Political Ads We'll Be Seeing in 2016


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Thanks for the lies, Hillary.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BQGMzmzcd0]Hillary Clinton Blames Youtube Video for Benghazi Terrorist Attack - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSooz2wXpes]Obama and Hillary Blame Youtube Video for Benghazi Terrorist Attack as Coffins Arrive - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWKyBbxPJL4]Hillary on 9/12/12: "Some" have blamed a video for Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFZytEUCXu4]Clinton on talking points: 'What difference at this point does it make?' - YouTube[/ame]
Of course the far left will dismiss them.

That goes without saying...still....none of this makes Hillary look good. Lie after lie all caught repeatedly on video tape. It all can and will be used against her.
Other ads we will be seeing are ones reminding voters that Republicans refused to set up state health insurance exchanges, thereby preventing people from receiving expanded Medicaid benefits, and from receiving federal insurance subsidies.
The Dems bought up the whole minimum wage thing to get people's attention away from all the scandals and the poor Obamacare law and rollout. Promising to put more money in people's pockets is strong and they will put that issue in the forefront with the help of the media.
New York Times kind of took the wind out of your Benghazi sails
Of course the far left will dismiss them.

That goes without saying...still....none of this makes Hillary look good. Lie after lie all caught repeatedly on video tape. It all can and will be used against her.

I'm not sure why you think after Romney got slapped down hard several times for trying to ghoulishly use Benghazi coffins as soap boxes, you think it's really going to be better for whatever mutant you nominate in 2016.

Hey, maybe instead of nomimating someone who appeals to what makes wingnuts angry, you can run a campaign based on stuff people actually care about.

The only people who are upset about Benghazi were the people who were ALREADY going to vote Republican.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meIL1QaOt1s]Lack of Budget Not a Factor in Benghazi Security Decisions - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for the lies, Hillary.

Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.
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Thanks for the lies, Hillary.

Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.

Are you kidding. I am praying Hillary runs. She has more baggage then Kennedy Airport. :beer:
Thanks for the lies, Hillary.

Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.

Are you kidding. I am praying Hillary runs. She has more baggage then Kennedy Airport. :beer:


And thanks for cementing my point.

You dipshits didn't learn that "We aren't Obama" failed, so now you are going with "We aren't Hillary". BWA-HA-HA-HA!
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Thanks for the lies, Hillary.

Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.

Bringing up Benghazi isn't about fear or campaigns. It's about getting to the truth and we remain far away from it to this day.

Enough of the lies. Enough of the bias media doing pretend investigations, as if they would do better than the investigation that has been ongoing for over a year. It's about justice for the victims, their families and this country.

Terrorism involving Muslims is not a subject that the liberal media wishes to cover at all. Just recently, an MSNBC host claimed that the media spent way too much time on the Boston Bombers because there weren't that many victims and it didn't warrant all the coverage.

Of course, the same liberal media doesn't want to make a big deal out of Benghazi, either on the cause or the cover up. A filmmaker took more heat than the actual murderers.

Yes, Benghazi should be bought up until questions are answered. If that interferes with someone's chances of getting elected, then so be it. The truth comes before Hillary's career. It would be better for her if she could stand on the truth, but too many lies have been told and the feeble attempt by NYT to make this go away only highlighted the lies and contradictions.

Obamacare will be a key issue and would be even if the right didn't make the mess into campaign ads. People are hurting and no political ads or spin will change that.

I just hope that more people go out and vote. Not only because they should, but because we don't need all those unused ballots for registered voters in the hands of cheaters, who will use them yet again to help elect their candidate.
Thanks for the lies, Hillary.

Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.

Bringing up Benghazi isn't about fear or campaigns. It's about getting to the truth and we remain far away from it to this day.

No it isn't. The hacks have proven over and over they are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They are about damaging Obama.

"He watched while they died." Totally manufactured bullshit quickly picked up and parroted by the rubes. A dead giveaway what the real motives here are.

Ten attacks were made on our diplomatic missions under Bush. Ten! And yet you rubes don't have any idea what Bush was doing before, during, or after any of them. You have no idea what requests for more protection were made. You can't even tell who made any of the attacks, and you sure as shit can't tell us how many Americans were killed.

You never gave a shit before Benghazi. Hmmmm...

So don't give me this crap about "getting to the truth". You look like a fool.
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