Names of Democrats who walked out on Benghazi victim family members

They are so determined to sweep the whole Benghazi mess under the rug that they can't even show the slightest bit of sympathy for the families of those killed. A new low has been reached. Not caring is one thing, but walking out like that went too far and they showed all that they are not willing to listen to anything that may make the administration look bad. Either the Dems are so ashamed that they can't face it or they really don't care. It was a completely disgusting display regardless of their reasons.
is that why the republicans care?

if an incident like what happened in beghazi happens under a rep administration, then they lie to the american people about it, then they walk out on the victims families, i'll let you know. It's your beloved democrats who have just done exactly that......
kind of like bush did to parents who children was killed in iraq right??? Not to mention all the conservatives senators and members of the house did... Oh how these loser repub-lie-tards forget....

Do you mind putting a link to Bush doing this, or the conservative senators, or anyone else on the right? When did any of them walk out on someone like this? You should be embarassed by what your leaders did! Nobody has ever shown as much respect for our military as Bush did....
names of democrats on house oversight committee who walked out on benghazi victim family members

rep. Carolyn maloney (ny-14)
rep. Eleanor holmes norton (d.c.)
rep. John tierney (ma-6)
rep. Wm. Lacy clay (mo-1)
rep. Stephen lynch (ma-9)
rep. Jim cooper (tn-5)
rep. Gerald connolly (va-11)
rep. Matt cartwright (pa-17)
rep. Mark pocan (wi-2)
rep. Tammy duckworth (il-8)
rep. Danny k. Davis (il-7)
rep. Peter welch (vt)
rep. Tony cardenas (ca-29)
rep. Steve horsford (nv-4)
rep. Michelle lujan grisham (nm-1)
good they all should get a medal

and retired

bitcherock is the perfect illustration of a mindless bed wetting drone. Absolute zero human compassion when it comes to protecting his messiah.

Truly a form of life lower than an intestinal parasitic worm.
good they all should get a medal

and retired

nooooooooo they all should get reelected along with all the places where republicans are in office voted kicked out of office... That way we will get rid of all the unnecessary bull shit being told by the repub-lie-turds... And they can ware their walking out of unnecessary bull shit meeting medals ... That was created by lying rep-lie-turds

YOUR president and Sec of State promised them answers. They've gotten NONE. In fact the one mother was kept from going to a ceremony that honored these men, with the excuse she wasn't a next of kin! How stupid are these people you elected? Why is this ok with you? What if it had been YOUR brother or father that died? Would you just accept whatever you were told? Even after weeks they were still saying it was the video. I take it liars, as long as they're dems, are ok with you!
It's surprising that Tammy Duckworth walked out. Maybe whoever dragged her ass to safety should have walked out instead.

This is something that republican opponents can use against them next time they come up for reelection.
is that why the republicans care?

if an incident like what happened in beghazi happens under a rep administration, then they lie to the american people about it, then they walk out on the victims families, i'll let you know. It's your beloved democrats who have just done exactly that......
kind of like bush did to parents who children was killed in iraq right??? Not to mention all the conservatives senators and members of the house did... Oh how these loser repub-lie-tards forget....

Please supply a link to an article where President Bush walked out on Parents of dead service members.

I'll give you until Saturday afternoon, and if there is no link supplied, I am going to have to neg you.
Names of Democrats on House Oversight Committee who walked out on Benghazi victim family members

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.)
Rep. John Tierney (MA-6)
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (MO-1)
Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-9)
Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-5)
Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11)
Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-17)
Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-2)
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL-8)
Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL-7)
Rep. Peter Welch (VT)
Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA-29)
Rep. Steve Horsford (NV-4)
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-1)

All those dems are trailer trash
Names of Democrats on House Oversight Committee who walked out on Benghazi victim family members

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.)
Rep. John Tierney (MA-6)
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (MO-1)
Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-9)
Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-5)
Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11)
Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-17)
Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-2)
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL-8)
Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL-7)
Rep. Peter Welch (VT)
Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA-29)
Rep. Steve Horsford (NV-4)
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-1)

Thanks very much for the list. This is the email I just sent to Horsford:
I think your action in this was despicable and unforgivable. It shows a complete lack of compassion and a slavish following of party doctrine without considering the feelings of your constituents.

I sincerely hope you will be a one-term congressperson [can't call you a man as you certainly didn't act like one.]

is that why the republicans care?

if an incident like what happened in beghazi happens under a rep administration, then they lie to the american people about it, then they walk out on the victims families, i'll let you know. It's your beloved democrats who have just done exactly that......
kind of like bush did to parents who children was killed in iraq right??? Not to mention all the conservatives senators and members of the house did... Oh how these loser repub-lie-tards forget....

You are a contemptible pile of male bovine excrement!

President Bush frequently visited military hospitals to visit the men and women of the armed forces while in office and still does today. He frequently met with the families of those and even, without fanfare, attended funerals in areas where he was at the time.

