Political Ads We'll Be Seeing in 2016

Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.

Bringing up Benghazi isn't about fear or campaigns. It's about getting to the truth and we remain far away from it to this day.

No it isn't. The hacks have proven over and over they are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They are about damaging Obama.

"He watched while they died." Totally manufactured bullshit quickly picked up and parroted by the rubes. A dead giveaway what the real motives here are.

Ten attacks were made on our diplomatic missions under Bush. Ten! And yet you rubes don't have any idea what Bush was doing before, during, or after any of them. You have no idea what requests for more protection were made. You can't even tell who made any of the attacks, and you sure as shit can't tell us how many Americans were killed.

You never gave a shit before Benghazi. Hmmmm...

So don't give me this crap about "getting to the truth". You look like a fool.

You must have missed Charlene Lamb testify in front of congress that she knew immediately it was an attack and watched in real time as did every other person that had a connection to the emergency response center. Some call it The Situation Room...
Benghazi was a real situation with obama nowhere to be found.
Obama was more than ready for Vegas Baby with JayZ and Beonce'. Even an early morning interview with The Pimp with a Limp. Priorities...He sure wasn't on the job for 9/11.
No Excuse for the security failure in Benghazi especially on 9/11.

Charlene Lamb, deputy assistant secretary of state for international programs in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, said a security agent activated a danger-notification system as the attack began shortly before 10 p.m. local time on Sept. 11.

“From that point on, I could follow what was happening in almost real time,” Lamb said in written testimony prepared for a hearing today by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has been investigating the attack and whether security was adequate.

State Department Followed Benghazi Attack as It Happened - Bloomberg
Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.

Bringing up Benghazi isn't about fear or campaigns. It's about getting to the truth and we remain far away from it to this day.

No it isn't. The hacks have proven over and over they are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They are about damaging Obama.

"He watched while they died." Totally manufactured bullshit quickly picked up and parroted by the rubes. A dead giveaway what the real motives here are.

Ten attacks were made on our diplomatic missions under Bush. Ten! And yet you rubes don't have any idea what Bush was doing before, during, or after any of them. You have no idea what requests for more protection were made. You can't even tell who made any of the attacks, and you sure as shit can't tell us how many Americans were killed.

You never gave a shit before Benghazi. Hmmmm...

So don't give me this crap about "getting to the truth". You look like a fool.

Actually, I do care and always have and would appreciate you not making assumptions.

The media was all over Bush and they reported on everything, big and small. Remember the daily body count of our troops? Nothing went unnoticed. Nothing went by without sharp criticism.

The whole "he watched as people died" came from the initial claim of them being on top of everything. We found out later that Obama was sleeping in preparation for a campaign fund raiser. That is what started the talk of him watching and doing nothing. It was instant spin, just like the photo op of Obama, Hillary and others in the situation room after the bin Laden killing. All bullshit designed to make Obama look good. Remember, he also claimed that there wasn't time to respond. Funny, considering that the attack went on for hours and no one could have known that at the onset unless they had prior knowledge of what would take place. Sorry, but he deserved the criticism because of his own manipulation of the facts from the get go.

A general was told to stand down and was immediately relieved of his duties for attempting to disobey those ridiculous orders. First, we hear there wasn't time, then a year later, they claimed it was because Libyan officials wouldn't approve of our troops moving in. Neither excuse passes the smell test.

Another General is claiming that the entire thing was a ruse. Supposedly, the plan was to kidnap the ambassador and then offer him in exchange for the Blind Sheik, who we are holding on terrorism charges. When the Marines quickly went into action and killed some of the hostiles, the kidnappers believed they had been double crossed and things escalated quickly. The attackers were well-armed. It was a well-planned and well-funded attack. Big money and big power were behind the attack. Is that why we didn't fight back and cause more deaths of the terrorists? Who was Obama trying to appease? This wasn't the first attack in the area. Other attacks were largely ignored. Security was reduced at the crucial time, days before the anniversary of 9/11. Hell, yes, it's bad and there is no cooperation from the administration in getting to the bottom of it. Survivors disappeared quickly as our own government moved them to a remote location and now we find out they were forced, under duress, to sign agreements to keep quiet. The media should have been all over this and they would have been had it been a Republican. They have yet to investigate Obama the way they did Bush.

Yes, we deserve the truth and that is what it's about, or should be.
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Other ads we will be seeing are ones reminding voters that Republicans refused to set up state health insurance exchanges, thereby preventing people from receiving expanded Medicaid benefits, and from receiving federal insurance subsidies.

Yes and only the far left cultists will believe it like you.

Thanks for the lies, Republicans. Way to step up and accept "personal responsibility" for your lies. It was very "fiscally conservative" to waste trillions of dollars invading a country over lies.

iCasualties: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties
MI6 and CIA heard Iraq had no active WMD capability ahead of invasion | World news | theguardian.com
Iraqi Defector al-Janabi, Codenamed 'Curveball', Admits WMD Lies - ABC News

And the far left propaganda still continues on...
Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.

