President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy said Wednesday that the administration is "not asking for sacrifice" After Killing XL Pipeline, 11k Jobs


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The most exciting thing about this is we're not asking for sacrifice here. The president fully understands that people are suffering now. So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis. This all about building good, clean jobs, jobs where you can get access to jobs to good pay and unions."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

"We're not ASKING for sacrifice"?!
No, President Biden and Gina McCarthy did not ASK any of the thousands of Americans they put out of a Job by killing the XL pipeline to 'sacrifice'. Biden and McCarthy were the ones doing the 'sacrificing', as they 'sacrificed' 11,000 American jobs, to include approx. 8,000 Union jobs that generated $1.6 billion in gross wages.

"So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis."
So killing the XL Pipeline and putting 11,000 Americans out of work was about 'RECOVERING FROM COVID-19'?! WHAT BULLSHIT!

"This is all about investing in the infrastructure we need to build that future that is going to get us to clean electricity and net-zero in 2050. This is about promises he made that he's gonna keep."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

This Is About the ludicrous 'Green New Deal', about ending all use of fossil fuels, of outlawing the external combustion engine, about solar-powered high-speed rail replacing air travel, about rebuilding every building in the US or bringing them all up to 'Green New Deal' Standards....and about surrendering our energy independence and having to rely on / get part of our energy from RUSSIA and CHINA!

"Biden's $2 trillion clean energy infrastructure plan, with its goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, aims to "create millions of good-paying jobs that provide workers with the choice to join a union and bargain collectively with their employers," according to his website."

Biden and McCarthy just sacrificed put 11,000 Americans out of a job to pursue an absurd Socialist Ideology based on the 'Green New Deal'.

"McCarthy called climate change "one of the biggest threats of our lifetime"

The 11,000 Americans Biden and McCarthy just put out of a job, whose lives they just destroyed, disagree. They see Biden, his administration, and the Democrats as the biggest threat the country - or at least THEY - now face/faces.

"Just like the rest of the country, COVID hurt us bad. We had a lot of projects canceled," Crabtree said in an interview with Fox News. "We've got guys that haven't worked in months, and in some cases years, and to have a project of this magnitude canceled, it's going to hurt a lot of people, a lot of families, a lot of communities."

'Government does not create jobs. The private sector creates jobs. The government demonstrated it DESTROYS jobs.'

"The most exciting thing about this is we're not asking for sacrifice here. The president fully understands that people are suffering now. So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis. This all about building good, clean jobs, jobs where you can get access to jobs to good pay and unions."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

"We're not ASKING for sacrifice"?!
No, President Biden and Gina McCarthy did not ASK any of the thousands of Americans they put out of a Job by killing the XL pipeline to 'sacrifice'. Biden and McCarthy were the ones doing the 'sacrificing', as they 'sacrificed' 11,000 American jobs, to include approx. 8,000 Union jobs that generated $1.6 billion in gross wages.

"So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis."
So killing the XL Pipeline and putting 11,000 Americans out of work was about 'RECOVERING FROM COVID-19'?! WHAT BULLSHIT!

"This is all about investing in the infrastructure we need to build that future that is going to get us to clean electricity and net-zero in 2050. This is about promises he made that he's gonna keep."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

This Is About the ludicrous 'Green New Deal', about ending all use of fossil fuels, of outlawing the external combustion engine, about solar-powered high-speed rail replacing air travel, about rebuilding every building in the US or bringing them all up to 'Green New Deal' Standards....and about surrendering our energy independence and having to rely on / get part of our energy from RUSSIA and CHINA!

"Biden's $2 trillion clean energy infrastructure plan, with its goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, aims to "create millions of good-paying jobs that provide workers with the choice to join a union and bargain collectively with their employers," according to his website."

Biden and McCarthy just sacrificed put 11,000 Americans out of a job to pursue an absurd Socialist Ideology based on the 'Green New Deal'.

"McCarthy called climate change "one of the biggest threats of our lifetime"

The 11,000 Americans Biden and McCarthy just put out of a job, whose lives they just destroyed, disagree. They see Biden, his administration, and the Democrats as the biggest threat the country - or at least THEY - now face/faces.

"Just like the rest of the country, COVID hurt us bad. We had a lot of projects canceled," Crabtree said in an interview with Fox News. "We've got guys that haven't worked in months, and in some cases years, and to have a project of this magnitude canceled, it's going to hurt a lot of people, a lot of families, a lot of communities."