The current POS-in-Chief consistently shows his dislike and contempt for our men and women in the army services.
Most of the Republicans walked out as well. Oops, did your Republican masters leave that little bit out? You rubes were played. Your Republican masters consider you to be nothing but UsefulIdiots.

Darrell Issa trolls Democrats for "walking out" on Benghazi testimony.

There are too many Rubepublicans on this thread to name and shame individually, but they should all apologize both to the world and to their god for acting so shamefully. They got played so easily because they wanted to be played. Seeking reasons to hate is now the only thing they care about in life, so they instantly fall for any scam that helps them hate.

To atone, those Republicans should criticize all the Republicans who walked out with the same vigor that they criticized the Democrats, and then criticize their party masters for lying to them by not mentioning that the Republicans walked out. After all, failure to do so would reveal them as raging hypocrites.

However, if they don't want to atone, and prefer to remain on a hellbound path, they can just shriek their rage at me for telling the truth. Pride is a sin, so don't be too proud to admit you got fooled. Show your rejection of Satan by not running back to the serpent-tongued men who lied to you, and by no longer spending your days looking for reasons to hate.
Names of Democrats on House Oversight Committee who walked out on Benghazi victim family members

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.)
Rep. John Tierney (MA-6)
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (MO-1)
Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-9)
Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-5)
Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11)
Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-17)
Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-2)
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL-8)
Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL-7)
Rep. Peter Welch (VT)
Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA-29)
Rep. Steve Horsford (NV-4)
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-1)

Thanks you letters and campaign donations coming their way :up:
is that why the republicans care?

if an incident like what happened in beghazi happens under a rep administration, then they lie to the american people about it, then they walk out on the victims families, i'll let you know. It's your beloved democrats who have just done exactly that......
kind of like bush did to parents who children was killed in iraq right??? Not to mention all the conservatives senators and members of the house did... Oh how these loser repub-lie-tards forget....

Like this!

"I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal," Mr Bush said in an online interview for Yahoo and Politico magazine.

"I don't want some mum whose son may have recently died to see the commander-in-chief playing golf. I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them."
Names of Democrats on House Oversight Committee who walked out on Benghazi victim family members

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.)
Rep. John Tierney (MA-6)
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (MO-1)
Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-9)
Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-5)
Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11)
Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-17)
Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-2)
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL-8)
Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL-7)
Rep. Peter Welch (VT)
Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA-29)
Rep. Steve Horsford (NV-4)
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-1)

These losers probably believe Obama's "Phony Scandal" schtick.
names of democrats on house oversight committee who walked out on benghazi victim family members

rep. Carolyn maloney (ny-14)
rep. Eleanor holmes norton (d.c.)
rep. John tierney (ma-6)
rep. Wm. Lacy clay (mo-1)
rep. Stephen lynch (ma-9)
rep. Jim cooper (tn-5)
rep. Gerald connolly (va-11)
rep. Matt cartwright (pa-17)
rep. Mark pocan (wi-2)
rep. Tammy duckworth (il-8)
rep. Danny k. Davis (il-7)
rep. Peter welch (vt)
rep. Tony cardenas (ca-29)
rep. Steve horsford (nv-4)
rep. Michelle lujan grisham (nm-1)
good they all should get a medal

A medal? For what? Treating grieving family members who want answers like shit?
These losers probably believe Obama's "Phony Scandal" schtick.

We got a live one here! Brainwashed and proud, just as his GOP masters want him. He literally doesn't care that all the Republicans walked out too. His brain can't even function at a level that allows him to recognize his own stinking hypocrisy, so he'll blithely continue with his endless utterances of mind-boggling hypocrisy.

In other words, a typical Republican voter.
[Talk about lacking any couth. The same as spitting on the corpses of these folks dead children. Ty Woods father was still getting an erection every time someone mentioned Barack Obama's name six months ago. Something has changed with him since then, but these Dems seem to have forgotten his previous loyalty. Mebbe these Dems got word over their smart phones that 'Pinch" had shipped them a 55 gallon drum of KY Jelly from his digs in NYC and they wanted to make use of it muy pronto. They make moving to South Carolina or Tennessee to help make the weapons to take this country back more desirable every passing day.]

"This is one of those stories that doesn’t need to be characterized, let alone embellished. You can draw your own conclusions. Today, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing on Benghazi at which Patricia Smith and Charles Woods, the mother and father respectively of two of the men who were killed by terrorists, testified. The Democrats on the committee didn’t even have the decency to listen to what these victims of the Obama administration’s gross negligence had to say."

Democrats Walk Out on Benghazi Victims | Power Line

"Democratic committee members walked out on the testimony of Patricia Smith and Charles Woods, the mother and father respectively of two of the men who were killed by terrorists in the Benghazi assault. John observed that the Democrats on the committee didn’t even have the decency to listen to what these victims of the Obama administration’s gross negligence had to say.

Why would the Democrats do that? They would say that they were protesting the politicization of Benghazi. Their thesis is that looking back at events in order to assess fault and allocate responsibility. Assessing fault and allocating responsibility is political in this case because fault and disgrace run up a chain of Democratic officeholders ending in Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The thesis that applies to account for the Democrats’s behavior in this case is the one from A Few Good Men: They can’t handle the truth.