Bringing up Benghazi isn't about fear or campaigns. It's about getting to the truth and we remain far away from it to this day.

No it isn't. The hacks have proven over and over they are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They are about damaging Obama.

"He watched while they died." Totally manufactured bullshit quickly picked up and parroted by the rubes. A dead giveaway what the real motives here are.

Ten attacks were made on our diplomatic missions under Bush. Ten! And yet you rubes don't have any idea what Bush was doing before, during, or after any of them. You have no idea what requests for more protection were made. You can't even tell who made any of the attacks, and you sure as shit can't tell us how many Americans were killed.

You never gave a shit before Benghazi. Hmmmm...

So don't give me this crap about "getting to the truth". You look like a fool.

Like the far left hacks that continue the far left propaganda about Iraq to this day. But then again the far left thinks the history of Iraq started in 2003.
Thanks for the lies, Hillary.

Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.

Are you kidding. I am praying Hillary runs. She has more baggage then Kennedy Airport. :beer:

And when she wins, you'll spend the next 8 years whining about how she stole the election.

Baggage or not, you guys still have the same problem you had in 2012.

The electoral college is not your friend.
Blacks, Hispanics, women, working folks and gays won't vote for your agenda.

In fact, if anything, you'll be in worse shape, because you won't have the racism that animated the corpse of the Romney Campaign working for you next time.
Topics like this, three years before the next presidential election, demonstrate just how absolutely terrified some people are they are going to lose to Hillary Clinton. All they know how to do is attack, because their intellect is too bankrupt and shallow to provide reasons why anyone should vote GOP.

Are you kidding. I am praying Hillary runs. She has more baggage then Kennedy Airport. :beer:


And thanks for cementing my point.

You dipshits didn't learn that "We aren't Obama" failed, so now you are going with "We aren't Hillary". BWA-HA-HA-HA!

First off, Obama&Co didnt run and win so a white southerner could succeed him. It's chocolate, baby. The new Democrat Party will not let an old bitch like Hillary get the nomination.
Second, Hillary is old news. Remind me what she's ever done, in her entire life, that would qualify her for president. And after Obama we've learned qualification matters. Experience matters. Hillary's experience has been in lying and deflecting blame. Useful for this administration, sure, but it wont play with voters.
No, the Dems will go with a winning formula: a clean articulate black man promising free gov't cheese to innner city Negroes. That means Deval Patrick or Cory Booker.

First off, Obama&Co didnt run and win so a white southerner could succeed him. It's chocolate, baby. The new Democrat Party will not let an old bitch like Hillary get the nomination.
Second, Hillary is old news. Remind me what she's ever done, in her entire life, that would qualify her for president. And after Obama we've learned qualification matters. Experience matters. Hillary's experience has been in lying and deflecting blame. Useful for this administration, sure, but it wont play with voters.
No, the Dems will go with a winning formula: a clean articulate black man promising free gov't cheese to innner city Negroes. That means Deval Patrick or Cory Booker.

I think you are kind of delusional if you think that the fix isn't already in for Hillary.

Booker and Patrick aren't even talking about running. My guess is that Hillary will face a few token candidates like Bill Bradley vs. Al Gore, and then she'll have the nomination wrapped up by New Hampshire.

Meanwhile, things are going to get truly ugly on the GOP side because you all don't have a frontrunner, and the Tea Party vs. Establishment thing is going to come to a head...

First off, Obama&Co didnt run and win so a white southerner could succeed him. It's chocolate, baby. The new Democrat Party will not let an old bitch like Hillary get the nomination.
Second, Hillary is old news. Remind me what she's ever done, in her entire life, that would qualify her for president. And after Obama we've learned qualification matters. Experience matters. Hillary's experience has been in lying and deflecting blame. Useful for this administration, sure, but it wont play with voters.
No, the Dems will go with a winning formula: a clean articulate black man promising free gov't cheese to innner city Negroes. That means Deval Patrick or Cory Booker.

I think you are kind of delusional if you think that the fix isn't already in for Hillary.

Booker and Patrick aren't even talking about running. My guess is that Hillary will face a few token candidates like Bill Bradley vs. Al Gore, and then she'll have the nomination wrapped up by New Hampshire.

Meanwhile, things are going to get truly ugly on the GOP side because you all don't have a frontrunner, and the Tea Party vs. Establishment thing is going to come to a head...

I seem to recall she had it sewed up in 2007 and no one knew who Obama was.
If Republicans think their anti-Hillary campaign will be about Benghazi, Blowjobs and Obamacare in 2016 they will be in for a shock

But what else do they have to run on?

