New poll on does Obama love America

How many conservatives, in any poll about Obama are going to reply favorably?

You could have a poll "Is Obama worse than Hitler?" and 35 % conservatives will agree

... And 25% of Americans may answer the "sun revolves around the earth."
1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

But that's not what the question was.

If people don't have confidence the President loves, understands, INCLUDES and represents
what they love about America, that's how many don't have faith in this government.

He can love America all he can, but if he has failed relations with half the country, that's a problem.

He deals with a rightwing media tha has convinced 35% of the population that Obama is the devil

They will reply as such to any question

Fox is the #1 news network, but I don't think even they could pull that off with the rest of the news media being dominated by leftists

"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Thanks Pogo let me try again
Given that President Obama keeps pushing ACA mandates as law
which exclude the Constitutional beliefs of half the nation*,
who do you think he loves more:
1. his own Party and political beliefs OVER those of other Americans
2. the equal beliefs and values of ALL AMERICANS under the Constitution

* as represented in the vote split in Congress almost 50/50
and the vote split in the Supreme Court 4/5

Ah, that's better. I am forced to recall the words of a pop singer who's name eludes me for the moment:
"What's 'love' got to do with it?"
-- Literally. It's not in the job description, it's not part of passing (or opposing) legislation; it's entirely irrelevant. That's why I keep pointing out the whole poll question is completely illegitimate.

I'd say he's more interested in number 1. And his ego wants to have a legacy and this is the one he went for. But that's got zero to do with "love".

Thanks for answering honestly Pogo.
What love has to do with it is love for Constitution and Country.
That you don't put your 'self love' and 'self interest'
over the interest of the country, and the DUTY to represent ALL people, not just "one party's" political interests.

How this affects public policy and public trust:
if officials put their self-interest before public duty
it DEGRADES and demeans public trust in govt.

If people don't have respect for govt, then crime and corruption don't matter.
If the President doesn't care about selfish conflicts, what about the person who would
rather steal your car than earn their own?

This sets a bad precedent for not respecting the rights of others "equally under law"
It does not enforce consistent ETHICS so it ENDANGERS the public trust, safety and SECURITY.

See opening intro of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service:

"Any person in Government service should:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

"II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion. posted at

Since by pushing the ACA mandates against the Constitutional objections of half the nation,
Obama alienated entire parties of people. And continues to give this impression those beliefs DON'T COUNT.

I happen to believe in equal protection of the laws for ALL creeds and ALL beliefs,
prochoice equally as prolife, gun rights equally as gun control, and right to health care equally as state rights.

Cutting out and excluding half the nation for their beliefs
comes across as "evading" Constitutional duties to protect ALL citizens from discrimination [by creed].

If you can understand how Bush was seen this way,
surely you can see how Obama is seen as violating Constitutional laws.

So violating laws and shirking duties for one's own personal or political interest
is NOT loving and respecting the country and the Constitution.

And trying to play down the opposition as racist or hateful is even more inciteful.

"Duty" is not "love". Neither is "ethics". You don't have to "love" an action you take because it's the ethical thing to do; you do it because it's ethical.

"Love" is irrelevant to these. As it is to governing -- or for that matter doing most jobs that aren't volunteer positions.

OK, hop stick. lets change the question.

which president in recent history has never said the words. "I love the USA" ?


--- all of 'em?

What'd I win?

As I said at the outset, find me anywhere the Oath of Office mentions "love". I got no answer. Which is correct.
Thanks Pogo let me try again
Given that President Obama keeps pushing ACA mandates as law
which exclude the Constitutional beliefs of half the nation*,
who do you think he loves more:
1. his own Party and political beliefs OVER those of other Americans
2. the equal beliefs and values of ALL AMERICANS under the Constitution

* as represented in the vote split in Congress almost 50/50
and the vote split in the Supreme Court 4/5

Ah, that's better. I am forced to recall the words of a pop singer who's name eludes me for the moment:
"What's 'love' got to do with it?"
-- Literally. It's not in the job description, it's not part of passing (or opposing) legislation; it's entirely irrelevant. That's why I keep pointing out the whole poll question is completely illegitimate.

