How many days before the riots start in the cities?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Never mind. It's already started.

Social unrest could erupt among the urban poor and marginalised in the West's biggest cities as they lack sources of income amid the COVID-19 crisis, the head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) said on Friday...

"This is a social bomb that can explode at any moment, because they don't have any way to have an income," said Rocca, whose Geneva-based agency also deploys volunteers in hard-hit Spain and France.

He said the largest Western cities could see these problems emerge "in a few weeks".

Pandemic could spark unrest among West's urban poor - Red Cross aid agency

Overnight rioting and fire in Newburgh, NY

"A fire was burning at the intersection of First and Carpenter streets in the City of Newburgh about midnight Saturday. Tensions ran high in the city Friday evening after police said an armed man was shot and killed by a police officer, and an officer was shot, during an incident on William Street."

Overnight rioting and fire in Newburgh (with video)

Virus prevention measures turn violent in parts of Africa

"Police fired tear gas at a crowd of Kenyan ferry commuters as the country’s first day of a coronavirus curfew slid into chaos. Elsewhere, officers were captured in mobile phone footage whacking people with batons."

Virus prevention measures turn violent in parts of Africa
That makes absolutely no sense. The GOP already has the presidency and the Senate. The only thing we want in 2020 is to take control of the House.

Why would we have to use "false flag attacks" to cause political upheavel when we're already pretty much in control?

Did you see this one happening?

Say what they want about InfoWars, they're the only one I've heard that story from.
Typical. That infowars bunch usually has some sort of gloom/doom stuff. It makes him a good living when he's not blowing it on lawyers for drunk driving. I don't live in a big city. Not sure why anyone chooses to. Not too worried. They riot and burn in this contry just because their sports team loses a championship, or even wins one.
How many days before the riots start in the cities?
What the conservitard timeframe for the false flag attacks?

Why would we need to utilize "false flag attacks" when we're already in power?

Because you kids aren't too bright.
Right the dumbest mf-ers on the planet beat your sorry bitch in a rigged election. Yeah we dumb....
I didn't say Vladimir Putin was dumb.

Did you see this one happening?

Say what they want about InfoWars, they're the only one I've heard that story from.
Typical. That infowars bunch usually has some sort of gloom/doom stuff. It makes him a good living when he's not blowing it on lawyers for drunk driving. I don't live in a big city. Not sure why anyone chooses to. Not too worried. They riot and burn in this contry just because their sports team loses a championship, or even wins one.

I just found it curious that none of the news networks mentioned that.

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