US Threatened by China

I don't get China's obsession with Tiawan.
Tiawan is not a threat to China.
They are not doing anything to China.
Invading Tiawan won't do anything for China.
Invading Tiawan will make China look like crazy totalitarian thugs.
I don't get China's obsession with Tiawan.
Tiawan is not a threat to China.
They are not doing anything to China.
Invading Tiawan won't do anything for China.
Invading Tiawan will make China look like crazy totalitarian thugs.
Taiwan has the Chip fabs and enough cash in their banks to purchase all of Mainland China who currently has a bond crisis.
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If we had a real President at this time, the official US response would be:

“STFU and kiss our ass. We now officially recognize two Chinas. Oh, also, FAFO.”

It looks like Trump might be elected once again in November so this would be the best time while Joe Biden is still in office for China to make a move on Taiwan.
War with China is not a good idea.
We need a peaceful resolution...a CONSTRUCTIVE solution. One that leaves the dignity of both sides intact.

We know why China wants Taiwans money and economic dominance....but the truth is they can't have it. Taiwan is actually a prison for exiles from China...but now Taiwan can outright buy Mainland China. Except for the military might...Taiwan has the upper economic hand.

So...the corruption and greed of the Mainland is the real issue. And we can't fix that...but it can be managed.

And this is going to require some "fancy footwork" to pull off.

We do not want a war...nor does Taiwan, nor does China. It helps no one. The devastating losses of human capital is the result of anything resembling war.

India will seize the opportunity to gain their mining operations back (along the border) with all sorts of military force. Russia could attack too if they weren't so tied up in Ukraine...importing African conscripts might be their only option here....but that won't set well with St Petersburg or Moscow residents. Black people on the streets in Russia will cause them a heart attack. (And people think America is racist....HA!!!!)

Then comes Singapore....they will have something to say about their heavy investments in Taiwan and the Koreans with their citizens finding work in Taiwan will call out for help....and that call will be answered.

BRICS will literally fall apart. It's not like it's stable. Everyone is relying upon Brazillian groceries instead of their own. I don't think that this is as smart as they think it is.

But....we will see what comes. China always has been without a conscience and extremely opportunistic. Every good thing we have tried to offer them has been abused in the worst possible way against those who have offered it. Between outright stealing of intellectual property and international copyright laws to silicon purification processes.
So much for world computer technology for years and years if that happens.
If we can stave off the war. There is only two companies that actually make modern chip fabs. Both are American and restricted from selling to ANYONE other than the list of approved corporations. And used equipment also exists under such a ban.

However, there are several new sites in America and Canada that are being surveyed for chip fabs. And the dirty little secret is the superfast and wide bandwidth chips capable of AI need specialized memory that only Micron makes. Intel uses a different setup but it's going to get sued for copyright infringement. (Theft)
Micron was in partnership with Intel until they figured out what they were doing and refused to be the patsy for their crimes.

So the only thing left is NVIDIA and TSC to worry about. NVIDIA has the patents for graphics and other chips it leases out. TSC makes chips for everyone using NVIDIA licenses.

There's a wealth of human resources that will be lost though. Operating Chip Fabs without a trained and skilled staff is pointless. These people don't grow on trees. We need chemists and other highly skilled and trained professionals to make the wafers.
If we can stave off the war. There is only two companies that actually make modern chip fabs. Both are American and restricted from selling to ANYONE other than the list of approved corporations. And used equipment also exists under such a ban.

However, there are several new sites in America and Canada that are being surveyed for chip fabs. And the dirty little secret is the superfast and wide bandwidth chips capable of AI need specialized memory that only Micron makes. Intel uses a different setup but it's going to get sued for copyright infringement. (Theft)
Micron was in partnership with Intel until they figured out what they were doing and refused to be the patsy for their crimes.

So the only thing left is NVIDIA and TSC to worry about. NVIDIA has the patents for graphics and other chips it leases out. TSC makes chips for everyone using NVIDIA licenses.

There's a wealth of human resources that will be lost though. Operating Chip Fabs without a trained and skilled staff is pointless. These people don't grow on trees. We need chemists and other highly skilled and trained professionals to make the wafers.
It's TSMC, and most of their production facilities and brain trust is in Taiwan.

They won't work under duress for the ChiComs either. They are not having it. It will be scorched earth.

Some of the best will be lost.
Maybe it's something to do with Taiwan being part of China.
Taiwan is the penal colony of exiles who wanted Christianity and Free Market Capitalism. They were exiled to that island and abandoned. CCP wanted to do this new thing called Atheism and Communism.
We see how this turned out....Taiwan can currently outright buy Mainland China even after CCP confiscated all cash from nationalizing all the Banks in Hong Kong (formerly a rented British Colony)

When Taiwan became wealthy and was becoming more and more wealthy as time rolled on....the US helped negotiate a "One China" policy. (Completely unhelpful....kicked the can down the road)

CCP really wants chip fabs and cash....and really doesn't care if they rob the whole world and then hold them hostage for chips.

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