John focused on the second half of the House Oversight Committee hearing yesterday. The first half of the hearing was previewed in good stories by Sharyl Attkisson and Josh Rogin earlier this week and also deserves attention.

Following Benghazi then Secretary of State Clinton convened an Accountability Review Board to conduct a a phony baloney investigation leading to phony baloney findings to protect Clinton and Barack Obama in their phony baloney jobs. The ARB never got around to interviewing the four mid-level employees it found at fault in connection with the Benghazi assault. The unclassified version of the ARB report is posted online here.

The unwritten mission of the ARB was to designate a few mid-level employees to serve as scapegoats for more senior officials including Clinton and Obama. The ARB duly designated four such employees who were placed on administrative leave following the release of the ARB report. Secretary Kerry has now (rightly) reinstated all four employees who were disciplined as a result of the ARB report. I wrote about the reinstatement of Ronald Maxwell here.

The first half of the House Oversight Committee hearing yesterday was devoted to the ARB. ARB leaders Thomas Pickering and Michael Mullen appeared before the committee as witnesses.

The Weekly Standard’s Steve Hayes attended the hearing. Steve reports that the testimony validated the skepticism of ARB critics and raised new questions about the independence of its work as well as the reliability of their conclusions. Steve concludes that the testimony of Pickering and Mullen discredited the ARB. Among the revelations in the testimony at yesterday’s hearing:

*Secretary of State Hillary Clinton handpicked the two leaders of the ARB who were given the job of investigating her department.

*Cheryl Mills, the chief of staff and senior counselor to Secretary Clinton, was intimately involved with the ARB panel from the beginning. She called the leaders at Clinton’s behest to ask them to serve, she was briefed regularly on the investigation as it unfolded and she received a draft copy of the report before it was finalized.

*Several senior Clinton advisers were provided draft copies of the ARB report before it was released to the public.

*The vice chairman of the ARB testified that he called Mills to warn her that an impending appearance of Charlene Lamb before Congress would be problematic for the State Department. Lamb had done poorly in her interview with the ARB, Mullen said, and he called Mills because he was worried that a poor performance before Congress would cause problems for the State Department and its leadership. When Representative Jim Jordan asked Mullen if he would have placed the call to Mills if Lamb had performed well, he said no.

*The chairman of the panel acknowledged at least one instance in which language in the report was softened after an early draft was sent to Clinton and her top aides. “The draft, as I believe it went to her, said the security posture was grossly inadequate for Benghazi, period. And we made the editorial correction recognizing that there was certainly a very real point that ‘grossly’ was probably not applicable to Benghazi in light of the changes that the State Department had made, but it was clearly applicable to dealing with the specific circumstances of the attack.”

*The vice chairman testified in his deposition that the ARB received “very specific tasking from Secretary Clinton on her expectations with respect to this board” and that nobody on the board had any input on the scope of their work.

*The panel was largely staffed by current and former State Department officials and worked out of State Department offices.

*The ARB did not speak with nine key military officials on the ground in Libya or Germany who were deeply involved in the US response to the attacks. Among those who was never interviewed: Lt. Colonel Steven Gibson, who was on the ground in Tripoli and whom State Department official Greg Hicks has testified was on the receiving end of the “stand-down” order that Obama officials have repeatedly disclaimed.

*Although the ARB did not interview Secretary Clinton as part of its investigation, they provided her with a two-hour briefing about the details of the report before it was finalized and released to the public.

*The board did not interview either Cheryl Mills or Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Nides, another close adviser to Clinton.

*None of the interviews the ARB conducted were recorded in any fashion – no audio, no video, no court reporter. The only record of those sessions is in notes taken by a staff member. According to the vice chairman: “The staff would put a summary of the interview together. We would – the members would be able to review that summary shortly after the interview.” (Those summaries and the notes that produced them have not been provided to Congress).

*The ARB did not investigate the Obama administration’s public response to the attack or the role that senior State Department officials played in shaping that narrative. That response included the highly misleading claim that the attacks had come as a reaction to an anti-Islam video and many other claims that were later shown to be false. Emails between top State Department officials and others in the Obama administration, first reported by TWS last spring, revealed that several top State Department officials were involved in crafting the administration’s post-attack talking points. And Susan Rice, then US Ambassador to the United Nations, a top State Department official, famously blamed the video in her appearances on the Sunday talk shows shortly after the attack. The ARB wasn’t interested.

Steve begins and ends his report with comments regarding the media’s lack of interest in the proceedings. If the media were not a Democratic protection racket, of course, this would all be big news"

Benghazi scandal management | Power Line

Interestingly enough al Jazeera got a copy of the ARB report a week before its release, the House Committee still does not have a copy of that report.
What a bunch of mean spirited P.O.S.

Republicans left the chamber too. In fact more Republican split than Democrats.

Looks bad on both parties, imho.

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