'Government does not create jobs. The private sector creates jobs. The government demonstrated it DESTROYS jobs.'

Libbers are brain dead.

Xi and the CCP Praise the Biden Administration for running down the US economy
"The most exciting thing about this is we're not asking for sacrifice here. The president fully understands that people are suffering now. So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis. This all about building good, clean jobs, jobs where you can get access to jobs to good pay and unions."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

"We're not ASKING for sacrifice"?!
No, President Biden and Gina McCarthy did not ASK any of the thousands of Americans they put out of a Job by killing the XL pipeline to 'sacrifice'. Biden and McCarthy were the ones doing the 'sacrificing', as they 'sacrificed' 11,000 American jobs, to include approx. 8,000 Union jobs that generated $1.6 billion in gross wages.

"So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis."
So killing the XL Pipeline and putting 11,000 Americans out of work was about 'RECOVERING FROM COVID-19'?! WHAT BULLSHIT!

"This is all about investing in the infrastructure we need to build that future that is going to get us to clean electricity and net-zero in 2050. This is about promises he made that he's gonna keep."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

This Is About the ludicrous 'Green New Deal', about ending all use of fossil fuels, of outlawing the external combustion engine, about solar-powered high-speed rail replacing air travel, about rebuilding every building in the US or bringing them all up to 'Green New Deal' Standards....and about surrendering our energy independence and having to rely on / get part of our energy from RUSSIA and CHINA!

"Biden's $2 trillion clean energy infrastructure plan, with its goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, aims to "create millions of good-paying jobs that provide workers with the choice to join a union and bargain collectively with their employers," according to his website."

Biden and McCarthy just sacrificed put 11,000 Americans out of a job to pursue an absurd Socialist Ideology based on the 'Green New Deal'.

"McCarthy called climate change "one of the biggest threats of our lifetime"

The 11,000 Americans Biden and McCarthy just put out of a job, whose lives they just destroyed, disagree. They see Biden, his administration, and the Democrats as the biggest threat the country - or at least THEY - now face/faces.

"Just like the rest of the country, COVID hurt us bad. We had a lot of projects canceled," Crabtree said in an interview with Fox News. "We've got guys that haven't worked in months, and in some cases years, and to have a project of this magnitude canceled, it's going to hurt a lot of people, a lot of families, a lot of communities."

'Government does not create jobs. The private sector creates jobs. The government demonstrated it DESTROYS jobs.'

We're being set up for another Solyndra boon doggle....
"The most exciting thing about this is we're not asking for sacrifice here. The president fully understands that people are suffering now. So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis. This all about building good, clean jobs, jobs where you can get access to jobs to good pay and unions."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

"We're not ASKING for sacrifice"?!
No, President Biden and Gina McCarthy did not ASK any of the thousands of Americans they put out of a Job by killing the XL pipeline to 'sacrifice'. Biden and McCarthy were the ones doing the 'sacrificing', as they 'sacrificed' 11,000 American jobs, to include approx. 8,000 Union jobs that generated $1.6 billion in gross wages.

"So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis."
So killing the XL Pipeline and putting 11,000 Americans out of work was about 'RECOVERING FROM COVID-19'?! WHAT BULLSHIT!

"This is all about investing in the infrastructure we need to build that future that is going to get us to clean electricity and net-zero in 2050. This is about promises he made that he's gonna keep."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

This Is About the ludicrous 'Green New Deal', about ending all use of fossil fuels, of outlawing the external combustion engine, about solar-powered high-speed rail replacing air travel, about rebuilding every building in the US or bringing them all up to 'Green New Deal' Standards....and about surrendering our energy independence and having to rely on / get part of our energy from RUSSIA and CHINA!

"Biden's $2 trillion clean energy infrastructure plan, with its goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, aims to "create millions of good-paying jobs that provide workers with the choice to join a union and bargain collectively with their employers," according to his website."

Biden and McCarthy just sacrificed put 11,000 Americans out of a job to pursue an absurd Socialist Ideology based on the 'Green New Deal'.

"McCarthy called climate change "one of the biggest threats of our lifetime"

The 11,000 Americans Biden and McCarthy just put out of a job, whose lives they just destroyed, disagree. They see Biden, his administration, and the Democrats as the biggest threat the country - or at least THEY - now face/faces.

