New poll on does Obama love America

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

Pogo's just calling it like he sees it. If they aren't parroting liberal politicians, it's all noise to him

Uh, no. I've actually worked in media and have a clue what its spectrum is in the world of reality.
You're welcome.

The liberal media is self certified as not liberal, bam! Great argument, thanks for clearing that up

Actually what that all means is your perspective is certified as skewed. And again, you're welcome. I'm here to help.
... snip ...

He was always the wrong person to be elected President of this country. Why those Moon Bats did it has always been beyond comprehension.
They voted for the Kenyan to prove they aren't racists. As a result, obama will be the last radical, liberal black president this country elects. God willing.

Right, I can't imagine why anybody would decline to vote for a septuagenarian cancer survivor closely associated with an administration carrying a major economic collapse and also carrying Sarah Palin as baggage, can you??

Sarcasm generator test: nominal limits exceeded
In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

Pogo's just calling it like he sees it. If they aren't parroting liberal politicians, it's all noise to him

Uh, no. I've actually worked in media and have a clue what its spectrum is in the world of reality.
You're welcome.

The liberal media is self certified as not liberal, bam! Great argument, thanks for clearing that up

Actually what that all means is your perspective is certified as skewed. And again, you're welcome. I'm here to help.

I thought you were here to parrot the Democrats, thanks for clarifying that.

I do see your point though. The media accurately reports what Democrats think of the issues, They aren't skewing the Democrat's views, they are reporting them as stated, so there is no bias.

Your concern for Americans is touching though. Hearing two sides of an issue like Fox does is confusing, even dangerous. People might start to question what they are told. Shudder
Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America. Those are BAD numbers for the President but totally predictable. And it also shows that Rudy was speaking for a lot of people

And before people start screaming about a Rasmussen poll, remember even if you want to assume it skews a bit to the right - they don't but fine - even at a combined 45% that's a disaster. And FWIW Obama for months has been doing better in Rassmussen's daily presidential approval poll than any other poll

Love America poll Obama 51 voters 92
He's not running again so what. Back in Ww2 we put all italian americans not born here on an enemy list. Hero Joe DiMaggio s parents were on that list. Proof the american people are ignorant bigots. Did it to japs. Didn't treat blacks or indians very well and now Arabs.
We are such a horrible nation we are being flooded by masochists who risk everything including their lives just to get here and be mistreated.
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.
We are such a horrible nation we are being flooded by masochists who risk everything including their lives just to get here and be mistreated.
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.

Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
We are such a horrible nation we are being flooded by masochists who risk everything including their lives just to get here and be mistreated.
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.

Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
Obama deports more than bush and goes after illegal employers more too just as bill clinton did before bush.
We are such a horrible nation we are being flooded by masochists who risk everything including their lives just to get here and be mistreated.
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.

Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
Obama deports more than bush and goes after illegal employers more too just as bill clinton did before bush.

Bush did nothing, so that's not really a comparison, but you think Obama is trying to get rid of illegals? Seriously?
Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

Pogo's just calling it like he sees it. If they aren't parroting liberal politicians, it's all noise to him

Uh, no. I've actually worked in media and have a clue what its spectrum is in the world of reality.
You're welcome.

The liberal media is self certified as not liberal, bam! Great argument, thanks for clearing that up

"Self-certified" whould be continuously running a slogan like this....


Not unlike the 400-pound linebacker nickamed "Tiny".

Let's face it, when you have to go to these lengths to overcompensate, you're compesating for sump'm.
Wonder what that could be...


Interesting adjective.
In udder words anybody and everybody who doesn't feed you the Fox Noise echo chamber line.
Yeah I'm hip.
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

Pogo's just calling it like he sees it. If they aren't parroting liberal politicians, it's all noise to him

Uh, no. I've actually worked in media and have a clue what its spectrum is in the world of reality.
You're welcome.

The liberal media is self certified as not liberal, bam! Great argument, thanks for clearing that up

"Self-certified" whould be continuously running a slogan like this....


