Own History: George Zimmerman To Auction Off 'Heroic' Pistol That Put Down Animal Trayvon Martin

He's certainly on another planet.

He really doesn't seem to care anymore.
Care about what?

His image as a human being. This isn't about simply auctioning off a gun. This is about trying to make a buck and relive his 15 minutes of fame at the expense of a family whose son was killed.

Whether or not one feels that the shooting was justified, their is still a family out there whose young son lost his life. This is an insult to them as well as to common decency.

Zimmerman is the lowest of the low. He's a fucking dirtbag. No surprise that the shit stain OP is creaming his white sheet over it.
It's a case of Right wing acting as atrociously as the far left. No shame.
Extremes of any persuasion are typically off their rocker
I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says
You're a worse animal than Trayvon Martin could ever be. To me, he was just a kid running away from a monster. The monster was one of your kind.
Trayvon Martin was certainly was pond scum posing as a human being, but this gun sale is tacky.

I didn't research Trayvon so maybe you know something I don't, but Trayvon's only crime the night he was murdered was taking a walk to the corner's convenience store to buy a candy bar. Yep, he certainly deserved to die for doing that!
I guess you're right, you are ignorant. Trayvon committed attempted murder.

Attempted murder? Zimmerman was a crackpot who killed someone for buying a candy-bar, and who has been in numerous brushes with the law since then! Martin was just standing his ground! After OJ getting away with murder, this was the biggest travesty of justice in American history! Would YOU want to be killed for buying a candy-bar?
That is an extraordinarily ignorant statement. He wasn't killed for buying a candy bar.

BUT for the fact that Zimmerman, who was not a police-man, followed him, Martin would not have gotten into a fight with him. I don't care if Martin was white, black, or purple with green polka dots.
BS. Martin was into thug culture. Nothing but a thug mentality caused Martin to lay in wait, ambush and try to kill Zimmerman.

There's no doubt in my mind that Martin was out to case out the neighborhood. Looking for things to steal. Seriously, who goes for a 2 mile hike in the rain in February for a little bag of Skittles? Anyone who believes that is a naive fool.

Zimmerman would never have been charged in such a clear-cut case of self-defense if he wasn't a whistle blower.
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I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says
You're a worse animal than Trayvon Martin could ever be. To me, he was just a kid running away from a monster. The monster was one of your kind.
What can you expect from someone intellectually on par with a feral baboon.
I didn't research Trayvon so maybe you know something I don't, but Trayvon's only crime the night he was murdered was taking a walk to the corner's convenience store to buy a candy bar. Yep, he certainly deserved to die for doing that!
I guess you're right, you are ignorant. Trayvon committed attempted murder.

Attempted murder? Zimmerman was a crackpot who killed someone for buying a candy-bar, and who has been in numerous brushes with the law since then! Martin was just standing his ground! After OJ getting away with murder, this was the biggest travesty of justice in American history! Would YOU want to be killed for buying a candy-bar?
That is an extraordinarily ignorant statement. He wasn't killed for buying a candy bar.

BUT for the fact that Zimmerman, who was not a police-man, followed him, Martin would not have gotten into a fight with him. I don't care if Martin was white, black, or purple with green polka dots.
BS. Martin was into thug culture. Nothing but a thug mentality caused Martin to lay in wait, ambush and try to kill Zimmerman.

There's no doubt in my mind that Martin was out to case out the neighborhood. Looking for things to steal. Seriously, who goes for a 2 mile hike in the rain in February for a little bag of Skittles? Anyone who believes that is a naive fool.

Zimmerman would never have been charged in such a clear-cut case of self-defense if he wasn't a whistle blower.

I heard he went to the corner store. As for the rain, I remember seeing a woman interviewed on the local news once. She had gone out in the middle of a snowstorm, just to get a cup of coffee.
I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says
You're a worse animal than Trayvon Martin could ever be. To me, he was just a kid running away from a monster. The monster was one of your kind.
What can you expect from someone intellectually on par with a feral baboon.
A trailer cave monkey
I didn't research Trayvon so maybe you know something I don't, but Trayvon's only crime the night he was murdered was taking a walk to the corner's convenience store to buy a candy bar. Yep, he certainly deserved to die for doing that!

Yea, you obviously didn't research Trayvon. I've gone to the store many times and nobody ended up like this as a result.