I'd say he's more interested in number 1. And his ego wants to have a legacy and this is the one he went for. But that's got zero to do with "love".

Thanks for answering honestly Pogo.
What love has to do with it is love for Constitution and Country.
That you don't put your 'self love' and 'self interest'
over the interest of the country, and the DUTY to represent ALL people, not just "one party's" political interests.

How this affects public policy and public trust:
if officials put their self-interest before public duty
it DEGRADES and demeans public trust in govt.

If people don't have respect for govt, then crime and corruption don't matter.
If the President doesn't care about selfish conflicts, what about the person who would
rather steal your car than earn their own?

This sets a bad precedent for not respecting the rights of others "equally under law"
It does not enforce consistent ETHICS so it ENDANGERS the public trust, safety and SECURITY.

See opening intro of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service:

"Any person in Government service should:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

"II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion. posted at

Since by pushing the ACA mandates against the Constitutional objections of half the nation,
Obama alienated entire parties of people. And continues to give this impression those beliefs DON'T COUNT.

I happen to believe in equal protection of the laws for ALL creeds and ALL beliefs,
prochoice equally as prolife, gun rights equally as gun control, and right to health care equally as state rights.

Cutting out and excluding half the nation for their beliefs
comes across as "evading" Constitutional duties to protect ALL citizens from discrimination [by creed].

If you can understand how Bush was seen this way,
surely you can see how Obama is seen as violating Constitutional laws.

So violating laws and shirking duties for one's own personal or political interest
is NOT loving and respecting the country and the Constitution.

And trying to play down the opposition as racist or hateful is even more inciteful.

"Duty" is not "love". Neither is "ethics". You don't have to "love" an action you take because it's the ethical thing to do; you do it because it's ethical.

"Love" is irrelevant to these. As it is to governing -- or for that matter doing most jobs that aren't volunteer positions.

OK, hop stick. lets change the question.

which president in recent history has never said the words. "I love the USA" ?


--- all of 'em?

What'd I win?

As I said at the outset, find me anywhere the Oath of Office mentions "love". I got no answer. Which is correct.

Hi Pogo even by your own statement that fulfilling duty is the key and that does not require love,
well, Obama violated his Oath of Office by putting partisan and political interest above Constitutional equal
protection and representation of all Americans.

The Oath does not provide an exception for one's political career or partisan agenda such as "right to health care."
Once you take an Oath to uphold the Constitution, then beliefs such as 'right to health care' are equal to beliefs in 'states' rights" and freedom of choice/civil liberties that got overrun by the ACA mandates in favor of "nationalized health care."

So that is where you can STILL show Obama violated his Oath of Office.
And that violation is what people are calling lack of love ie "LOYALTY or ALLEGIANCE" to America and the Constitution.

See again, the Code of Ethics for Govt Service about not putting loyalty to persons or party above country and moral principles, and also to uphold the Constitution and never be a party to evasion:


"Any person in Government service should:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

"II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.

"III. Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving earnest effort and best thought to the performance of duties.

"IV. Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of getting tasks accomplished.

"V. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept, for himself or herself or for family members, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of governmental duties.

"VI. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Governmental employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty.

"VII. Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly, which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of governmental duties.

"VIII. Never use any information gained confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means of making a private profit.

"IX. Expose corruption wherever discovered.

"X. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.

^ Because of Obama's disregard and discrimination against the beliefs of others equally protected under law, that is why he lost the trust of at least half the public. Especially if you are going to fault Bush for alienating half the nation, at least have the "moral principles" not to make the same mistakes you criticize opponents for!
... And 25% of Americans may answer the "sun revolves around the earth."
1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

But that's not what the question was.

If people don't have confidence the President loves, understands, INCLUDES and represents
what they love about America, that's how many don't have faith in this government.

He can love America all he can, but if he has failed relations with half the country, that's a problem.

He deals with a rightwing media tha has convinced 35% of the population that Obama is the devil

They will reply as such to any question

Fox is the #1 news network, but I don't think even they could pull that off with the rest of the news media being dominated by leftists

"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.

