
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives having meltdowns as evidence of why it's a good idea to reject that entire ideology. I mean, seriously, what adult acts like this?

Again....priceless. I love how this certified nut job Tara Dublin states that she can make an obscene gesture in public because (and I quote) it is her "1st Amendment, freedom of speech rights" but she doesn't recognize the individuals "1st Amendment, freedom of speech rights" to have Donald Trump and Mike Pence signs in his yard.

She also ends the rant by crying that (and again I quote) "a man will always have the upper hand". Uh...sweetie...you broke the law. You made an obscene gesture in public. You instigated the situation by being confrontational.

Bat-shit. Crazy. Progressives.

Man that was good. Just when we thought we had gotten all the belly laughs possible from these apeshit crazy libtards..we get a part II. I still say we should convince them they can undo the election when Congress counts the votes January 6.
We could tell them that such and such mindless Hollywood celebrity endorses the idea plus that it is in the Broadway play "Hamilton". That is all they will need to run with it.
Maybe also tell them Putin hacked the Senate and installed sleeper agents to count the vote.
Then we can enjoy seeing shrill shrieking childless women falling to pieces again.
One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives having meltdowns as evidence of why it's a good idea to reject that entire ideology. I mean, seriously, what adult acts like this?

What moonbats. I like the dependency whore shouting "this is my America" as if her view is more important than the rest of us
"a man will always have the upper hand".

Dont you forget it sweetheart.
One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives having meltdowns as evidence of why it's a good idea to reject that entire ideology. I mean, seriously, what adult acts like this?

This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.
This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

Write them a letter pinhead.
This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

Write them a letter pinhead.

Or, she can do what she did and make her voice heard. Don't like it? Join the America-hating P@triot on his one-way trip to Somalia. You two can share a bed together.
One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives having meltdowns as evidence of why it's a good idea to reject that entire ideology. I mean, seriously, what adult acts like this?

This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

Really, so ****** is ok to say?

And if you fuck with people then you have to deal with the consequences

So she ran to the cops??? THE racist republican cops hahah
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One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives having meltdowns as evidence of why it's a good idea to reject that entire ideology. I mean, seriously, what adult acts like this?

This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

The way you do that, you immature, ignorant progressive, is to schedule a meeting with them, sit down, and discuss your grievances. You don't start screaming like an unhinged lunatic in the middle of a session where they are voting. Geezus...the fact that you need this explained to you is why you are unemployed.
Or, she can do what she did and make her voice heard. Don't like it? Join the America-hating P@triot on his one-way trip to Somalia. You two can share a bed together.

Oh I liked it. I am still chuckling a little.
This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

Write them a letter pinhead.

Or, she can do what she did and make her voice heard. Don't like it? Join the America-hating P@triot on his one-way trip to Somalia. You two can share a bed together.
You're the @sshole who hates the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. You're side is the side of the aisle that proudly proclaims their hate for the United States.

It is not American to stand up in the middle of a session of state legislatures and scream like a lunatic. The fact that you think it is, is why you are unemployed.
This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

We are happy, you are the screaming, tantrum throwing, insane, infantile insane asylum patients. We didn't act like that when your worthless mess-I-ah was elected, are you afraid your milk is gone? BOOOHOOOHOO. The dimshits are just proving their lack of intelligence and maturity.
One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives having meltdowns as evidence of why it's a good idea to reject that entire ideology. I mean, seriously, what adult acts like this?

This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

The way you do that, you immature, ignorant progressive, is to schedule a meeting with them, sit down, and discuss your grievances. You don't start screaming like an unhinged lunatic in the middle of a session where they are voting. Geezus...the fact that you need this explained to you is why you are unemployed.

OR, she can do what she chose to do. Why? Because this is AMERICA. She decided to make her voice heard in that way. Don't like it? Pack your bags P@triot, North Korea is calling you.
Isn't it hilarious how SYTFE tries to pretend like not supporting criminal activity means one hates America? It is illegal to make obscene gestures in public (for obvious reasons). It is illegal to disrupt a session of state legislatures (for obvious reasons).

Only a bat-shit crazy progressive like SYTFE would even attempt to defend this kind of irrational and immature behavior.
This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

We are happy, you are the screaming, tantrum throwing, insane, infantile insane asylum patients. We didn't act like that when your worthless mess-I-ah was elected, are you afraid your milk is gone? BOOOHOOOHOO. The dimshits are just proving their lack of intelligence and maturity.

Let's take a look at how you guys acted. Shall we?

One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives having meltdowns as evidence of why it's a good idea to reject that entire ideology. I mean, seriously, what adult acts like this?

This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

The way you do that, you immature, ignorant progressive, is to schedule a meeting with them, sit down, and discuss your grievances. You don't start screaming like an unhinged lunatic in the middle of a session where they are voting. Geezus...the fact that you need this explained to you is why you are unemployed.

OR, she can do what she chose to do. Why? Because this is AMERICA. She decided to make her voice heard in that way. Don't like it? Pack your bags P@triot, North Korea is calling you.

Actually nitwit...she can't. That's why someone walked over to her and told her to shut up. America does not mean anarchy you nitwit. We do have laws so that we can have a civilized society in the midst of you progressive neanderthals.
This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

No, no problem.

Do you have a problem with a highly conservative gay catholic coming to speak on a college campus for only those who wish to attend? And yet, in a number of cases the left wing bambis protested so much that the college administrators caved in and would not allow Milo Yiannopoulus to appear at their college.

Is this the "freedom to express yourself" you are talking about that you so cherish?
Or is this hypocrisy at its finest and why most of us think the left has greatly harmed this nation?

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