Pentacostal Fire

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Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
What the body of Christ is lacking today is Pentacostal Fire. There is a wonderful evangelist by the name of Reinhardt Bonnke who will ignite a fire inside of your heart for Jesus Christ. His teachings will inspire you and compel you to believe God.

The first video is about teaching the believer what Jesus has done for us and what our calling is all about. What the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for....and much, much more.

After viewing these videos I believe God none of you will ever be the same again!

If you are depressed, if you have an illness in your body and need healing,if you are bound by Satan in an addiction, the occult, fear of man, if you are in need of faith to believe, if you need salvation or prayers answered for a loved one, these are the videos for you!

You will be blessed when you listen to this video. A very anointed message.

Here I am Lord, Ready for Work!

[ame=]Reinhard Bonnke - Here I Am Lord Ready to work - YouTube[/ame]
This sermon is called Marked by the Blood of Jesus. In this sermon you will hear Reinhardt teach you about what it means to be Marked by the Blood of Jesus Christ. His testimonies are wonderful, his story about the witches that came to his outreach with plans of cursing him and what happened. How afterwards they called for the most powerful witch in the world to come and curse him. She was seated right there in his audience and what happened is just going to amaze you! You will truly love this video. This is one of my favorite videos of Reinhart Bonnke's so far!

[ame=]Marked By The Blood of Jesus- - English Christian Sermon by Reinhard Bonnke - YouTube[/ame]

Another story he tells in this video is about the phone call he received to debate with an atheist. He accepted and at the end of the debate the atheist asked Bonnke, Can you pray for me? I want to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior. Oh! How precious! Is there anything as wonderful as seeing a lost soul accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? To know that they were snatched from the very flames of hell? No. Nothing can match that. All heaven is rejoicing over that mans salvation.
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In this video you will hear the sermon of the rich man who went to hell and Lazarus who went to Paradise. You will learn why the rich man went to hell and the poor man went to paradise.

Question? Do you believe the Rich man went to hell because he was rich? No. That wasn't the reason.

Another Question..... Do you believe the poor man went to paradise because he was poor? No. That wasn't the reason.

Stay tuned for a real awakening as Reinhardt tells you what the Holy Spirit told him about why one man went to hell and the other went to heaven. This video is powerful. You'll be glad you watched this because God has a wonderful message just for you in this video! Very encouraging!

[ame=]Hell is Real - Rev. Reinhard Bonnke - YouTube[/ame]
Strollingbones, As sure as the LORD lives this man is not a false prophet. He has preached crusades on continent of Africa and won over 50 million souls to the Lord Jesus Christ....and he isn't finished yet.. The fruit is there. He is the real deal. This is the teacher you've been looking for. Did you know......

Benny Hinn asked Reinhardt to pray for him? He knows the anointing on Bonnke's life.

Bonnke wears a cheap watch and he will tell you so in the video Marked by the Blood of Jesus. This world holds no attraction to Bonnke. He is Gods Servant. Through and through. I love you and I believe you are one of the people here that God will use to shake the gates of hell. All he is waiting for is a yes.

Just watch one video... you won't be disappointed.
i knew i had heard of him....

sorry jer but he is just another faith healer racking in the cash

You do understand that Bonnke's ministry has nothing to do with Benny Hinn's ministry? Correct? Benny Hinn invited him on to give the testimony about a man that was raised from the dead at one of his evangelist outreaches. Bonnke has given his life to preaching to the poor of Africa. He is one of the most humble servants of God I have ever seen in my life.

Benny Hinn earned his own money from best selling books and obeys God in giving wherever God tells him to give. (* my belief about Benny) But he has nothing to do with Reinhardt Bonnke - other than asking Bonnke to pray for him.

Hinn is in America. Bonnke is on the continent of Africa preaching to the poor. When you are sucking rocks for nutrition? There is no money to give. If Reinhardt was preaching for money he'd preach to the people who had it and not bother with the poor at all. Reinhardt has given his life to preaching to the poorest of the poor. He is Gods Servant.
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It doesn't bother me if someone makes money preaching.

While I am not a member of any religion, I do look for inspiration and if the evangelist can give me that, I am tuning in.

