NY Post Editorial Board: China’s deadly COVID cover-up was worse than we thought


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
We are witnessing the weakest leadership in the Wests history. Only Trump and his administration have been outspoken and on target. What other nation could get away with the release of such a virus on the world with no repercussions?

I fully expect nations like Japan, Australia and Taiwan will be hedging their alliances knowing full well they could be the next Poland circa 1939, and receive the same lack of courage by the West when the chips are down.

Fresh evidence published jointly by The New York Times and ProPublica confirms that Beijing has been trying to keep COVID-19 information from the rest of the world since the very start of the pandemic.

On Feb. 7, Li Wenliang, the doctor who blew the whistle on COVID-19, died of the disease he’d warned the world about. While working at Wuhan Central Hospital in China’s Hubei Province, he saw a new version of the severe acute respiratory syndrome known as SARS, which also originated in China in 2002.

As news of the 34-year-old doctor’s untimely death spread and grief went viral on social media such as Weibo and WeChat — Beijing set out to bury the truth.

"They ordered news websites not to issue push notifications alerting readers to [Li’s] death. They told social platforms to gradually remove his name from trending topics pages. And they activated legions of fake online commenters to flood social sites with distracting chatter," the Times-ProPublica team reports.
Yep, China withheld info for a month or two so bad on them.
HOWEVER, they did provide us with the DNA blueprint which saved at least a month in vaccine development so GOOD on them.
On the flip side, Rump knew the truth (see Woodward, Bob) and hid it from the American people since January.
Which is worse? Even a Canuck should be able to discern the obvious!
Yep, China withheld info for a month or two so bad on them.
HOWEVER, they did provide us with the DNA blueprint which saved at least a month in vaccine development so GOOD on them.
On the flip side, Rump knew the truth (see Woodward, Bob) and hid it from the American people since January.
Which is worse? Even a Canuck should be able to discern the obvious!

When YOUR POTUS, and Commander-In-Chief, Trump, ha one of the many THE TRUMP VACCINES ready for you will you take it to combat the Red Communist Chinese Flu?
2020 was the best case scenario for China. They learned they can bring the world to it's knees without firing a shot and without even so much as strong words from the G20. This is so bad for the world, it can't be overstated.
We should nuke China and then bar all their crap from our markets.
yup, and the 'fact checkers' didn't exist on this soul suckin' device....until the truth came out....~S~

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