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- Feb 16, 2016
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“Huge Problem”: The Pentagon’s Rapid Wartime Response Cargo Ships Are Trapped in Baltimore After Bridge Collapse

"Huge Problem": The Pentagon's Rapid Wartime Response Cargo Ships Are Trapped in Baltimore After Bridge Collapse - 🔔 The Liberty Daily
If you love the news, check out The Liberty Daily's homepage. (ZeroHedge)—Two high-speed military cargo ships are stuck in the Port of Baltimore following Tuesday morning’s collapse of the 1.6-mile-long Francis Scott Key Bridge. The major US East Coast port has been paralyzed for several days as...

Two high-speed military cargo ships are stuck in the Port of Baltimore following Tuesday morning's collapse of the 1.6-mile-long Francis Scott Key Bridge. The major US East Coast port has been paralyzed for several days as the bridge collapse prevents inbound and outbound vessel traffic along the harbor's channel.
Using the automatic identification system, or AIS, data that tracks commercial vessels, three bulk carriers, two general cargo ships, one vehicle carrier, one tanker, and four Ready Reserve Force vessels (RRF), along with the container ship Dali that struck the bridge, are trapped in the harbor, according to the shipping blog gCaptain.
According to the military blog The War Zone, (TWZ), Algol class vessels are “some of the fastest cargo vessels of their general size anywhere in the world.” These ships are part of the RRF, a subset of vessels within MARAD’s National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF) that provide surge sealift capability to the Pentagon for overseas conflicts.
The current readiness of the RRF fleet is unknown. And just like that, part of America's RRF fleet was taken out not by a missile or suicide drone, but a container ship that allegedly suffered a catastrophic 'electric issue'. America's enemies are taking note.
Certainly, the thought of a Black Swan operation is not within the thoughts of Americans, but would our own elected government or our enemies be capable of doing such things?
We must keep in mind that; “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”
As we've been told main times before, nothing to see here....just coicidence...we’re all just paranoid....everything is alright and normal
Watching all this occur, the collapse of our infrastructure and now failing military capability... it’s like I’m back in college reading the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
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