I don't like the hellfire and brimstone type of preaching.
You will like Bonnke. Look at the comments on his videos on youtube. People know he is the real deal. I don't mind someone being blessed by God but they better be preaching the true Word of God. Otherwise they are a hireling. On the continent of Africa? A hireling might starve. ( imo - because the just shall live by faith ) Reinhardt is most definitely a humble Servant of God.
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[ame=]Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video) - YouTube[/ame]

That's all you need.
You will like Bonnke. Look at the comments on his videos on youtube. People know he is the real deal. I don't mind someone being blessed by God but they better be preaching the true Word of God. Otherwise they are a hireling. On the continent of Africa? A hireling might starve. ( imo - because the just shall live by faith ) Reinhardt is most definitely a humble Servant of God.

What do you think about generational healing from family patterns, like in my family it's been suicide, depression over many generations.

Not sure what the root cause is.
Rev. Harold Hardwick may be soft-spoken compared to some, but he lets the scriptures do the talking...

[ame=]Pastor Harry Hardwick Clips part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
You will like Bonnke. Look at the comments on his videos on youtube. People know he is the real deal. I don't mind someone being blessed by God but they better be preaching the true Word of God. Otherwise they are a hireling. On the continent of Africa? A hireling might starve. ( imo - because the just shall live by faith ) Reinhardt is most definitely a humble Servant of God.

What do you think about generational healing from family patterns, like in my family it's been suicide, depression over many generations.

Not sure what the root cause is.

It's a lie. There is no such thing as generational healing. Only breaking of generational curses.

You don't need to know the root cause although the LORD might tell you, [MENTION=41985]drifter[/MENTION].

As Bonnke speaks about this in his video Marked by Jesus - the generational curses in someones family tree are broken immediately when Christ becomes the Lord of their life. The bible tells us that an undeserved curse will fall to the ground like a feather. In other words, it will have no effect on you. The problem is Christians sometimes backslide - they compromise and they leave themselves open for enemy attack when they do that.

There is no greater force in the Universe than the Power of God which is demonstrated through the Power of the Holy Spirit here on earth. The Holy Spirit leads us, guides us and protects us..

I can tell you right now that when you become a christian if you have any item in your home that is of the occult? You need to burn it / destroy it / get it out of your house. That includes books, artwork, items picked up on vacation such as occult masks, artifacts or statues such as buddah, aztec, mayan, anything demonic - anything that has its roots in the occult that is a material object in your home that must go. That goes for Christians and non christians. Why do I say this? Because they draw demons into your home and it is like sending out an invitation card to Satan.

Drifter, did you know that there are people (satanists, occultists ) who use word curses to put depression over someones mind? These word curses are spoken over the individual while he is in their presence or perhaps the person is in a bowling alley and some satanist walks up to him and says I have something to say to you and the guy bowling is drunk! He says sure! go ahead..... and that is how people get cursed. Also if you read anything new age, anything of the occult in book form, post form and entertain these thoughts the reader has opened themselves up to be cursed. Alot of horror books are authored by satanists because afterall...... who knows horror better than hell? Right? Those books have spells / curses attached to them before they ever get to the public. Never read anything of that nature and if anyone has? Repent and burn the books. In the book Acts, when Paul preached many involved in the occult gave their lives to Christ. The first thing they did was to take their magic books and burn them in a huge bonfire. The cost of the books was irrelevant. They could have cost alot of money but they could not be sold to others. They had to be burned and destroyed. That is exactly what they did.

So if any person here has ever entertained new age religion, occult, dabbled in it, used a ouija board, listened to false teaching such as Jesus Christ is not the only way to God - there are many paths and they all lead to God..... these are lies and must be repented of.

Prayer for the backslider:

Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and I repent of my sins. I ask you to wash me in the blood of Jesus Christ. I rededicate my life to you and thank you, Father, that you make all things new! ( Revelation 21:5) I thank you that you never took your hand off my life and I am ready to surrender my will to you completely and go to work for your Kingdom. Lord, I ask that you show me if there is anything in my home that is attached to the occult. Have your Holy Spirit show me what it is and I will obey you and destroy it by fire and repent for ever allowing it in my home. I thank you for your forgiveness, Jesus and I rededicate my life to you this day. In Jesus name. Amen.

If ANYONE prayed that prayer? The angels in heaven are rejoicing over your return to Christ. You are the apple of Gods eye and the plans he has for you are all good. Never doubt it.

Prayer of Salvation to be spoken by your own mouth. Because we must believe with our HEARTS and confess with our MOUTH.

Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and shed your precious blood for me. I believe you rose on the third day and are seated at the right hand of the Father. I believe you are the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to the Father except through you, Jesus. I ask that you receive me as your child and fill me with thy Holy Spirit. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for redeeming me, Jesus. Amen.

