Problem With Caps In Thread Title


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I want to post this: "NFL" or "NPR" or "MLB" etc. In the thread title.

But no matter how many times I try to post and fix in an edit, it always come out like this: "Nfl" or "Npr" "Mlb" etc.
The software's doing it -- another case of The Machine thinking it knows more than the writer. It thinks it's "correcting". God I hate that.

I brought up the same issue on the vBulletin format where if a poster say, demonstrated exactly the fault I just described I'd want to post:


--- but the software would change it to "Qed". Oddly this new format doesn't do that within the message body.

If this can be turned off (@cereal_killer) it would be a boon to those of us to whom case matters.
I want to post this: "NFL" or "NPR" or "MLB" etc. In the thread title.

But no matter how many times I try to post and fix in an edit, it always come out like this: "Nfl" or "Npr" "Mlb" etc.
Try putting a space between each letter. Instead of NFL...type N F L
Same problem, here. I thought it was because I am using Android OS, or because of my Browser, but now I see even some of you guys talking about the same issues I've been troubled with and it sounds like it's our forum software that is at fault!

There isn't a perfect forum out there, a actually. I should know, I've used most of 'em!

Cheerio, folks. Happy typing!

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