Zone1 A "American Religion"?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I live somewhere in rural Austria European Union
They are Christians but they believe things like that the white Americans are the true chosen ones and that Jesus was in America and stuff like that... but I don't know for sure either, in any case the girl in the video says that Jesus was in America. They are Mormons or The Holy Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days

They are Christians but they believe things like that the white Americans are the true chosen ones and that Jesus was in America and stuff like that... but I don't know for sure either, in any case the girl in the video says that Jesus was in America. They are Mormons or The Holy Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days

THey should listen to the modern CORA EVANS, former Mormon who became Catholic, up for canonization

Mormons are not Christians. To the extent that they have a coherent belief system, at least half of it goes directly against orthodox Christian beliefs as codified in the Nicene Creed.

First and foremost, they believe that "god" was once a man like us, who was "exalted" to godhood by living a good Mormon life. Further, they believe that each of them can also become a god after death, creating their own little universe and ruling over it the same way that God rules our universe.

Sound Christian to you?

As an outsider, the only thing I care about w/r/t Mormons (they don't like to be called that) is whether they live law-abiding lives, fend for themselves, and do civic-minded stuff, which they appear to do more than most groups.

"White supremacist" is a term that has lost all meaning in recent times. I am one, by most definitions. If used as a slander, it is meaningless.

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