Morti is applying to join the Knights Republic


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
A Traditional Catholic Order

I think I have a chance it seems, and I filled out my application questionarrie

Good Morning and Happy Sunday,

Thank you for reaching out with interest in the Sacred Military Order of Knights of the Republic and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus. It was a pleasure to read your email about your journey to find the Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Although we don't have any candidates or members in Austria, don't let that prevent you from applying for membership. Holy Mother Church needs good men, like yourself, to play an integral part in bringing Catholic gentlemen together to defend Her, the Faith, the Holy Eucharist, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the virtues of Christian society. If accepted to become a member candidate, it would be my pleasure to help you grow an organization "Company" of Traditional Catholic, serving the Church as Knights.

The requirements to join the Order are simple, that you are a Baptized Catholic male, (your baptismal as an Orthodox is recognized by the Catholic Church) that you are a practicing Catholic and regularly receiving the Sacraments, and that you swear to defend the Faith, the Faithful, and Holy Mother Church (no different than a Confirmed Catholic).

It would be a pleasure to be your sponsor in joining the Order. Please see the attached application and questionnaire that you can fill out and return, along with the annual membership fee and a Certificate of Baptism from your Parish of Baptism. Let me know if you have trouble with finding the documents.

Even though it is listed on our website, I have attached our Constitutional Charter & Code for you to digest.

Let me know if you have any questions.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus,
The questions I would have are - what are the dues and other requirements. I guess as a "military order", you'll have to buy a uniform like the Knights of Columbus. Will you be expected to buy an insurance policy? Are these guys in the Knights of the Republic fellows that you like to hang around with? Have you been to the local clubhouse yet?
The questions I would have are - what are the dues and other requirements. I guess as a "military order", you'll have to buy a uniform like the Knights of Columbus. Will you be expected to buy an insurance policy? Are these guys in the Knights of the Republic fellows that you like to hang around with? Have you been to the local clubhouse yet?

I dont know all the details yet, but will find out. I will let you know further.
I hope you included your avatar image with your email...
I have been a member of the KOC for a long time. When I was a kid they sponsored my baseball teams.
We have a KOC group here; they work on local projects with the Masons, Rotarians, and other volunteers. Is this KOR the same sort of thing?
We have a KOC group here; they work on local projects with the Masons, Rotarians, and other volunteers. Is this KOR the same sort of thing?

I think similar it is a traditonal Catholic Order. You have some obligations though like receiving communion and visiting the Triditintine Mass regulary, also abstaining from meat on Wednesday (when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ), on Friday (when Christ was crucified), and partially on Saturday (I dont know yet why Saturday). You have some obligations, but they are in full communion with the Holy See, so it is really a Catholic order.
If I was to start a religious order I probably wouldn't tell people not to eat meat because I don't see the point of that rule except to force people to eat fish and that just means you have a tuna sandwich which isn't much of a sacrifice.

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