The economy continues to recover
Obamacare will be fully implemented by 2016
Republicans have zero accomplishments in the last six years

"Vote for us....We gave you the Do-Nothing Congress"
I seem to recall she had it sewed up in 2007 and no one knew who Obama was.

No, a lot of people knew who Obama was.

But let's look objectively about why she lost the nomination in 2008.

1) A LOT of Democrats were upset with her for voting for the 2003 War Resolution. While she and Edwards decided to play it safe and give Bush a permission slip to even his score with Saddam, Obama was the guy who took the brave stand of saying the war was a pretty stupid idea. (And he was vindicated by subsequent events.)

At this point, most of them are over it, so that won't be a factor.

2) A Lot of Democrats looked back at the Clinton years and believed putting another Clinton in the White House would just incite the Republican crazy about Vince Foster and Waco and all the other batshit they spent the 1990's dealing with instead of just enjoying prosperity and peace. So they thought if they nominated a new guy, they wouldn't deal with the crazy.

But the problem was, Obama makes you guys crazier than Clinton ever did, so they probably won't take that into consideration again.

3) Hate to say it, but a lot of Democrats wish Hillary had won the nomination. The biggest complaint I see with Obama on the left is that he doesn't throw elbows with the GOP Clowns. Hillary will.

Now, all that said, Hillary would not be my first choice. If given my druthers, I would rather have O'Malley as the nominee. I think he gets it with working folks and he has executive experience.

But political reality- it's Hillary's turn, and the GOP is so moribund right now, she'll probably get the presidency, easily.
I seem to recall she had it sewed up in 2007 and no one knew who Obama was.

No, a lot of people knew who Obama was.

But let's look objectively about why she lost the nomination in 2008.

1) A LOT of Democrats were upset with her for voting for the 2003 War Resolution. While she and Edwards decided to play it safe and give Bush a permission slip to even his score with Saddam, Obama was the guy who took the brave stand of saying the war was a pretty stupid idea. (And he was vindicated by subsequent events.)

At this point, most of them are over it, so that won't be a factor.

2) A Lot of Democrats looked back at the Clinton years and believed putting another Clinton in the White House would just incite the Republican crazy about Vince Foster and Waco and all the other batshit they spent the 1990's dealing with instead of just enjoying prosperity and peace. So they thought if they nominated a new guy, they wouldn't deal with the crazy.

But the problem was, Obama makes you guys crazier than Clinton ever did, so they probably won't take that into consideration again.

3) Hate to say it, but a lot of Democrats wish Hillary had won the nomination. The biggest complaint I see with Obama on the left is that he doesn't throw elbows with the GOP Clowns. Hillary will.

Now, all that said, Hillary would not be my first choice. If given my druthers, I would rather have O'Malley as the nominee. I think he gets it with working folks and he has executive experience.

But political reality- it's Hillary's turn, and the GOP is so moribund right now, she'll probably get the presidency, easily.

Hillary paid a price for her Iraq vote

Basically, Democrats said...We like Hillary but we like Obama better

Doesn't look like a repeat in 2016
Because Hillary changed her vote? Because her performance as SecState was so wonderful?

Hillary has much more experience than any Republican challenger

Want to tell us about Cruz, Paul and Rubio?
Because Hillary changed her vote? Because her performance as SecState was so wonderful?

Hillary has much more experience than any Republican challenger

Want to tell us about Cruz, Paul and Rubio?

WHo says Cruz, Paul or Rubio is running? No one except you. Hillary has more experience than Obama. Not that that's saying much of course. But this administration has been all about failing up. It is an administration filled with failures like Obama, Biden, Lew, Kerry etc etc.
Because Hillary changed her vote? Because her performance as SecState was so wonderful?

Hillary has much more experience than any Republican challenger

Want to tell us about Cruz, Paul and Rubio?

WHo says Cruz, Paul or Rubio is running? No one except you. Hillary has more experience than Obama. Not that that's saying much of course. But this administration has been all about failing up. It is an administration filled with failures like Obama, Biden, Lew, Kerry etc etc.

Name any Republican who has more experience
Hillary has much more experience than any Republican challenger

Want to tell us about Cruz, Paul and Rubio?

WHo says Cruz, Paul or Rubio is running? No one except you. Hillary has more experience than Obama. Not that that's saying much of course. But this administration has been all about failing up. It is an administration filled with failures like Obama, Biden, Lew, Kerry etc etc.

Name any Republican who has more experience

Larry Craig?
Hillary has much more experience than any Republican challenger

Want to tell us about Cruz, Paul and Rubio?

WHo says Cruz, Paul or Rubio is running? No one except you. Hillary has more experience than Obama. Not that that's saying much of course. But this administration has been all about failing up. It is an administration filled with failures like Obama, Biden, Lew, Kerry etc etc.

Name any Republican who has more experience

I would be hard-pressed to find a Republican who was elected to national office who ahs as much experience lying as Hillary. Not saying there arent any.

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