If you have prayed that prayer? Your name has just been written in the Lamb's book of Life. ( Luke 10: 19 , 20 ) You have now been given the keys to the kingdom, you've been given all authority and power over Satan, Serpents and Scorpions ( demonic spirits )

All heaven is rejoicing over your salvation and God's heart towards you is greater than the heart of the prodigals sons father who rushed out to meet him before he even reached the house. He saw him from afar off. How much more so does our Heavenly Father see us from afar off and know that right now - this day - we are returning to his house. Glory to God forevermore. This is the day of Salvation and many are coming to Christ.

One soul is worth more to God than the entire universe he created for them to enjoy. That is how valuable one soul is to God.

Now you know why Satan and his workers are trying so hard to turn people from Jesus Christ. He doesn't want people to know the truth. What is the truth? The truth is that when you become a blood bought Christian Satan cannot touch you. Satan is a defeated foe.

Do you know what breaks curses and destroys the work of Satan? The Anointing. Satan has no power against the Anointing. It is the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage. Depression is a bondage. The answer is Jesus Christ.

*** For the Christian who has a heavy heart and is feeling downcast? The bible tells us what to do. Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. What is heaviness? What is depression? It is a spirit and its aim is to drive one to the point of suicide. The answer is to get under the blood of Jesus Christ and worship the LORD. Worshiping God will set depression to flight! Why? God inhabits the praises of His people. Where the presence of the Lord is there is LIBERTY. Demons cannot remain in the presence of the LORD. It drives them straight out the door. I'll put up a good worship song that will prove the point, Drifter. I'm glad you watched the video. I'm going to be lifting you up in prayer today. I love you, brother.

- Jeremiah
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If anyone is bound by addiction, by feelings of depression or hopelessness? Listen to this song and then play it again and start singing it. The lyrics are on the video so you can sing along. The bible declares, Put on the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness. Praising God ushers in the presence of God. In the presence of God the enemy must flee. It is the Word of God.

Consider it the same as take two aspirin for this headache and it will go away.
Praise and worship to the LORD will remove the spirit of heaviness. ( depression - sorrow - anxiety )

The anointing breaks the yoke of bondage. There is power in the name of Jesus. When you worship? Then comes the anointing. What a wonderful God we have! Praise the Name of Jesus!

[ame=]Tasha Cobbs - Break Every Chain (Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
This is a wonderful worship song - All consuming fire - God is an all consuming fire. He consumes us with His love, he burns out the dross, he refines us like gold. We are his creation and he inhabits the praises of His people. Lift your hands in worship as you sing this song... put it on your favorites list and pull it out each morning and sing unto the LORD. Start your day with praise, worship and then prayer. Then read your bible and let the Lord speak to your heart. This is a two way relationship and the LORD will show up when we set aside that time to meet with Him. He desires a relationship. That was the original plan in the garden as Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. Because of the work of the cross, because Jesus Christ died for our sins we now have the opportunity to walk with God like that again. Our relationship to God has been restored through Jesus Christ, our Jewish Messiah. We are now living under a New Covenant! Hallelujah!

[ame=]All Consuming Fire - YouTube[/ame]
This song is a wonderful song about God's amazing love and His forgiveness. Save this to your favorites. The lyrics are included.

[ame=]Amazing Love - You Are My King (with lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah that was promised in the beginning - in book of Genesis.

It is written:

I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He shall bruise you on the head and you shall bruise him on the heel. Genesis 3:15

and the fulfillment of that prophecy:

It is written:

But when the fulness of the time came God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law.

-Galatians 4:4
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Jesus Christ is the one prophesied when Isaiah wrote this:

It is written:

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign; Behold a virgin will be born with chiild and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. - Isaiah 7:14

And the fulfillment of that scripture

.....She was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. And Joseph...kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and she called his name Jesus.

Matthew 1:18, 24, 25
Jesus Christ is the one prophesied about when he is referred to as the son of Isaac.

It is written: But God said to Abraham.....through Isaac your descendants shall be named.

- Genesis 21:12

And the fulfillment of the prophecy:

It is written:

And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being ( as was supposed ) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli. Which was the son of Levi, which was the son of Mechi, which was the son of Janna, which was the son of Joseph. - Luke 3: 23, 24

This confirms the geneology of Jesus Christ. ......son of Isaac...

And again it is written:

The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren;
- Matthew 1: 1, 2
Here's another inspirational song to bookmark.

[ame=]Praise the Lord[/ame]
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