Republicans turn on Trump after Georgia loss

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I said two months ago that this was going to happen. Trump and his cult spent the last two months ranting about stolen election conspiracies and in Georgia, particularly, demonizing the state Republican Party and including them as part of the cabal instead of accepting their loss gracefully and working to hang on to those two Senate seats. The toxicity continued to sour the voters of Georgia and as a result they have handed the Senate over to Chuck Schumer. You people got exactly what you had coming to you for hitching your wagon to this horse.

With control of the Senate at stake in the state’s two races, the president chose to spend weeks peddling baseless claims that Georgia’s electoral system was rigged, fueling an online movement to boycott Tuesday’s election. He demonized the state’s Republican leaders and fractured the local GOP. He ignored calls from his allies to rally in the state sooner.

I said two months ago that this was going to happen. Trump and his cult spent the last two months ranting about stolen election conspiracies and in Georgia, particularly, demonizing the state Republican Party and including them as part of the cabal instead of accepting their loss gracefully and working to hang on to those two Senate seats. The toxicity continued to sour the voters of Georgia and as a result they have handed the Senate over to Chuck Schumer. You people got exactly what you had coming to for hitching your wagon to this horse.

With control of the Senate at stake in the state’s two races, the president chose to spend weeks peddling baseless claims that Georgia’s electoral system was rigged, fueling an online movement to boycott Tuesday’s election. He demonized the state’s Republican leaders and fractured the local GOP. He ignored calls from his allies to rally in the state sooner.

They'll won't admit it. At least until they turn on him like he turns on everyone else.

How appropriate, huh?
And voters have turned on Republicans and whatever it is they apparently stand for.

What's the over/under on when the next GOP President will win office? 16, 20 years?

I had hope in Rubio. I don't think it will work out for him now.
I said two months ago that this was going to happen. Trump and his cult spent the last two months ranting about stolen election conspiracies and in Georgia, particularly, demonizing the state Republican Party and including them as part of the cabal instead of accepting their loss gracefully and working to hang on to those two Senate seats. The toxicity continued to sour the voters of Georgia and as a result they have handed the Senate over to Chuck Schumer. You people got exactly what you had coming to you for hitching your wagon to this horse.

With control of the Senate at stake in the state’s two races, the president chose to spend weeks peddling baseless claims that Georgia’s electoral system was rigged, fueling an online movement to boycott Tuesday’s election. He demonized the state’s Republican leaders and fractured the local GOP. He ignored calls from his allies to rally in the state sooner.

So i am of a cult? I dont remember when i was for the establishment Repugnicraps who have worked across the aisle with the Commies of the left to screw over this country. You Progressive slaves though, just cant get enough of other people's money, can you? That is the cult......
I do not doubt that Biden and the democrats will fuck things up so bad in the next 4 years that whoever the GOP nominee is in 2024 will win, voter/election fraud or not. That's assuming Trump isn't the nominee though, that fuckwad's political career is over; if he can't beat Joe Biden then he can't beat anybody. And if the Repubs nominate Trump anyway, well he won't be getting my vote then.
And voters have turned on Republicans and whatever it is they apparently stand for.

What's the over/under on when the next GOP President will win office? 16, 20 years?

I had hope in Rubio. I don't think it will work out for him now.
Sorry, but that's not what happened.
GOP voters got screwed by Dominion Machines made by China.
They turned Sen. Graham into a seer, among other things.

Career politicians are the worst to take advice from. What did he do in all of his life in politics to defend America against China? That's the gold standard. It's why I once had hope for Rubio, he at least gets it. I wanted Rubio or Rand Paul in 2016, I had little hope in Trump. After listening to Trump talk about the jobs lost to China, your southern border and being weak on standing up to threats, I realized "this is the guy with the balls big enough to act and not just talk".

Too many Chamberlains pretending to be Churchills. I put John McCain and John Bolton among them, and there are many in both of our nations.

Talk tough and brave against Iran, Cuba and Russia, that's really great. They might be missing a few other more paramount threats however. Not as if Hollywood or MSM will defy this threat.
I never cared for Trump but I didn't become a well wisher for Biden until Trump started hammering on election fraud in September. I initially thought after the election things would return to normal and Democrats would have difficulty getting folks to show up for the run off. GOP should have taken this one in a cakewalk.
I never cared for Trump but I didn't become a well wisher for Biden until Trump started hammering on election fraud in September. I initially thought after the election things would return to normal and Democrats would have difficulty getting folks to show up for the run off. GOP should have taken this one in a cakewalk.