In udder words, you like pre-thought information so you don't need to do it for yourself
Ah, that's better. I am forced to recall the words of a pop singer who's name eludes me for the moment:
"What's 'love' got to do with it?"
-- Literally. It's not in the job description, it's not part of passing (or opposing) legislation; it's entirely irrelevant. That's why I keep pointing out the whole poll question is completely illegitimate.

I'd say he's more interested in number 1. And his ego wants to have a legacy and this is the one he went for. But that's got zero to do with "love".

Thanks for answering honestly Pogo.
What love has to do with it is love for Constitution and Country.
That you don't put your 'self love' and 'self interest'
over the interest of the country, and the DUTY to represent ALL people, not just "one party's" political interests.

How this affects public policy and public trust:
if officials put their self-interest before public duty
it DEGRADES and demeans public trust in govt.

If people don't have respect for govt, then crime and corruption don't matter.
If the President doesn't care about selfish conflicts, what about the person who would
rather steal your car than earn their own?

This sets a bad precedent for not respecting the rights of others "equally under law"
It does not enforce consistent ETHICS so it ENDANGERS the public trust, safety and SECURITY.

See opening intro of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service:

"Any person in Government service should:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

"II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion. posted at

Since by pushing the ACA mandates against the Constitutional objections of half the nation,
Obama alienated entire parties of people. And continues to give this impression those beliefs DON'T COUNT.

I happen to believe in equal protection of the laws for ALL creeds and ALL beliefs,
prochoice equally as prolife, gun rights equally as gun control, and right to health care equally as state rights.

Cutting out and excluding half the nation for their beliefs
comes across as "evading" Constitutional duties to protect ALL citizens from discrimination [by creed].

If you can understand how Bush was seen this way,
surely you can see how Obama is seen as violating Constitutional laws.

So violating laws and shirking duties for one's own personal or political interest
is NOT loving and respecting the country and the Constitution.

And trying to play down the opposition as racist or hateful is even more inciteful.

"Duty" is not "love". Neither is "ethics". You don't have to "love" an action you take because it's the ethical thing to do; you do it because it's ethical.

"Love" is irrelevant to these. As it is to governing -- or for that matter doing most jobs that aren't volunteer positions.

OK, hop stick. lets change the question.

which president in recent history has never said the words. "I love the USA" ?


--- all of 'em?

What'd I win?

As I said at the outset, find me anywhere the Oath of Office mentions "love". I got no answer. Which is correct.

Hi Pogo even by your own statement that fulfilling duty is the key and that does not require love,
well, Obama violated his Oath of Office by putting partisan and political interest above Constitutional equal
protection and representation of all Americans.

The Oath does not provide an exception for one's political career or partisan agenda such as "right to health care."
Once you take an Oath to uphold the Constitution, then beliefs such as 'right to health care' are equal to beliefs in 'states' rights" and freedom of choice/civil liberties that got overrun by the ACA mandates in favor of "nationalized health care."

So that is where you can STILL show Obama violated his Oath of Office.
And that violation is what people are calling lack of love ie "LOYALTY or ALLEGIANCE" to America and the Constitution.

See again, the Code of Ethics for Govt Service about not putting loyalty to persons or party above country and moral principles, and also to uphold the Constitution and never be a party to evasion:


"Any person in Government service should:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

"II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.

"III. Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving earnest effort and best thought to the performance of duties.

"IV. Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of getting tasks accomplished.

"V. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept, for himself or herself or for family members, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of governmental duties.

"VI. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Governmental employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty.

"VII. Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly, which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of governmental duties.

"VIII. Never use any information gained confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means of making a private profit.

"IX. Expose corruption wherever discovered.

"X. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.

^ Because of Obama's disregard and discrimination against the beliefs of others equally protected under law, that is why he lost the trust of at least half the public. Especially if you are going to fault Bush for alienating half the nation, at least have the "moral principles" not to make the same mistakes you criticize opponents for!

A lot of words to make no point, Emily. It's still in no way related to "love", nor does it need to be.