Not unlike the 400-pound linebacker nickamed "Tiny".

Let's face it, when you have to go to these lengths to overcompensate, you're compesating for sump'm.
Wonder what that could be...


Interesting adjective.
You don't understand what they mean by fair and balanced because you are running it through your own bias.

To you fair and balanced can only be done by liberals. You asses Republican views and in a fair and balanced way you tell us why they are wrong. Of course everyone else is wrong, so no one can say in a fair and balanced way why you are wrong because of course, you are not wrong. So that would be bias.

To Fox, fair and balanced means they have both sides on to speak for themselves. Which they do. They are not claiming they are fair and balanced in reporting your views, they are fair and balanced because they have you on to speak for yourself. Something the leftstream media doesn't do for their opponents. The lamestream media has already processed the information and are only reporting fairly that the Democrats are right and the Republicans are wrong.

That went right over your head, didn't it?
Damn you are hip.

Fox Noise!!!!!

That is such cutting edge, raw wit!

Shit, you thought that up yourself, didn't you?

Pogo's just calling it like he sees it. If they aren't parroting liberal politicians, it's all noise to him

Uh, no. I've actually worked in media and have a clue what its spectrum is in the world of reality.
You're welcome.

The liberal media is self certified as not liberal, bam! Great argument, thanks for clearing that up

"Self-certified" whould be continuously running a slogan like this....


Not unlike the 400-pound linebacker nickamed "Tiny".

Let's face it, when you have to go to these lengths to overcompensate, you're compesating for sump'm.
Wonder what that could be...


Interesting adjective.
You don't understand what they mean by fair and balanced because you are running it through your own bias.

To you fair and balanced can only be done by liberals. You asses Republican views and in a fair and balanced way you tell us why they are wrong. Of course everyone else is wrong, so no one can say in a fair and balanced way why you are wrong because of course, you are not wrong. So that would be bias.

To Fox, fair and balanced means they have both sides on to speak for themselves. Which they do. They are not claiming they are fair and balanced in reporting your views, they are fair and balanced because they have you on to speak for yourself. Something the leftstream media doesn't do for their opponents. The lamestream media has already processed the information and are only reporting fairly that the Democrats are right and the Republicans are wrong.

That went right over your head, didn't it?

It kinda did. Because in the second person present tense it would be "you ass". Asses would be present tense third person -- "I ass; you ass; he/she/it asses".

If ass were a verb.

I don't give a shit about what the Dem-Rep score is as they run it up. I just observe that the referees are throwing the game.

After all -- pretty hard to live this down....

Last edited:
We are such a horrible nation we are being flooded by masochists who risk everything including their lives just to get here and be mistreated.
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.

Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
Obama deports more than bush and goes after illegal employers more too just as bill clinton did before bush.

Bush did nothing, so that's not really a comparison, but you think Obama is trying to get rid of illegals? Seriously?

I think the ones that are already here aren't going to go. They've been here too long. They have kids here now. I get it. Plus he wants the Latino vote. I do too. Plus we need the taxes. They aren't paying taxes now. So get them on the books.

Listen. If we really wanted them gone we could find them and deport them. But we don't allow officers to profile or even to bother with deporting. Most police say , "that's not my job". So the scam or con is on brother. They like the cheap labor and they aren't going to stop hiring them. Lets take a persons home and business away from them if they get caught hiring illegals. You can't be an illegal and work in Switzerland. It would not happen there. But we have a culture of corporations who like hiring cheap labor. Next you'll be arguing Jobs Americans Won't Do.

Liberals may want to let illegals stay, but we aren't paying their wages or salaries. We can't wish them here or gone. We have to stop paying them. If they job disappears so do they. And since we probably won't do that, fuck it make them legal. They're white enough and Christians right?
We are such a horrible nation we are being flooded by masochists who risk everything including their lives just to get here and be mistreated.
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.

Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
Obama deports more than bush and goes after illegal employers more too just as bill clinton did before bush.

