Men Of All Ages Find Mid-20's Women Attractive

I am 54 years old. Women in the 20s are my daughters age or younger. I can look at them and see that they are attractive. But I am not interested in going there. Give me a 40 or 50 year old with an imagination and a life full of experiences and I'll be far happier.

I suppose there's a marginal difference.

A slim margin.

Having a woman to make me "far happier," is a distant second to having a secure retirement.
Too bad Repubs didn't have this insightful info :rolleyes-41: back in the 90's when they spent $17,000,000 in taxpayer $$$ (Repub witch hunt against President at the time) to find it out.

How dare we not want a married president who was fucking someone barely older than his daughter.
consensual sex between adults is illegal exactly where shit stain?
Too bad Repubs didn't have this insightful info :rolleyes-41: back in the 90's when they spent $17,000,000 in taxpayer $$$ (Repub witch hunt against President at the time) to find it out.

How dare we not want a married president who was fucking someone barely older than his daughter.
consensual sex between adults is illegal exactly where shit stain?

Where is it illegal to judge a person for being a philanderer?
consensual sex between adults is illegal exactly where shit stain?
That's all it was to you? No abuse of power in the work place by a government employee? CEOs have been let go for less. Then there's that pesky perjury thing to deny a woman her day in court. Libs, couldn't care less about women's rights if it gets in the way of furthering leftism.
How much did they spend on that study anyway and who funded it? Is there anyone on Earth that didn't already know this? And finding someone attractive doesn't mean that's who you prefer to be with. Some guys don't think putting up with the emotional roller coaster/land mines of a young gal's brain is worth it.
Too bad Repubs didn't have this insightful info :rolleyes-41: back in the 90's when they spent $17,000,000 in taxpayer $$$ (Repub witch hunt against President at the time) to find it out.

How dare we not want a married president who was fucking someone barely older than his daughter.
consensual sex between adults is illegal exactly where shit stain?

Where is it illegal to judge a person for being a philanderer?
Laws on Infidelity and Adultery - you should have no worries as a virgin
Too bad Repubs didn't have this insightful info :rolleyes-41: back in the 90's when they spent $17,000,000 in taxpayer $$$ (Repub witch hunt against President at the time) to find it out.

How dare we not want a married president who was fucking someone barely older than his daughter.
I don't really care about that. Good for him for getting some. That's all between him and his family. It's a president/lawyer who is willing to undermine the essence of the legal system by perjuring himself about his philandering that is the issue. But that is what lefties try to obfuscate. Many have been duped.
Men being physically attracted to women in their prime child bearing years? Oh, the shame! No lefty will stand for that kind of normal human nature manifesting itself. In the lefty world, men must desire hags who dominate them and dye their hair gray and crunch on granola in the name of protesting their being objectified. They've succeeded. Ain't no real man gonna want that.
I am 54 years old. Women in the 20s are my daughters age or younger. I can look at them and see that they are attractive. But I am not interested in going there. Give me a 40 or 50 year old with an imagination and a life full of experiences and I'll be far happier.
But if the twenty-something girl started hitting on you your perspective would only take the form of remorse -- maybe. After you told anyone who would listen your story of how lucky you just got.

Straight men of all ages tend to have their romantic sights set on women in their mid-twenties, while women prefer men who are about the same age as they are, according to a new study.

The survey out Friday, financed by the government-backed research funding group Academy of Finland, gathered data on 12,000 Finns and found that women, on average, are looking for partners who are about their age or slightly older. But men across the age spectrum have a sexual preference for women in their mid-20s. This remains true for men of all ages—men in their early-20s or younger are attracted to women older than themselves and older men are attracted to younger women.​

Figures. So a sixty year old hornbag would prefer a twenty year old over their fifty something wife? What scum.

Straight men of all ages tend to have their romantic sights set on women in their mid-twenties, while women prefer men who are about the same age as they are, according to a new study.

The survey out Friday, financed by the government-backed research funding group Academy of Finland, gathered data on 12,000 Finns and found that women, on average, are looking for partners who are about their age or slightly older. But men across the age spectrum have a sexual preference for women in their mid-20s. This remains true for men of all ages—men in their early-20s or younger are attracted to women older than themselves and older men are attracted to younger women.​

Finnish culture has little in common with US culture. What might be true for them probably isn't for us.
How much did they spend on that study anyway and who funded it? Is there anyone on Earth that didn't already know this? And finding someone attractive doesn't mean that's who you prefer to be with. Some guys don't think putting up with the emotional roller coaster/land mines of a young gal's brain is worth it.

Sometimes money needs to be spent to slap feminist delusions back into the insane minds which spawn them. How many times do you hear women saying that they're prettier and more attractive at 35 than they were at 20? Studies like this are good at shoving reality back into the picture.

LOL. I am getting the feeling that what is really being said here is that Rikurz can't get any of any age.
Too bad Repubs didn't have this insightful info :rolleyes-41: back in the 90's when they spent $17,000,000 in taxpayer $$$ (Repub witch hunt against President at the time) to find it out.

How dare we not want a married president who was fucking someone barely older than his daughter.

A bit better than your NRA hero who was fucking a 12 year old.
Too bad Repubs didn't have this insightful info :rolleyes-41: back in the 90's when they spent $17,000,000 in taxpayer $$$ (Repub witch hunt against President at the time) to find it out.

Agreed. Executives should keep at least one woman on staff whose only job is to blow senior staff
I am 54 years old. Women in the 20s are my daughters age or younger. I can look at them and see that they are attractive. But I am not interested in going there. Give me a 40 or 50 year old with an imagination and a life full of experiences and I'll be far happier.
But if the twenty-something girl started hitting on you your perspective would only take the form of remorse -- maybe. After you told anyone who would listen your story of how lucky you just got.

Remorse? Why? I've had 20something girls. I prefer a grownup.
Too bad Repubs didn't have this insightful info :rolleyes-41: back in the 90's when they spent $17,000,000 in taxpayer $$$ (Repub witch hunt against President at the time) to find it out.

How dare we not want a married president who was fucking someone barely older than his daughter.
I don't really care about that. Good for him for getting some. That's all between him and his family. It's a president/lawyer who is willing to undermine the essence of the legal system by perjuring himself about his philandering that is the issue. But that is what lefties try to obfuscate. Many have been duped.
ummm..... what were the Repubs initially going after the President for & why did it turn into a fishing expedition to the tune of $17,000,000 to find out that yes, he liked to have consensual sex w/ 20- something females you shit stain?

Straight men of all ages tend to have their romantic sights set on women in their mid-twenties, while women prefer men who are about the same age as they are, according to a new study.

The survey out Friday, financed by the government-backed research funding group Academy of Finland, gathered data on 12,000 Finns and found that women, on average, are looking for partners who are about their age or slightly older. But men across the age spectrum have a sexual preference for women in their mid-20s. This remains true for men of all ages—men in their early-20s or younger are attracted to women older than themselves and older men are attracted to younger women.​

Figures. So a sixty year old hornbag would prefer a twenty year old over their fifty something wife? What scum.

So a 30 year old gold-digger would prefer a 35 year old guy guy with a career, and a house, who is popular and respected compared to the 30 year old Star Trek fan who likes sewing Star Trek uniforms as a hobby, who smokes a pound of weed per week, who plays 40 hours of video games per week, who lives in his mom's basement, whose mom cooks and cleans for him, and who has a 15 hour per week job as a paperboy which gives him enough money for his bus pass and to buy his weed and video games.

What scum women are.

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