Pat Buchanan For Vice President


May 29, 2010
He would make a excellent choice for Vice President. He understands the crisis that the white community faces in these chaotic times. His new book lays out the facts that whites will be in the minority by 2040. The US has gone from 90 percent White in 1960 to over a third non-White today. This is something we must stop at all costs. Pat Buchanan also understands that our economy is in shambles due to Obama's wreckless policies. He understands that illegal immigration needs to be stopped at all costs. He wants to initiate and bring back President Eisenhowers program used called 'Operation Wetback' that was used effectively to round up illegals and deport them. Buchanan understands that Obama is not a legally Constitutional president and that he is subverting the Constitution, especially Article 2 Section 1. Buchanan understands that our main problem that we face is a jewish problem, especially the ADL and Jewish lobby who has infiltrated our political system and they have bankrupted the U.S. like they did Germany. That must be stopped at all costs. In his new book, Pat writes about America's moral decline. Buchanan has also dispelled the myth of Hispanic family values, showing that they are on their way to matching blacks in moral decadence in terms of abortions, out of birth wedlocks, single-mother homes, etc.
Pat gets into crime statistics about how much more likely a black is to attack a white than the reverse. Also, 14,000 rapes committed by black men against white women last years, ZERO committed by white men against black women. Pat has done his homework. He tears down the motto 'Diversity is Strength'. It is nothing more than a lie, a fable enveloped by the liberal left and Jews. Pat Buchanan as Vice President can prevent us from becoming a third world nation and he will develop a final solution to the black, Mexican and jewish problem in this once great country called America. Let's get Pat Buchanan as our Vice President and return America to what the founders envisioned America as originally, a white nation.

Please watch this brief video:
[ame=]WHITE GENOCIDE - YouTube[/ame]
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You're a moron if you honestly can't think of why people don't want anything to do with this dude.
granted, Vice President Pat Buchanan could serve as assassination deterrence for who ever the president might be...

in the time-honored fashion of dipshits like Joe Biden, Dick Cheney, Al Gore, Dan Quayle, Spiro T. Agnew, Lyndon Johnson... oops... that last one didn't work out so well...
Needs no explanation. You know why I say no thanks, and any one else who wonders can google the guy and spend a bit of time reading upon the guy and figure it out.
There is nothing wrong with Pat Buchanan. His ideology is what America needs to get back on track to prosperity.

Yea, Hitler got Germany back on track too.

Yes, Germany prospered greatly under him until the jew problem returned.
hey USAR... didn'tchu get booted from Hansterland...?

I've having trouble keeping up with the body count over there... need a scorecard...
Pat Buchanan has some good ideas... but he has no sense when it comes to trying to present 'em to the American public... and his mouth moves faster'n his brain...
I feel a certain amount of affection for Pat...

we could share a theme song...

[ame=]Denis Leary - Asshole (Uncensored Version) - YouTube[/ame]

meh... fuckin' youtube ads...

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