If you and I enter into a contract and by this contract I agree to make widgets to your specs and you agree to pay me fifty cents a widget, I don't make widgets because I "love" making widgets, but out of contractual obligation. Some mornings I may not feel like making widgets at all, may even "hate" the idea that day. But I do it because it's my duty under the contract. Similarly you don't pay me X amount for Y number of widgets because you "love" to pay me -- you do it because you're obliged to under our contract.

That's why Guiliani's rant, and the poll in its wake, mean nothing. It's a stupid poll based on a meaningless ramble.
... snip ...

He was always the wrong person to be elected President of this country. Why those Moon Bats did it has always been beyond comprehension.
They voted for the Kenyan to prove they aren't racists. As a result, obama will be the last radical, liberal black president this country elects. God willing.
... snip ...

He was always the wrong person to be elected President of this country. Why those Moon Bats did it has always been beyond comprehension.
They voted for the Kenyan to prove they aren't racists. As a result, obama will be the last radical, liberal black president this country elects. God willing.

I agree, but I fear that the crazy left will have to elect an incompetent female in order to prove that the country does not discriminate against women. This PC bullshit is destroying our country.
Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America. Those are BAD numbers for the President but totally predictable. And it also shows that Rudy was speaking for a lot of people

And before people start screaming about a Rasmussen poll, remember even if you want to assume it skews a bit to the right - they don't but fine - even at a combined 45% that's a disaster. And FWIW Obama for months has been doing better in Rassmussen's daily presidential approval poll than any other poll

Love America poll Obama 51 voters 92
He's not running again so what. Back in Ww2 we put all italian americans not born here on an enemy list. Hero Joe DiMaggio s parents were on that list. Proof the american people are ignorant bigots. Did it to japs. Didn't treat blacks or indians very well and now Arabs.
We are such a horrible nation we are being flooded by masochists who risk everything including their lives just to get here and be mistreated.
... And 25% of Americans may answer the "sun revolves around the earth."
1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

But that's not what the question was.

If people don't have confidence the President loves, understands, INCLUDES and represents
what they love about America, that's how many don't have faith in this government.

He can love America all he can, but if he has failed relations with half the country, that's a problem.

He deals with a rightwing media tha has convinced 35% of the population that Obama is the devil

They will reply as such to any question

Fox is the #1 news network, but I don't think even they could pull that off with the rest of the news media being dominated by leftists

"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
He deals with a rightwing media tha has convinced 35% of the population that Obama is the devil

They will reply as such to any question

Fox is the #1 news network, but I don't think even they could pull that off with the rest of the news media being dominated by leftists

"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

Pogo's just calling it like he sees it. If they aren't parroting liberal politicians, it's all noise to him
Fox is the #1 news network, but I don't think even they could pull that off with the rest of the news media being dominated by leftists

"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

Pogo's just calling it like he sees it. If they aren't parroting liberal politicians, it's all noise to him

Pogo is a clown!

Fox is the #1 news network, but I don't think even they could pull that off with the rest of the news media being dominated by leftists

"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

Pogo's just calling it like he sees it. If they aren't parroting liberal politicians, it's all noise to him

Uh, no. I've actually worked in media and have a clue what its spectrum is in the world of reality.
You're welcome.
He deals with a rightwing media tha has convinced 35% of the population that Obama is the devil

They will reply as such to any question

Fox is the #1 news network, but I don't think even they could pull that off with the rest of the news media being dominated by leftists

"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

I wish I could say I did, but it's been around for many years. I don't know who came up with it but not being able to improve on it I just stole it.

Thangyew, thangyew vurry much.

Considering the stretch you just made to find a place to use that clown image, it's pretty clear I came out ahead. :thup:
Last edited:
"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

Pogo's just calling it like he sees it. If they aren't parroting liberal politicians, it's all noise to him

Uh, no. I've actually worked in media and have a clue what its spectrum is in the world of reality.
You're welcome.

The liberal media is self certified as not liberal, bam! Great argument, thanks for clearing that up
Fox is the #1 news network, but I don't think even they could pull that off with the rest of the news media being dominated by leftists

"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

I wish I could say I did, but it's been around for many years. I don't know who came up with it but not being able to improve on it I just stole it.

Thangyew, thangyew vurry much.

You may want to click your sarcasm detector, I think the needle is stuck

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