trump telling you about this one? Just curious what your news sources are communicating to you.
Gestapo days are here.

Desperate times require desperate measures. To make such a comparison goes beyond hyperbole; there is no road map to use in what direction to take to get where one want to be, in this case a safer environment for the Governors Constituents.

Fox News manipulates matters; why is something that I cannot understand. The crap that comes out of Hannity's mouth, and echoed by Fox&Friends is unworthy of consideration, on any issue and in particular in these times and in many cases evil.
You watch those shows? I didn’t think so.
It's kind of pathetic that Americans can't survive more than a month without screaming for government to come rescue them.

So much for all of those economic rainbows and unicorns everyone was talking about the last few years. But we already knew that...
All healthy people are carriers that’s on the media
Gestapo days are here.

Desperate times require desperate measures. To make such a comparison goes beyond hyperbole; there is no road map to use in what direction to take to get where one want to be, in this case a safer environment for the Governors Constituents.

Fox News manipulates matters; why is something that I cannot understand. The crap that comes out of Hannity's mouth, and echoed by Fox&Friends is unworthy of consideration, on any issue and in particular in these times and in many cases evil.
Desperate times only because your masters tell you.
17,000 Americans died from H1N1 and nobody even blinked.
>24,000 have died with the flu and crickets.

That’s the figure that confirms a hoax
That was step 3 in the 4 part scam

1. Hurt Trump for 2020 and continue to meddle in results from 2016.’
2 Punish the productive in America while reward deadbeats with “rental holds” and lay waste to the economy and stock market
3. Test how quickly Americans will fall in line and surrender their liberties
4.Get China the money we owe them and we now know that was accomplished by a huge number of short calls due in March where Chinese had advanced knowledge of this in November and bought hugely discounted shorts on major stocks and are turning billions into trillions as we speak.
Gestapo days are here.

Desperate times require desperate measures. To make such a comparison goes beyond hyperbole; there is no road map to use in what direction to take to get where one want to be, in this case a safer environment for the Governors Constituents.

Fox News manipulates matters; why is something that I cannot understand. The crap that comes out of Hannity's mouth, and echoed by Fox&Friends is unworthy of consideration, on any issue and in particular in these times and in many cases evil.
Desperate times only because your masters tell you.
17,000 Americans died from H1N1 and nobody even blinked.
>24,000 have died with the flu and crickets.

That’s the figure that confirms a hoax

"a hoax"? You really are out of touch with reality. Stop watching sesame street and hannity, they are cartoon characters and feed you a fantasy view of real life.
Gestapo days are here.

Desperate times require desperate measures. To make such a comparison goes beyond hyperbole; there is no road map to use in what direction to take to get where one want to be, in this case a safer environment for the Governors Constituents.

Fox News manipulates matters; why is something that I cannot understand. The crap that comes out of Hannity's mouth, and echoed by Fox&Friends is unworthy of consideration, on any issue and in particular in these times and in many cases evil.
Desperate times only because your masters tell you.
17,000 Americans died from H1N1 and nobody even blinked.
>24,000 have died with the flu and crickets.

That’s the figure that confirms a hoax

"a hoax"? You really are out of touch with reality. Stop watching sesame street and hannity, they are cartoon characters and feed you a fantasy view of real life.
What a hypocrite you are! Accusing others of relying on misinformation while spewing misinformation yourself!

Start spreading the flu
I'm leaving today
I want to be imparting it
New York, New York

These corona shoes
Are longing to stray
Right from the very heart of it
New York, New York

I wanna wake up in a cell
After some sleep
And find I'm infected still
Total flu creep

These little town fines
Three squares and a cot
I'll make a brand new start of it
From old New York

If I can take it there
I'll take it anywhere
You’re all so screwed!
New York, New York

New York, New York

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Sinatra
It's interesting that CNN keeps reminding viewers how many cases have increased in America. Yet, they suggested just now, some directly others indirectly, that "a quarantine in New York isn't necessary nor legal, but, a broad quarantine of the country would help stop the virus".

I'm lost about their objective or even their reasoning. Especially when 1 state has about half of all of your cases while the other 49 are responsible for the other half.
Gestapo days are here.

Desperate times require desperate measures. To make such a comparison goes beyond hyperbole; there is no road map to use in what direction to take to get where one want to be, in this case a safer environment for the Governors Constituents.

Fox News manipulates matters; why is something that I cannot understand. The crap that comes out of Hannity's mouth, and echoed by Fox&Friends is unworthy of consideration, on any issue and in particular in these times and in many cases evil.
Desperate times only because your masters tell you.
17,000 Americans died from H1N1 and nobody even blinked.
>24,000 have died with the flu and crickets.

That’s the figure that confirms a hoax

"a hoax"? You really are out of touch with reality. Stop watching sesame street and hannity, they are cartoon characters and feed you a fantasy view of real life.
What a hypocrite you are! Accusing others of relying on misinformation while spewing misinformation yourself!

As usual, I have no clue what motivates you to post. You never have anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking to contribute. Are you that desperate for attention?

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