NYT: Vaccine Mandate a "Significant Misstep"


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Yes, you read that right. This is a direct quote from the NEW YORK TIMES.

This was not a lauded move by many on the Left--even they know it's an overreach. I saw it yesterday on MSNBC when their mood was subdued and Jake Tapper expressed the mood of the moment as well. From the Times. OUCH:

As a practical matter, it’s undeniable that the federal mandate will engender a titanic backlash and create a spate of lawsuits. Vaccine holdouts have already taken legal action against employers requiring vaccination: Todd Zywicki, a law professor at George Mason University in Virginia who had recovered from Covid and has antibodies, recently fought his institution’s mandate and prevailed. And Republican governors are certain to battle Mr. Biden over this policy. Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, a Republican, tweeted at the president, “See you in court.”

It’s true that courts have upheld vaccine mandates in certain circumstances: In a 1922 case, the Supreme Court famously ruled that a city ordinance could deny admission to students who failed to get the smallpox vaccine. But the assertion that a public official can completely sidestep the legislative process and enact a much farther-reaching vaccine mandate via administrative action should elicit skepticism from even those who vigorously support vaccination.

There are other ways to nudge the populace in the right direction. Rather than punishing the unvaccinated, the government could create an incentive for vaccination by lifting restrictions for the vaccinated. This was the approach initially taken by the C.D.C., which said this year that since the vaccinated were well protected, they could almost always safely discard their masks. Unfortunately, the more transmissible Delta variant spooked federal health officials, and the C.D.C. reversed course. Some municipalities, including Washington, then reimposed mask mandates, even though the science hasn’t actually changed: The vaccinated are still well protected from Covid.

Some people would probably voluntarily get the shot if they knew for certain that a vaccination card was a ticket to living a normal life once again. Regrettably, Mr. Biden’s mandate moves in the exact opposite direction, with the White House saying his plan will ensure that “strong mask requirements remain in place.” If the government is concerned about vaccine hesitancy, it should trust the vaccines and drop other restrictions. People should know that if they get vaccinated, they will be better off. Instead, the White House is sending the message that people must get vaccinated but should hardly expect things to be different afterward.

It’s worth repeating that the federal vaccine mandate represents a broad expansion of the executive branch’s power. And Mr. Biden will not be the chief executive forever. Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, a plausible 2024 Republican presidential candidate, has used his current authority to prohibit private vaccine mandates in his state. Is this really the time to solidify the idea that the president is the ultimate authority on whether such things should be required or forbidden?

Two possible reasons for this that I can think, well maybe three.

One, even the left want Biden to step down and they are going to consistently be critical.

Two, they realize that many unvaccinnated are Dem voters, including minority voters who they pretend to care for.

Three, they are concerned about the broader impact to the Dem Party, not just Bidens term. They might even be concerned of this going to court and Biden losing, while forcing the broader Party to support the demand.

The media in the U.S is dreadful, that's the sad reality. I watched a segment yesterday on CNN where the headline was "74% Of Americans don't like the direction the country is going, why are Americans so divided"?, or something to that effect.

They are what we thought they were, insulated and elitist to their core. Oblivious to the reality of most Americans.
Two possible reasons for this that I can think, well maybe three.

One, even the left want Biden to step down and they are going to consistently be critical.

Two, they realize that many unvaccinnated are Dem voters, including minority voters who they pretend to care for.

Three, they are concerned about the broader impact to the Dem Party, not just Bidens term. They might even be concerned of this going to court and Biden losing, while forcing the broader Party to support the demand.

The media in the U.S is dreadful, that's the sad reality. I watched a segment yesterday on CNN where the headline was "74% Of Americans don't like the direction the country is going, why are Americans so divided"?, or something to that effect.

They are what we thought they were, insulated and elitist to their core. Oblivious to the reality of most Americans.

The dems need minorities to go back to being unemployed and government dependent
The dems need minorities to go back to being unemployed and government dependent

While I don't support that view, I doubt most if any politicians are that diabolical. It could end up having this consequence for some who are adamant that they do not want to take the vaccine.

They might even launch their own lawsuit against the government for loss of employment. Assuming such a decree by a president is unconstitutional, it could have major consequences.

In Canada our PM made a similar decree and most Canadians supported it. That's what lemmings do, they follow the herd or they look out only for themselves.

If and when I get the vaccine, and I assume I eventually will, I won't be demanding a law to force others to do the same. That's not how I view liberty. Nor am I naive to what is going on with this virus around the world (Denmark has eliminated ALL restrictions for instance. They've accepted this virus after two years).
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Two possible reasons for this that I can think, well maybe three.

One, even the left want Biden to step down and they are going to consistently be critical.

