NASA's InSight lander on Mars

Why do we have to get there is under a year?

Do you know how easy it is to float a meteor through space? Very easy.
"Float a meteor through space? The idea is to pave the way for manned missions. Who would want to be on that meteor floating through space?
You wouldn't be on it. Or maybe you would but I don't see why anyone would have to ride it. When cowboys moved cattle across the prarie did they have to ride the cows?
Thats what we get for letting a tiny percentage of our population hoarde our nation's wealth.
We need to get to mars. Mars is closer to the meteor belt. We are overconsuming iron and other metals and perhaps we could mine the meteor belt.
Yes indeed. No way to transport the mined product and no way to get there under a year!
Why do we have to get there is under a year?

Do you know how easy it is to float a meteor through space? Very easy.

And of course while we’re figuring it out we will have goat herders who don’t think it’s possible. Just mind your herd
I notice you don't provide any answers, just attack the messenger.

Answer what? You said no way to get er done in under a year. Who said we need to?

And you said no way to transport the minded product. You are correct no solution exists yet. This is all futuristic stuff. But what about this?

The asteroid is called Bennu, and every six years, its egg-shaped orbital path brings it just 185,000 miles from Earth — roughly 53,000 miles closer than our moon. In about 200 years, there’s a 1-in-2,700 chance it could sail close enough for Earth’s gravity to reel it in. That would be very bad.

The impact would excavate a crater nearly three miles wide and 1,500 feet deep. Locations three miles away would be buried under 50 feet of rock raining down. It would trigger a 6.7-magnitude earthquake. But the real damage would come from the air burst, caused by the meteor hurtling through the atmosphere, which could collapse buildings and tear down trees up to 30 miles away.

Partly to help with this, a NASA spacecraft called OSIRIS-REx is on its way to Bennu, where it will collect several pounds of asteroid samples and return them to Earth. By baking those samples and melting them down, scientists will learn what the asteroid is like, how the solar system’s rocky worlds were made, and how to protect Earth from these errant rocks — whether by pushing them away, breaking them up, or using the sun’s warmth to nudge them a different direction.

So while NASA is figuring this shit out you and Trump are badmouthing NASA because you don't like the science. Sad.
More and more the futility of talking to any of you people becomes more apparent.
The Core is mostly nonsense and has been rightly derided by scientists. But not all of the science it features is junk. Some researchers really do think that Earth's magnetic field deflects ionising particles from the sun, which would otherwise wear away Earth's atmosphere. If they are right, then without a magnetic field our planet will lose its atmosphere too, and all life will die.
Much like many scientists theorize happened on Mars. They believe Mars was once much like earth, but it lost it's magnetic field which led to losing it's protection against the radioactive waves emitted from the sun which led to the dissipation of it's atmosphere and killed off all it's life. Other scientists simply believe that Mars doesn't have enough gravity to sustain an inhabitable atmosphere.

But now NASA has a GRAND PLAN...

NASA Wants to Launch a Giant Magnetic Field to Make Mars Habitable
The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.

He's like a kid who doesn't think he will ever die because he's 15 years old. He's not thinking 80 years from now let along billions of years. Just because it's not happening in his lifetime, he doesn't care.
Before they can practically do ANYTHING outside on the Earth Moon area, some faster way of getting around needs to be found.
We need to get to mars. Mars is closer to the meteor belt. We are overconsuming iron and other metals and perhaps we could mine the meteor belt.
Yes indeed. No way to transport the mined product and no way to get there under a year!
Why do we have to get there is under a year?

Do you know how easy it is to float a meteor through space? Very easy.

And of course while we’re figuring it out we will have goat herders who don’t think it’s possible. Just mind your herd
I notice you don't provide any answers, just attack the messenger.

Answer what? You said no way to get er done in under a year. Who said we need to?

And you said no way to transport the minded product. You are correct no solution exists yet. This is all futuristic stuff. But what about this?

The asteroid is called Bennu, and every six years, its egg-shaped orbital path brings it just 185,000 miles from Earth — roughly 53,000 miles closer than our moon. In about 200 years, there’s a 1-in-2,700 chance it could sail close enough for Earth’s gravity to reel it in. That would be very bad.

The impact would excavate a crater nearly three miles wide and 1,500 feet deep. Locations three miles away would be buried under 50 feet of rock raining down. It would trigger a 6.7-magnitude earthquake. But the real damage would come from the air burst, caused by the meteor hurtling through the atmosphere, which could collapse buildings and tear down trees up to 30 miles away.