Bush did nothing, so that's not really a comparison, but you think Obama is trying to get rid of illegals? Seriously?

Why don't you want to make 1 million Mexicans officially Mexican Americans? Are you agreeing with us liberals that the planet is over populated? Good!

We have too many retirees and not enough workers to pay their ss because we borrowed all the money they put into it. We need more workers unfortunately. Are you arguing for raising your taxes instead of bringing on the help?

Are you afraid of the low skilled low wage workers? It does bring everyone's wages down when we have more workers than jobs.

I see it both ways.
Of course Obama loves America. That's the definition of Liberal Democratic Progressive. Bush and the GOP love Free Market Capitalism. Fuck America this is an international love baby. They're taking over the world not worried about middle class Americans who just so happen to be the highest paid workers in the world. Its all about labor costs. They had to do something about that and they did. NAFTA.
Liberals understand Corporations and the rich are vital to America but we know to keep them on a short leash. They only care about money. That's the definition of a corporation. A corporation doesn't care about charity, god or this country above itself.
We are such a horrible nation we are being flooded by masochists who risk everything including their lives just to get here and be mistreated.
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.

Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
Obama deports more than bush and goes after illegal employers more too just as bill clinton did before bush.

Bush did nothing, so that's not really a comparison, but you think Obama is trying to get rid of illegals? Seriously?

I think the ones that are already here aren't going to go. They've been here too long. They have kids here now. I get it. Plus he wants the Latino vote. I do too. Plus we need the taxes. They aren't paying taxes now. So get them on the books.

Listen. If we really wanted them gone we could find them and deport them. But we don't allow officers to profile or even to bother with deporting. Most police say , "that's not my job". So the scam or con is on brother. They like the cheap labor and they aren't going to stop hiring them. Lets take a persons home and business away from them if they get caught hiring illegals. You can't be an illegal and work in Switzerland. It would not happen there. But we have a culture of corporations who like hiring cheap labor. Next you'll be arguing Jobs Americans Won't Do.

Liberals may want to let illegals stay, but we aren't paying their wages or salaries. We can't wish them here or gone. We have to stop paying them. If they job disappears so do they. And since we probably won't do that, fuck it make them legal. They're white enough and Christians right?

So Obama was exporting illegals now he wants them to stay. And I keep saying liberals are flip floppers. Wow, what was I thinking?
We are such a horrible nation we are being flooded by masochists who risk everything including their lives just to get here and be mistreated.
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.

Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
Obama deports more than bush and goes after illegal employers more too just as bill clinton did before bush.

Bush did nothing, so that's not really a comparison, but you think Obama is trying to get rid of illegals? Seriously?

Why don't you want to make 1 million Mexicans officially Mexican Americans? Are you agreeing with us liberals that the planet is over populated? Good!

We have too many retirees and not enough workers to pay their ss because we borrowed all the money they put into it. We need more workers unfortunately. Are you arguing for raising your taxes instead of bringing on the help?

Are you afraid of the low skilled low wage workers? It does bring everyone's wages down when we have more workers than jobs.

I see it both ways.

I didn't take a position on that. Instead of making up my view, if you want to know, ask what I think, don't tell me what I think. I pointed out that liberals flip flop on the same issue based on who is President. You confirmed that
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.

Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
Obama deports more than bush and goes after illegal employers more too just as bill clinton did before bush.

Bush did nothing, so that's not really a comparison, but you think Obama is trying to get rid of illegals? Seriously?

I think the ones that are already here aren't going to go. They've been here too long. They have kids here now. I get it. Plus he wants the Latino vote. I do too. Plus we need the taxes. They aren't paying taxes now. So get them on the books.

Listen. If we really wanted them gone we could find them and deport them. But we don't allow officers to profile or even to bother with deporting. Most police say , "that's not my job". So the scam or con is on brother. They like the cheap labor and they aren't going to stop hiring them. Lets take a persons home and business away from them if they get caught hiring illegals. You can't be an illegal and work in Switzerland. It would not happen there. But we have a culture of corporations who like hiring cheap labor. Next you'll be arguing Jobs Americans Won't Do.

