Obama shook Raúl Castro's hand after SIX MONTHS of secret U.S.-Cuba talks


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
First Iran, now Cuba. I wonder how the secret meetings are going with North Korea?

Check this out. The most transparent Admintration evah!:lol:

The handshake seen 'round the water cooler was no fluke, it turns out.

When President Barack Obama approached the podium at Nelson Mandela's memorial service and made a beeline for a row of foreign leaders – stopping first to shake Cuban dictator Raúl Castro's hand – it came after representatives from the two historically antagonistic nations had already been in talks for six months.

Behind the scenes,' two Daily Beast national security reporters wrote on Tuesday, 'U.S. and Cuban officials have held midlevel discussions in Havana and Washington on a range of issues, including direct postal service, migration issues, disaster response, and search and rescue at sea.'

During the president's trip back from South Africa, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters on Air Force One that 'it's been quite some time since the Presidents of the United States and Cuba were even in the same place.'

But he acknowledged that 'we’re in talks on issues associated with migration that, again, I think allow for there to be greater connectivity particularly among Cuban Americans and Cuba.'

Obama shook Raúl Castro's hand after SIX MONTHS of secret U.S.-Cuba talks, report claims | Mail Online
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Leave no enemy unfellated while vigorously applying the toe of a steel toed boot to the backsides of your friends.

Vladimir Putin allegedly described negotiating with Barack Obama as like playing chess with a pigeon.
First the pigeon knocks over all the chess pieces and shits on the board, then he struts around as if he had won the game.
Oh no, not DIPLOMACY...

First rule of diplomacy is that you can never win at the negotiating table what you cannot win on the battlefield.

First classic example: Chamberlain at Munich, September, 1938.

Second classic example will be John Kerry at Geneva, 2013. The Iranians are convinced that with a few atom bombs Israel will unequivocally cease to exist whereas whatever Israel manages to get off in response to Iran will only cause minor, inconsequential damage. The concept of mutually assured destruction doesn't exist with the Mullahs, just a few faithful Muslims getting to their seventy two virgins sooner than they expected.

That point will no doubt be lost on Obama supporters. 82 per cent of NYC high school grads can't read or write upon graduation, but they know when somebody's promising them somethin for nothin'
Good. I've always wanted to try some Cuban Cigars.....But alas, I'm a Free American and I'm not allowed.
Good. I've always wanted to try some Cuban Cigars.....But alas, I'm a Free American and I'm not allowed.

The article that Tiny cited was pretty encouraging, I stated in another post that within a decade American-Cuban relations will change for the better. Cuba is already making reforms in a positive direction, if we open trade with them our ideas and ideals will permeate into their society. How many years does Raoul have left? Who is set to take his place? I would like to see Cuba become another Puerto Rico........................
I saw that John McCain was very outspoken about Obama/Castro handshake.

We have come to terms with the nations that Russia and China have become. We travel freely to Vietnam. So why not Cuba? It is not 1962. And before you say it, I was in uniform, on base, on the day that we stopped the Soviet ships off of Cuba. Ever spend a day wondering if you will even see the flash of the bomb that kills you?

Yet we have the 'Conservatives' longing for the return of those days. And doing their best to bring about such an travesty. The international situation today is magnitudes of orders better than that of the '60's.
I don't begrudge a president for shaking hands with an enemy for the purpose of winning them over and persuading them to change their ways but Obama does it because he likes them and supports their tyranny, which is probably why he snubs our friends.

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