Partly to help with this, a NASA spacecraft called OSIRIS-REx is on its way to Bennu, where it will collect several pounds of asteroid samples and return them to Earth. By baking those samples and melting them down, scientists will learn what the asteroid is like, how the solar system’s rocky worlds were made, and how to protect Earth from these errant rocks — whether by pushing them away, breaking them up, or using the sun’s warmth to nudge them a different direction.

So while NASA is figuring this shit out you and Trump are badmouthing NASA because you don't like the science. Sad.
More and more the futility of talking to any of you people becomes more apparent.

I agree your stupidity should be illegal.
The simple fact of the matter with the Mars landers is, mankind has to walk before it can run. If we can't explore planets within our own solar system, then we might as well give up on ever traveling to an xoplanet light years away that's actually much like earth and inhabitable.

We built some pretty crude cars when they were first developed too, horseless carriages, but now we have cars that'll do over 200 mph right off the showroom floor that will drive, park and stop themselves, among other things. It's probes to Mars now, a manned mission in the not so distant future, and who knows what after that.

One thing is for CERTAIN, if mankind doesn't find it's way off earth to a different planet that can sustain human life, we're done, we're extinct, because our planet isn't going to be here forever.

How many of you weren't aware that our sun was exploding? Maybe you won't be so fast to criticise the Mars landers if you think about the fact that we HAVE to find a way off this planet, far, far away, if mankind is ever going to survive.
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how freakin many are they going to send???!!!

Many, I hope. We spend too much of my tax dollars fighting wars of choice and planning for an invasion of women & Children seeking asylum.

We have a president (no fault of me) who is ignorant and hostile to science.

It's been nearly half a century since we put men on the moon. Since then we have sent combat troops into Granada, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq (twice), allowed our infrastructure to "rust" and ignored the pollution which contributes to Climate Changes which cost billions and more lives.
The simple fact of the matter with the Mars landers is, mankind has to walk before it can run. If we can't explore planets within our own solar system, then we might as well give up on ever traveling to an xoplanet light years away that's actually much like earth and inhabitable.

We built some pretty crude cars when they were first developed too, horseless carriages, but now we have cars that'll do over 200 mph right off the showroom floor that will drive, park and stop themselves, among other things. It's probes to Mars now, a manned mission in the not so distant future, and who knows what after that.

One thing is for CERTAIN, if mankind doesn't find it's way off earth to a different planet that can sustain human life, we're done, we're extinct, because our planet isn't going to be here forever.

How many of you weren't aware that our sun was exploding? Maybe you won't be so fast to criticise the Mars landers if you think about the fact that we HAVE to find a way off this planet, far, far away, if mankind is ever going to survive.
That's what I'm talking about. They have no sense of urgency because the earth probably won't die in their lifetime. Not even in 1 million years. So they just don't care.

If you care about your great grandkids who don't even exist now why wouldn't you care about humans 1000 or million years from now?
The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.
And the simple minded leftist moron "Unkotare" thinks our sun exploding and the plight of mankind, is... "funny."

Leave it to an imbecile democrat.
The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.
And the simple minded leftist moron "Unkotare" thinks our sun exploding and the plight of mankind, is... "funny."

Leave it to an imbecile democrat.

Most American's are democratic, only the far right opposes democracy.
The simple fact of the matter with the Mars landers is, mankind has to walk before it can run. If we can't explore planets within our own solar system, then we might as well give up on ever traveling to an xoplanet light years away that's actually much like earth and inhabitable.

We built some pretty crude cars when they were first developed too, horseless carriages, but now we have cars that'll do over 200 mph right off the showroom floor that will drive, park and stop themselves, among other things. It's probes to Mars now, a manned mission in the not so distant future, and who knows what after that.

One thing is for CERTAIN, if mankind doesn't find it's way off earth to a different planet that can sustain human life, we're done, we're extinct, because our planet isn't going to be here forever.

How many of you weren't aware that our sun was exploding? Maybe you won't be so fast to criticise the Mars landers if you think about the fact that we HAVE to find a way off this planet, far, far away, if mankind is ever going to survive.
I don't think FTL will ever happen. I think research into the physics of subatomic particles and gravity will yield a way, if the democrats don't destroy us all first.
The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.
And the simple minded leftist moron "Unkotare" thinks our sun exploding and the plight of mankind, is... "funny."

Leave it to an imbecile democrat.
Despite the unimaginative naysayers who have existed since the dawn of humanity. Humans are by design destined to reproduce and expand territory.
This will include the solar system and beyond.
It may be 150 or a 1000 years but humans will have a presence on Mars and probably the belt.

Need a better way into orbit to start.
Build the Equatorial Elevator. images (98).jpeg
The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.
And the simple minded leftist moron "Unkotare" thinks our sun exploding and the plight of mankind, is... "funny."

