Andy Reid Defends Butker

He never said what they should do.

If you have to be that dishonest, this will be difficult to discuss.

yes, but if people like you are strawmanning his opinion, that’s a problem
No one, Mike, is strawmanning his opinion. He has the right to make it, others have a right to attack it. You learned those principles lately.
Happiness from motherhood isn’t correlated with income. It’s natural behavioral psychology.

Nice try.. but, you’re wrong in your attempt. It honestly seems like you’re just spitballing, flailing to make up an excuse, or deflect

And Butker should have advocated both
Not…stay home like my wife did
Easy to say when you make 4 million a year.

Many jobs are also fulfilling….Teaching children, taking care of the sick, posting on USMB
Posting on USMB pays me $13 parttime on each post.

Yes, it is a minor job but fulfilling as I stay home and take care of the homeland and livestock and the family.
Just STOP with the wrong and lying claim.
You know exactly what I said.

Tell me where I said "Women to not seek a career"
You are doing exactly what you claimed I did.

I have a Niece that has 6 beautiful Children that she homeschooled (mostly, some public school) and I say she is a wonderful mother and wife, and that her CAREER has worked out just as she planned.
Most/nearly all people attacking Butker are saying that he’s saying women shouldn’t seek a career or should only have children. That’s a fact
And Butker should have advocated both
He never said not to get a career. You seem to just come from a leftist/democrat norm where women should 100% be encouraged to seek high status career success… and when someone isn’t in your radical lane, they are somehow guilty of pushing women down.

He simply glorified motherhood to young women. That oddly seems to make leftists/democrats angry
Not…stay home like my wife did
Easy to say when you make 4 million a year.
So you’re going to continue to make things up? Happiness from motherhood isn’t correlated with income.
He never said not to get a career.

He kinda did in the example he chose of his wife giving up her career to raise children and how fulfilling it was.

He could have chosen the example of his mother who had a career AND motherhood.
Her child grew up to make 4 million a year
Most/nearly all people attacking Butker are saying that he’s saying women shouldn’t seek a career or should only have children. That’s a fact
Sure, so those people have a right to their OPINION, and Those People that are speaking out represent a small % of the population.
He kinda did in the example he chose of his wife giving up her career to raise children and how fulfilling it was.
Wow, what a horrible thing to say to young women
He could have chosen the example of his mother who had a career AND motherhood.
I’m sorry he didn’t cater to leftist/feminist worldviews to your liking. Saying motherhood can be/can likely be the most valued thing in a woman’s life (and not her career) is largely correct, and to be said proudly, not to become outraged at. It shows just how cynical the left/feminists are to become so angry over this.
Sure, so those people have a right to their OPINION
Having the “right to an opinion” doesn’t mean the opinion is based on what was actually said or that it is correct.
, and Those People that are speaking out represent a small % of the population.
Yet they are seen by many as the majority, because leftist bottlenecks in media, social media, and entertainment repeat the falsehoods that you’re referencing to the masses. It’s important to clarify and correct people who are slandering someone with a message they never made. Don’t you agree?
Having the “right to an opinion” doesn’t mean the opinion is based on what was actually said or that it is correct.

Yet they are seen by many as the majority, because leftist bottlenecks in media, social media, and entertainment repeat the falsehoods that you’re referencing to the masses. It’s important to clarify and correct people who are slandering someone with a message they never made. Don’t you agree?
Yes, and I've made it clear that I despise ALL politicians, but I can't point out flaws by others with being accused of 'supporting biden' or 'supporting all things left'
Wow, what a horrible thing to say to young women

I’m sorry he didn’t cater to leftist/feminist worldviews to your liking. Saying motherhood can be/can likely be the most valued thing in a woman’s life (and not her career) is largely correct, and to be said proudly, not to become outraged at. It shows just how cynical the left/feminists are to become so angry over this.
There is nothing wrong with advancing the joys of motherhood.

But he was addressing women just starting their careers.
Warning to balance career and family is a wise thing to do.

Bringing up your wife as an example of abandoning your career in favor of motherhood is not warranted.
There is nothing wrong with advancing the joys of motherhood.

But he was addressing women just starting their careers.
Warning to balance career and family is a wise thing to do.

Bringing up your wife as an example of abandoning your career in favor of motherhood is not warranted.
In a society where the focus is on young women to be aggressively career driven, merely suggesting an alternative option that is proven to bring happiness more often to women is warranted. Women shouldn’t be indoctrinated into trying to basically become hyper-competitive men, suppressing their natural behavioral psychology. Motherhood should be a forefront option to them, and here you are squawking that he suggested it.

You do know that there’s an epidemic of women in their late 30’s+ who are college educated, successful, single, depressed, and lonely.. don’t you? That’s not good, but they followed the feminist mantra, ignored marriage in their 20’s when they had all the youth and openness to find a guy, and now are finding out too late that men generally don’t seek career/success in women as women do in men, and men don’t tend to seek aggressive, independent women. The sexes are different. Masculine women are celebrated in society but are largely a turn off to men.

Also, you have the constant “don’t settle for an average man” indoctrination when that’s exactly what these women should do, because via objective attraction standards, they ARE average.. they mostly are too old to start a family, they don’t look like they did in their prime, and they likely are aggressive and masculine with lots of baggage. This catch 22 keeps them single and lonely, as they can no longer suppress their biological desires, the social engineering of feminism wears off. They aren’t fulfilled with working 40-50+hrs and grinding as they were taught to do to catch up to the metaphorical man. They were taught to become men, but men and women generally get happiness from different things. They want a quality companion, a household, a family.. but they wasted the prime time of their lives to get that because feminism told them to go become CEO’s, get rich, be aggressive (aka “toxic masculinity” to feminists, ironically), and have tons of sex/abortions to stick it to the mythical patriarchy.

I feel bad for these victims of feminism, I wish they were given better advice as they entered adulthood and their 20’s…like what Butker said.
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In a society where the focus is on young women to be aggressively career driven, merely suggesting an alternative option that is proven to bring happiness more often to women is warranted. Women shouldn’t be indoctrinated into trying to basically become hyper-competitive men, suppressing their natural behavioral psychology. Motherhood should be a forefront option to them, and here you are squawking that he suggested it.

You do know that there’s an epidemic of women in their late 30’s+ who are college educated, successful, single, depressed, and lonely.. don’t you? That’s not good, but they followed the feminist mantra, ignored marriage in their 20’s when they had all the youth and openness to find a guy, and now are finding out too late that men generally don’t seek career/success in women as women do in men, and men don’t tend to seek aggressive, independent women. The sexes are different. Masculine women are celebrated in society but are largely a turn off to men.

Also, you have the constant “don’t settle for an average man” indoctrination when that’s exactly what these women should do, because via objective attraction standards, they ARE average.. they mostly are too old to start a family, they don’t look like they did in their prime, and they likely are aggressive and masculine with lots of baggage. This catch 22 keeps them single and lonely, as they can no longer suppress their biological desires, the social engineering of feminism wears off. They aren’t fulfilled with working 40-50+hrs and grinding as they were taught to do to catch up to the metaphorical man. They were taught to become men, but men and women generally get happiness from different things. They want a quality companion, a household, a family.. but they wasted the prime time of their lives to get that because feminism told them to go become CEO’s, get rich, be aggressive (aka “toxic masculinity” to feminists, ironically), and have tons of sex/abortions to stick it to the mythical patriarchy.

I feel bad for these victims of feminism, I wish they were given better advice as they entered adulthood and their 20’s…like what Butker said.

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