"Just like the rest of the country, COVID hurt us bad. We had a lot of projects canceled," Crabtree said in an interview with Fox News. "We've got guys that haven't worked in months, and in some cases years, and to have a project of this magnitude canceled, it's going to hurt a lot of people, a lot of families, a lot of communities."

'Government does not create jobs. The private sector creates jobs. The government demonstrated it DESTROYS jobs.'

Why would a company in a cutting edge industry like alternative energy want to bring in a union to impose Union Work Rules, job descriptions and seniority? Its tough enough to make a living in a new industry, without having to provide "no show" and "no work" jobs for the union leadership.
"The most exciting thing about this is we're not asking for sacrifice here. The president fully understands that people are suffering now. So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis. This all about building good, clean jobs, jobs where you can get access to jobs to good pay and unions."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

"We're not ASKING for sacrifice"?!
No, President Biden and Gina McCarthy did not ASK any of the thousands of Americans they put out of a Job by killing the XL pipeline to 'sacrifice'. Biden and McCarthy were the ones doing the 'sacrificing', as they 'sacrificed' 11,000 American jobs, to include approx. 8,000 Union jobs that generated $1.6 billion in gross wages.

"So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis."
So killing the XL Pipeline and putting 11,000 Americans out of work was about 'RECOVERING FROM COVID-19'?! WHAT BULLSHIT!

"This is all about investing in the infrastructure we need to build that future that is going to get us to clean electricity and net-zero in 2050. This is about promises he made that he's gonna keep."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

This Is About the ludicrous 'Green New Deal', about ending all use of fossil fuels, of outlawing the external combustion engine, about solar-powered high-speed rail replacing air travel, about rebuilding every building in the US or bringing them all up to 'Green New Deal' Standards....and about surrendering our energy independence and having to rely on / get part of our energy from RUSSIA and CHINA!

"Biden's $2 trillion clean energy infrastructure plan, with its goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, aims to "create millions of good-paying jobs that provide workers with the choice to join a union and bargain collectively with their employers," according to his website."

Biden and McCarthy just sacrificed put 11,000 Americans out of a job to pursue an absurd Socialist Ideology based on the 'Green New Deal'.

"McCarthy called climate change "one of the biggest threats of our lifetime"

The 11,000 Americans Biden and McCarthy just put out of a job, whose lives they just destroyed, disagree. They see Biden, his administration, and the Democrats as the biggest threat the country - or at least THEY - now face/faces.

"Just like the rest of the country, COVID hurt us bad. We had a lot of projects canceled," Crabtree said in an interview with Fox News. "We've got guys that haven't worked in months, and in some cases years, and to have a project of this magnitude canceled, it's going to hurt a lot of people, a lot of families, a lot of communities."

'Government does not create jobs. The private sector creates jobs. The government demonstrated it DESTROYS jobs.'

Why would a company in a cutting edge industry like alternative energy want to bring in a union to impose Union Work Rules, job descriptions and seniority? Its tough enough to make a living in a new industry, without having to provide "no show" and "no work" jobs for the union leadership.
But unions are the backbone of the Dim voter base.
Anyone who voted for Biden and then lost their job because of Biden can lick my caboose.
Their not concerned, it’s all about the spin, don’t forget the majority of them Walmart shoppers probably voted for Trump and are expendable.
Gina McCarthy's net worth is $349+ million dollars and employed by Pegasus Advisors that gives advice to green investors.
She could give a crap about Americans losing jobs being the elitist that she is!
And she stands to triple or quadruple her income as a Biden climate advisor by pushing forward the Green New Deal under him.
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One stroke of a pen and Joe wipes out the lives of millions of Americans.....nice work libtards.....I hope you all go broke.....

Stupid. 11,000 TEMPORARY jobs that would last from four to eight months. Big damn deal. Pass an infrastructure bill and more jobs that would last longer than a season can be generated.
One stroke of a pen and Joe wipes out the lives of millions of Americans.....nice work libtards.....I hope you all go broke.....

Stupid. 11,000 TEMPORARY jobs that would last from four to eight months. Big damn deal. Pass an infrastructure bill and more jobs that would last longer than a season can be generated.
The fact that you have no idea what you are talking about is flashi g like a neon sign.
"No WILLING sacrifice is needed."