Had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with voters who won't get behind GOP anymore. How much more money did deep pockets deliver to Dems in other states, and now Georgia?

If Trump had won the presidency, I bet you of this cash would have been wasted again, just as it was in Grahams election. Instead, it overwhelmed and now defeated voting bloc who see the country changing and know they don't have the politicians on their team to stop it.

You ever hear a voter say "after such and such was so spineless, I will NEVER vote for ______ Party again"? This is what we are experiencing, on top of massive global influence (Primarily from Americas enemies) openly influencing and controlling your politicians and agencies.
OP math and science says it wasn't Trump's fault. Trump staved off the blue wave in the general, shocking even the Democrats as they failed to flip hardly any Republican districts. The blue wave fizzled. Now you have a couple run off elections in a state that is widely believed to have engaged in election fraud and rigging/ignoring state election laws. Reps lose the two runoff elections shocker, how is that Trump's fault?
And voters have turned on Republicans and whatever it is they apparently stand for.

I do believe Trump wore out his welcome, in part due to the continuous and vicious coverage in the press over his entire time in office and even before that. And the other part was his own personality and character that rubbed so many Americans the wrong way, and finally the fuckwad couldn't keep his GodDamn mouth shut. He can bitch al he wants but IMHO the person most responsible for Trump's defeat was Donald J. Trump.

Aside from that, the thing that cost the GOP those 2 Senate Seats in Georgia was their refusal to pass the $2000 relief checks. Too many people want that money and they voted for the democrats to get it.
Trump cost Republicans the Senate.

All his whining about fraud and trying to overturn the election did nothing except disenfranchise his base and further energize their opponents.

I believe any other Republican candidate would have been sane, wouldn’t have caused such a big Democrat turnout, and would have easily cruised to a second term.

Worse yet, you may have woken up an entire group of people who WERE apolitical and you turned them away from the Republican Party for years to come.

Congratulations, Trump supporters. You brought this upon yourselves.
I said two months ago that this was going to happen. Trump and his cult spent the last two months ranting about stolen election conspiracies and in Georgia, particularly, demonizing the state Republican Party and including them as part of the cabal instead of accepting their loss gracefully and working to hang on to those two Senate seats. The toxicity continued to sour the voters of Georgia and as a result they have handed the Senate over to Chuck Schumer. You people got exactly what you had coming to you for hitching your wagon to this horse.

With control of the Senate at stake in the state’s two races, the president chose to spend weeks peddling baseless claims that Georgia’s electoral system was rigged, fueling an online movement to boycott Tuesday’s election. He demonized the state’s Republican leaders and fractured the local GOP. He ignored calls from his allies to rally in the state sooner.

So i am of a cult? I dont remember when i was for the establishment Repugnicraps who have worked across the aisle with the Commies of the left to screw over this country. You Progressive slaves though, just cant get enough of other people's money, can you? That is the cult......
Don’t attempt logic with a LibBot.
Trump cost Republicans the Senate.

All his whining about fraud and trying to overturn the election did nothing except disenfranchise his base and further energize their opponents.

I believe any other Republican candidate would have been sane, wouldn’t have caused such a big Democrat turnout, and would have easily cruised to a second term.

Worse yet, you may have woken up an entire group of people who WERE apolitical and you turned them away from the Republican Party for years to come.

Congratulations, Trump supporters. You brought this upon yourselves.

Trump could have done this quietly behind the scenes, but he didn't do the right thing, because he loves to scream about it to the world.
Face it the Dim’s are better at vote farming. The untapped base was masterfully exploited. As for the future of the nation state legislatures will decide the fate of election integrity.
Once you cross the line there is no turning back.
The toxicity continued to sour the voters of Georgia

The fix was in. The fascists were going to win both Senate seats regardless of how many votes the GOP Senators received. The fascists were always going to find just enough votes to "win", if you catch my drift.

The standard of living of poor and middle-class Americans is going to take a nose-dive.

The attraction of evil in the forms of covetousness and arrogance are powerful. That is the basis of socialism and the Democratic Party - evil, covetousness, pride. They think they're better than anyone else so anything they do, from lying to cheating and corruption are just fine because, well, they're BETTER than you. They're SMARTER than you, and they keep on telling you that as they destroy this once great and free nation. Brainwashed by Leftist educators.


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