Proof Obama Lied: Hostage Plane Delayed Until Ransom Paid

Hillary calls grieving parents liars...
Jake calls released hostages liars...

Prove what, NYC?

That Jake just called a hostage a liar, or are you calling a Gold Star Mom a liar, too?

Shame, shame....
Why did the Hussein administration lie about the 400 million? Was it in cash and how was it packaged? How do we know that a couple of million wasn't skimmed off to finance domestic terrorism and support Hillary? The timing is coincidental? How does the administration get away with this stuff without consulting with congress after democrats tried to impeach Reagan for diverting funds to fight communism in Central America?
Butthurt Barry said it was not like a "spy novel" or a "crime novel." Butthurt Barry said cash transactions of $400,000,000 are no big deal. But Butthurt Barry why is the IRS notified anytime an American citizen moves $10,000? As whitehall alluded to, it is to prevent money laundering. Is it possible Barry Hussaine is unfamiliar with basic IRS rules?

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