Less than 10 days in & China Joe has stripped thousands of Americans of their jobs, destroyed lives, has forced financially independent Americans / families to become dependent on Socialist govt hand-outs to survive again, has undermined US energy independence, and has signed EOs giving Russia and China the upper hand over the US.

That's a ''compromised', foreign bought-bitch enemy agent in action!
The pipeline is still pumping oil and will continue to do so during the environmental evaluation. So, zero jobs were lost.
Lurch Kerry said all those who lost their jobs due to Pedo Joe just “made the wrong decision”.
One stroke of a pen and Joe wipes out the lives of millions of Americans.....nice work libtards.....I hope you all go broke.....

Stupid. 11,000 TEMPORARY jobs that would last from four to eight months. Big damn deal. Pass an infrastructure bill and more jobs that would last longer than a season can be generated.
The fact that you have no idea what you are talking about is flashi g like a neon sign.

LMAO. OK, so the pipeline is built, all the construction workers have gone home. How many damn jobs are there now?
The pipeline is still pumping oil and will continue to do so during the environmental evaluation. So, zero jobs were lost.
If you are too dumb to read feel free to listen to McCarthy herself explain how 11,000+ XL jobs are / will be going away and how she promises to find them other jobs...

...which means they won't do shit to help the 11,000 Americans they are stripping of jobs find another job... They can just compete with all the illegals / soon-to-be-citizens for $15 an hour jobs....

You are so full of propaganda / lie-spreading shit.... McCarthy herself declares its happening - she says you're a liar!
One stroke of a pen and Joe wipes out the lives of millions of Americans.....nice work libtards.....I hope you all go broke.....

Stupid. 11,000 TEMPORARY jobs that would last from four to eight months. Big damn deal. Pass an infrastructure bill and more jobs that would last longer than a season can be generated.
The fact that you have no idea what you are talking about is flashi g like a neon sign.

LMAO. OK, so the pipeline is built, all the construction workers have gone home. How many damn jobs are there now?
Keep talking - watching you expose yourself as a Dumbass who is trying to sound intelligent is amusing.....

Should we believe an anonymous China Joe supporting sheep or the actual XL managers or workers....or McCarthy herself?!

"The most exciting thing about this is we're not asking for sacrifice here. The president fully understands that people are suffering now. So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis. This all about building good, clean jobs, jobs where you can get access to jobs to good pay and unions."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

"We're not ASKING for sacrifice"?!
No, President Biden and Gina McCarthy did not ASK any of the thousands of Americans they put out of a Job by killing the XL pipeline to 'sacrifice'. Biden and McCarthy were the ones doing the 'sacrificing', as they 'sacrificed' 11,000 American jobs, to include approx. 8,000 Union jobs that generated $1.6 billion in gross wages.

"So this all about recovering from the COVID crisis."
So killing the XL Pipeline and putting 11,000 Americans out of work was about 'RECOVERING FROM COVID-19'?! WHAT BULLSHIT!

"This is all about investing in the infrastructure we need to build that future that is going to get us to clean electricity and net-zero in 2050. This is about promises he made that he's gonna keep."
-- President Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy

This Is About the ludicrous 'Green New Deal', about ending all use of fossil fuels, of outlawing the external combustion engine, about solar-powered high-speed rail replacing air travel, about rebuilding every building in the US or bringing them all up to 'Green New Deal' Standards....and about surrendering our energy independence and having to rely on / get part of our energy from RUSSIA and CHINA!

"Biden's $2 trillion clean energy infrastructure plan, with its goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, aims to "create millions of good-paying jobs that provide workers with the choice to join a union and bargain collectively with their employers," according to his website."

Biden and McCarthy just sacrificed put 11,000 Americans out of a job to pursue an absurd Socialist Ideology based on the 'Green New Deal'.

"McCarthy called climate change "one of the biggest threats of our lifetime"

The 11,000 Americans Biden and McCarthy just put out of a job, whose lives they just destroyed, disagree. They see Biden, his administration, and the Democrats as the biggest threat the country - or at least THEY - now face/faces.

"Just like the rest of the country, COVID hurt us bad. We had a lot of projects canceled," Crabtree said in an interview with Fox News. "We've got guys that haven't worked in months, and in some cases years, and to have a project of this magnitude canceled, it's going to hurt a lot of people, a lot of families, a lot of communities."

'Government does not create jobs. The private sector creates jobs. The government demonstrated it DESTROYS jobs.'

They are definitely NOT asking.

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