Trump Considering Texas AG Ken Paxton For US Attorney General

Speculation bothers you?
Speculation is how Bugs act throughout the day.
Or old timer Gold Prospectors.One can speculate about almost
anything short of their height.
Like who woulda thought that the Young Trump { Baron }
would be like 6'7" and still growing.
Before long Old Man Trump will need a person specializing
in how big the inside of a Limo should be for someone
that's the size of an NBA basketball player { forward position }
and has enough head room left over to take a good slap in the
face from Pops if he starts cussing uncontrolably.
Something many a kid Baron's age develops.
The election was stolen, and you know it. or are you really that dumb?
It started in Pennsylvania { a very Pro Democrat State }.
Where the governing Body { State Legislature } decides the
rules and procedures for an Election.The pennsylvania State
Legislature was a majority Republican.So they decided Election
rules,procedures etc.However the Governor of the state was
a rabid Trump hater and Democrat.As was his Secretary-of-State
who also went on record making disparaging remarks about
President Trump.
Double whammy.The State Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
was a majority Democrat.They had no right to change whatever
Rules and Procedures The Republican State Legialature enacted.
But the State Supreme court of Pennsylvania { with a razor slim
democrat Majority } voted and changed key Election guidelines
and rules.This was a couple months before November 5th.
John Roberts was informed immediately about taking it to his
SCOTUS but declined.Justice Alito prodded and demanded
this be taken up by the Supreme Court.Even those like Mark levin
working with The Heritage Foundation ? and other legal
authority to no avail.
That is one reason why Pennsylvania was key to the 2020
Election.That is why pennsylvania posed many problems.
Like stopping the vote count in the early morning hrs.
All kinds of problems with Vote counting watchers.
They were told to either leave or stay back too far from seeing
ballots being read.Plus the ballot counters were as far from
the barriers { where poll watchers were instructed to stand }.
Biden also made a faux pas.On the night of the election
when many states had already finished counting ballots
but pennsylvania was way behind { not close to calling
the race } Biden went on public TV and acted very nonchalent
and warned that it may take some time for all the ballots
to be counted.To be patient and wait .
How the Fuch did Biden know ballots were not gonna be
fully counted for another day or two or like that Friday.
That's how an Election is stolen or rigged.By slowing the
counting and returns coming in until the numbers jive for
a particular Party.Knowing fully what Counties are most
likely to have a majority of Democrat votes.
That is how Allen West had his Congressional seat
stolen.Also Andrew Gillum pulled the same stunt.
The Steal was real ( in 6-8 Counties in 5 States )
Eventually it will come definitively.Most historic things
do.Not all but enough.Just like the way Trump is purposedly
being falsely accused and targetted so the Party of Scumbaggers
{ Democrats } can call him a convicted Felon.
This is how Stalinism took over Russia.It took many years
but just a few crazed men like Marx and his commies.
Doctor Zhivago kinda addresses what a country looks like
when it's overtaken by commies.
Prove it. Shit gibbon Trump can't.
The evidence is out there. You morons just say it means nothing. Nothing if laws are broke. We see that today as you let criminals run the street GA. Fulton county is missing over 300,000 ballot images and signatures were never verified. Those are election changing numbers.

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