Two, they realize that many unvaccinnated are Dem voters, including minority voters who they pretend to care for.

Three, they are concerned about the broader impact to the Dem Party, not just Bidens term. They might even be concerned of this going to court and Biden losing, while forcing the broader Party to support the demand.

The media in the U.S is dreadful, that's the sad reality. I watched a segment yesterday on CNN where the headline was "74% Of Americans don't like the direction the country is going, why are Americans so divided"?, or something to that effect.

They are what we thought they were, insulated and elitist to their core. Oblivious to the reality of most Americans.
The option your missing is that these mandates are an extraordinary power grab. If it stands the premise of public safety would allow executive orders to be used on any number of issues that ignore the Constitution, all for our own good, of course.
Two possible reasons for this that I can think, well maybe three.

One, even the left want Biden to step down and they are going to consistently be critical.

Two, they realize that many unvaccinnated are Dem voters, including minority voters who they pretend to care for.

Three, they are concerned about the broader impact to the Dem Party, not just Bidens term. They might even be concerned of this going to court and Biden losing, while forcing the broader Party to support the demand.

The media in the U.S is dreadful, that's the sad reality. I watched a segment yesterday on CNN where the headline was "74% Of Americans don't like the direction the country is going, why are Americans so divided"?, or something to that effect.

They are what we thought they were, insulated and elitist to their core. Oblivious to the reality of most Americans.

Poll: 63% of Republicans say country is heading in the wrong direction​

74% of Americans say the country is heading in the wrong direction, including 63% of Republicans — up from 42% in May, according to a new poll by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

by the way Canadians also have a mandate on vaccinations for federal employees and more to come.

Poll: 63% of Republicans say country is heading in the wrong direction​

74% of Americans say the country is heading in the wrong direction, including 63% of Republicans — up from 42% in May, according to a new poll by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

by the way Canadians also have a mandate on vaccinations for federal employees and more to come.

Yes I am aware of this mandate. Canadians generally accept it. It's why Canada fought for the British Crown rather than our independence, we enjoy being ruled.

As it were, I am not like most Canadians. I respect authority, but I also believe in God and liberty.
The option your missing is that these mandates are an extraordinary power grab. If it stands the premise of public safety would allow executive orders to be used on any number of issues that ignore the Constitution, all for our own good, of course.
The public health trumps than indiv health. It was no overreach and was not a power grab. He tried nicely but now we got to get down to mandates.

Two possible reasons for this that I can think, well maybe three.

One, even the left want Biden to step down and they are going to consistently be critical.

Two, they realize that many unvaccinnated are Dem voters, including minority voters who they pretend to care for.

Three, they are concerned about the broader impact to the Dem Party, not just Bidens term. They might even be concerned of this going to court and Biden losing, while forcing the broader Party to support the demand.

The media in the U.S is dreadful, that's the sad reality. I watched a segment yesterday on CNN where the headline was "74% Of Americans don't like the direction the country is going, why are Americans so divided"?, or something to that effect.

They are what we thought they were, insulated and elitist to their core. Oblivious to the reality of most Americans.

Biden is viscerally repulsive at this point and yes, they want to separate from him. They all deserve him. Dems, the media, the libs here, all of them.
August 20, 2021

As COVID-19 cases quickly rise throughout the United States, most Americans support vaccine mandates for crowded events, air travel, healthcare professionals, and workers that interact with the public.

Right. They're looking at those Independent numbers, which are ALL under 50% for every single mandate question. Which means you all get SHELLACKED in the midterms

You're not getting it at all, are you?
The public health trumps than indiv health. It was no overreach and was not a power grab. He tried nicely but now we got to get down to mandates.

Not even close. The low lethality does not warrant the ridiculous burden placed upon the citizens. What is proposed as a vaccine is nothing of the sort, as it does not stop the spread of the virus. Public health is not at risk. It never was. A small demographic of people with specific pre-existing conditions are at high risk for hospitalization or death, they should be provided the utmost care. The rest of the population needs to move on.

Poll: 63% of Republicans say country is heading in the wrong direction​

74% of Americans say the country is heading in the wrong direction, including 63% of Republicans — up from 42% in May, according to a new poll by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

by the way Canadians also have a mandate on vaccinations for federal employees and more to come.
This from Glenn Greenwald. It summarizes Biden’s dictatorial mandates very well. Wouldn’t you agree?

The President has the power, acting alone, to set health policies for private employers, forcing them to fire their workers who don't comply?

We've allowed presidential powers to become virtually limitless -- well, Congress has -- but this is quite a power.
Only if you're a communist
A communist country doesn't exist anymore. Do you know what communist means, I doubt it.
The closest thing to communist is Israel with the Kibbutz but even that is going privatized.

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