Liberals may want to let illegals stay, but we aren't paying their wages or salaries. We can't wish them here or gone. We have to stop paying them. If they job disappears so do they. And since we probably won't do that, fuck it make them legal. They're white enough and Christians right?

So Obama was exporting illegals now he wants them to stay. And I keep saying liberals are flip floppers. Wow, what was I thinking?

Some can stay, and they'll have to jump through a hell of a lot of hoops to do it too I might add.

Hey, remember the influx of Arabs after Bush invaded Iraq? How many sleeper cells did he let in?
Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
Obama deports more than bush and goes after illegal employers more too just as bill clinton did before bush.

Bush did nothing, so that's not really a comparison, but you think Obama is trying to get rid of illegals? Seriously?

I think the ones that are already here aren't going to go. They've been here too long. They have kids here now. I get it. Plus he wants the Latino vote. I do too. Plus we need the taxes. They aren't paying taxes now. So get them on the books.

Listen. If we really wanted them gone we could find them and deport them. But we don't allow officers to profile or even to bother with deporting. Most police say , "that's not my job". So the scam or con is on brother. They like the cheap labor and they aren't going to stop hiring them. Lets take a persons home and business away from them if they get caught hiring illegals. You can't be an illegal and work in Switzerland. It would not happen there. But we have a culture of corporations who like hiring cheap labor. Next you'll be arguing Jobs Americans Won't Do.

Liberals may want to let illegals stay, but we aren't paying their wages or salaries. We can't wish them here or gone. We have to stop paying them. If they job disappears so do they. And since we probably won't do that, fuck it make them legal. They're white enough and Christians right?

So Obama was exporting illegals now he wants them to stay. And I keep saying liberals are flip floppers. Wow, what was I thinking?

Some can stay, and they'll have to jump through a hell of a lot of hoops to do it too I might add.

Hey, remember the influx of Arabs after Bush invaded Iraq? How many sleeper cells did he let in?

I don't get the purpose of snarky questions that have nothing to do with anything I said
True there are worse but there are also better now. Couldn't say that until bushanomics and Reagan fucked the middle class.

Also notice companies hiring these illegals is one of the reasons for our decline.

Yes, Obama did fix the stupid Republican policies by doing the same things, only it is OK now because a Democrat's in the White House. I feel better about it too
Obama deports more than bush and goes after illegal employers more too just as bill clinton did before bush.

Bush did nothing, so that's not really a comparison, but you think Obama is trying to get rid of illegals? Seriously?

Why don't you want to make 1 million Mexicans officially Mexican Americans? Are you agreeing with us liberals that the planet is over populated? Good!

We have too many retirees and not enough workers to pay their ss because we borrowed all the money they put into it. We need more workers unfortunately. Are you arguing for raising your taxes instead of bringing on the help?

Are you afraid of the low skilled low wage workers? It does bring everyone's wages down when we have more workers than jobs.

I see it both ways.

I didn't take a position on that. Instead of making up my view, if you want to know, ask what I think, don't tell me what I think. I pointed out that liberals flip flop on the same issue based on who is President. You confirmed that

You do understand how politics work, right?

But let me tell you a brief history on this. Until Reagan, migrants came and went at the end of the pickin season. Then all of the sudden they stopped leaving and 1 million became 10 million. Guys like Romney hired illegals for the cheap labor and to ultimately lower middle class wages. Look at the number of times Clinton busted illegal employers vs Bush to see which party is actually making an effort.

Stop being so blind you don't see it is your own party that wants the illegals here. But they want to keep them illegal too.

Reclaiming the Issues It s an Illegal Employer Problem Thom Hartmann

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

- See more at: Reclaiming the Issues It s an Illegal Employer Problem Thom Hartmann

Now go ahead and argue that Bush didn't stop looking on purpose you dishonest right wingers.

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