Milton Freedman knows the truth

As the father of "free market" economics he either had no idea where his theories would lead or he was one of the most evil men of the twentieth century.
Isn't he the quack who opposes licensing requirements for medical professionals?
"The freedom of your fist ends where the freedom of my nose begins."
But if this fist is economic, then your freedom does not end anywhere, and you can deprive people of work, housing, medicine and savings with impunity. This is the dictatorship of capital.
I graduated High School in 1981, therefore my teachers were still able to teach us the truth. Many teachers taught us these truths. These teachings need to be installed in public and around the world.

Toffeenut BaconSmuggler, many do not disagree with the facts professor Friedman presents, but a substantial proportion of others among credible economists' logical conclusions differ from his. Friedman doesn't refute a trade deficit nation's negative balance of trade indicates their net consumption and production expenditures exceeded the value of their entire gross domestic product, (their GDP).

Despite this fact, and USA's negative net balances of international trade being chronically being among, if not always the greatest of the world's trade deficit nations each year, Friedman contends USA's annual trade deficits are not net detrimental to our nation's economy. Many other credible economists argue otherwise.

I agree with the too few proponents, (that are not yet a substantial proportion among credible economists), advocating for USA adopting the improved trade policy described within Wikipedia's “Import Certificates” article.
Refer to: Import certificates - Wikipedia
Respectfully, Supposn
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As the father of "free market" economics he either had no idea where his theories would lead or he was one of the most evil men of the twentieth century.
He did spend quite a lot of time getting mental health help and I am sure I heard him in his later years saying what he had advised was not good.

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