Leave it to an imbecile democrat.
Despite the unimaginative naysayers who have existed since the dawn of humanity. Humans are by design destined to reproduce and expand territory.
This will include the solar system and beyond.
It may be 150 or a 1000 years but humans will have a presence on Mars and probably the belt.

Need a better way into orbit to start.
Build the Equatorial Elevator.View attachment 231596
Earth spins. Elevator falls. people dead.
The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.
And the simple minded leftist moron "Unkotare" thinks our sun exploding and the plight of mankind, is... "funny."

Leave it to an imbecile democrat.

Some damn fool shitting himself over something that will happen around 10 BILLION years from now is downright hilarious. :lmao:

Almost as funny as calling me a “liberal.”

Whatever you’re drinking, you’d best put the cap back on.
The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.
And the simple minded leftist moron "Unkotare" thinks our sun exploding and the plight of mankind, is... "funny."

Leave it to an imbecile democrat.

Some damn fool shitting himself over something that will happen around 10 BILLION years from now is downright hilarious. :lmao:

Almost as funny as calling me a “liberal.”

Whatever you’re drinking, you’d best put the cap back on.
Yep... simple scientific facts are wasted on DUMBASSES like you. Just STATING a scientific fact TRIGGERS you into a brain dead rant.

SO LISTEN UP EVERYONE... don't mention any scientific facts around Unko, he'll think you're taking a shit instead of talking about science and laugh at you.

You poor little ANGRY leftist idiot. I thought you leftists were the ones all for science... guess not.
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how freakin many are they going to send???!!!

Many, I hope. We spend too much of my tax dollars fighting wars of choice and planning for an invasion of women & Children seeking asylum.

We have a president (no fault of me) who is ignorant and hostile to science.

It's been nearly half a century since we put men on the moon. Since then we have sent combat troops into Granada, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq (twice), allowed our infrastructure to "rust" and ignored the pollution which contributes to Climate Changes which cost billions and more lives.
It's conservative christians muslims and jews who are holding us back from progressing. They deny science and reality and they love them some war.
The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.

Actually, when the Sun goes red giant stage (which isn't for several BILLION more years), it will reach Earth, but won't make it to Mars, much less expand out a few light years. Apparently, you don't know much about science, or you wouldn't have made such an idiotic post.

Here's a link to help you out so you don't sound stupid next time.

Red Giant Stars: Facts, Definition & the Future of the Sun
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The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.
And the simple minded leftist moron "Unkotare" thinks our sun exploding and the plight of mankind, is... "funny."

Leave it to an imbecile democrat.

Leave it to an idiot to not understand that the Sun isn't going to become a red giant tomorrow, but rather in around 5 BILLION years.

I think we have some time to figure out how to make it to other places, that is...............provided we don't kill everyone off in a nuclear war.
The planet earth is not dying.
Earth WILL one day be VAPORIZED, and so will Mars. Our entire solar system will be because or sun is EXPLODING. It's expanding right now, and someday far in the future it will turn into a super nova and blow everything within a few light years away. If mankind is ever going to survive, we need to find a way to travel through the universe at speeds GREATER than light, but then what? Will we arrive where we wanted to go before it was there? Will speeds it takes to traverse the vastness of the universe result in time travel?

We better figure it all out, or mankind is doomed.
And the simple minded leftist moron "Unkotare" thinks our sun exploding and the plight of mankind, is... "funny."

Leave it to an imbecile democrat.
He's not a democrat. We won't take him. If you are a conservative or republican, he's all yours. He hates LBJ for putting Japs in camps but gives Trump a pass on what he's doing to children because they are not American citizens. He won't say all life is precious just all American lives are. Anyone else can suffer and die and be thrown in cages.

With Republicans they never see the similarities when they are hypocrites take for example Ivanka Trump. She too used a personal email and text messages but "it's not the same"

Ivanka Trump, daughter of and adviser to President Trump, sent hundreds of emails to government officials through a personal email account last year, according to TheWashington Post.

Ivanka Trump "often discussed or relayed official White House business using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner," the Post reports.

Many of those emails were "in violation of federal records rules," according to the newspaper.

Similar allegations dominated Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential run — with then-candidate Donald Trump frequently using the issue as a campaign talking point and encouraging his supporters at rallies to chant: "Lock her up!"

The Presidential Records Act mandates that all official White House communications be preserved. Using a personal email account instead of an official White House might skirt that law.

So they'll never admit we need to lock Ivanka up. They'll focus only on the differences between her and Hillary. My dad does this shit all the time. He was trashing my cousin for not putting flowers at her mothers grave. She must not love her she says. Ungrateful he says. I asked if he sent flowers to his mother's grave and he said no, but it's different......

No it's not different dad. You must not appreciate everything gramma did for you. LOL

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