You do this to a cracka, you betta hope he ain't packin' heat.
After all this time and all these justifications, Martin is still dead and still deserved it.
I think we should all remember that this particular case is different from the other white cops shooting black men cases. Zimmerman was not a cop, and Martin was not involved in any illegal activity when he was stalked.
Wow, thanks for pointing that out. It wasn't the typical cold blooded murder done daily by the police then. He was just missing a badge.

Your story is fucked up, wrong and the trial said so. If you have evidence the case went wrong post it up.
I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says
Trayvon Martin was certainly was pond scum posing as a human being, but this gun sale is tacky.

I didn't research Trayvon so maybe you know something I don't, but Trayvon's only crime the night he was murdered was taking a walk to the corner's convenience store to buy a candy bar. Yep, he certainly deserved to die for doing that!

Maybe you should do a little research. He viciously attacked Zimmerman to the point he really had no other choice than to shoot him. That was the crime he committed that warranted his death. Other than that, he was actually a troublemaking thug as well.
I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says
Trayvon Martin was certainly was pond scum posing as a human being, but this gun sale is tacky.

I didn't research Trayvon so maybe you know something I don't, but Trayvon's only crime the night he was murdered was taking a walk to the corner's convenience store to buy a candy bar. Yep, he certainly deserved to die for doing that!

Maybe you should do a little research. He viciously attacked Zimmerman to the point he really had no other choice than to shoot him. That was the crime he committed that warranted his death. Other than that, he was actually a troublemaking thug as well.

If you were a 17-year-old kid who thought that you were fighting for your life, because a "crazy and creepy ass" was following you, how vicious would you be?
I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says
Trayvon Martin was certainly was pond scum posing as a human being, but this gun sale is tacky.

I didn't research Trayvon so maybe you know something I don't, but Trayvon's only crime the night he was murdered was taking a walk to the corner's convenience store to buy a candy bar. Yep, he certainly deserved to die for doing that!

Maybe you should do a little research. He viciously attacked Zimmerman to the point he really had no other choice than to shoot him. That was the crime he committed that warranted his death. Other than that, he was actually a troublemaking thug as well.

If you were a 17-year-old kid who thought that you were fighting for your life, because a "crazy and creepy ass" was following you, how vicious would you be?
Martin was pacing apartments looking in windows. That's what drew Zimmerman's attention. Then Martin walked towards Zimmerman (sitting in his truck on the phone with 911) with his hand in his wasteband (like he had a gun) then stopped and turned around and ran.
I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says
I understand Trump is going to buy it.
I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says
Trayvon Martin was certainly was pond scum posing as a human being, but this gun sale is tacky.

I didn't research Trayvon so maybe you know something I don't, but Trayvon's only crime the night he was murdered was taking a walk to the corner's convenience store to buy a candy bar. Yep, he certainly deserved to die for doing that!

Maybe you should do a little research. He viciously attacked Zimmerman to the point he really had no other choice than to shoot him. That was the crime he committed that warranted his death. Other than that, he was actually a troublemaking thug as well.

If you were a 17-year-old kid who thought that you were fighting for your life, because a "crazy and creepy ass" was following you, how vicious would you be?

He wasn't fighting for his life. He got angry and blindsided Zimmerman after they had words.
His image as a human being. This isn't about simply auctioning off a gun. This is about trying to make a buck and relive his 15 minutes of fame at the expense of a family whose son was killed.

Maybe he cant find a decent job and just needs the money?

Hell, I would think you gun grabbers would feel relieved he is getting rid of the thing.
Trayvon Martin was certainly was pond scum posing as a human being, but this gun sale is tacky.

Some dude likes to dress ans a woman and get fucked up the ass is normal and respectable, but a guy that once used a gun to defend himself is tacky?

Lol and that coming from a conservative?

roflmao, beam me up, Scotty!
I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says
Trayvon Martin was certainly was pond scum posing as a human being, but this gun sale is tacky.

I didn't research Trayvon so maybe you know something I don't, but Trayvon's only crime the night he was murdered was taking a walk to the corner's convenience store to buy a candy bar. Yep, he certainly deserved to die for doing that!
Was bin Laden murdered? No, he was killed like a dog. Same for Trayvon Martin who was seen attacking Mr. Zimmerman.

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