Hunter Biden’s laptop was denied, disparaged, censored — now it’s evidence of a crime

Looks like it might have been enough to swing the rigged election.
And all you on the left fell for ALL the disinformation put out there about the laptop.

Now, 🦗

The downfall of the Biden Crime Family begins. Slowly, but surely.

The evolution of Hunter Biden laptop denial over the last three and a half years has been mind-boggling.
You need a chart to keep up.
First the laptop was a non-story (thanks, NPR).
Then it was “hacked material” (thanks, Twitter).
Then it was “Russian disinformation” (thanks, CIA).
Then it was a “Russian plant” (thanks, Joe Biden).
Then it was “stolen” by Russians.
(Hunter weighed in with crystal clarity: “I have no idea … There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”)
Then it was “hacked by Rudy Giuliani” (thanks, Kevin “Sugar Brother” Morris).
And now it is the backbone of the prosecution case against the first son in the felony gun trial he faces in Delaware in a little over a week.


Judge in Hunter Biden Gun Trial Rules That Jurors Can See Evidence of Illegal Drug Use From His “Laptop From Hell”

26 May 2024 ~~ By Jordan Conradson

The Judge in Hunter Biden’s federal gun case ruled on Friday that prosecutors can use evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop to sway jury members.

However, according to Fox, “prosecutors on Special Counsel David Weiss’ team cannot use some salacious evidence in the first son’s criminal trial next month, including references to his U.S. Navy discharge and the child support case for his out-of-wedlock daughter in Arkansas.”
In September, Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges. He was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.
Hunter pleaded not guilty to all three felony gun charges in October.

Jury selection in the gun case begins on June 3, and they will be presented with evidence of illegal drug use from the laptop.

Read more :

The Hunter Biden Gub violation case begins on June 3rd.
There's been a lot of controversy regarding the matter. But simply Hunter Bideb lied and falsely submitted ATF Form 4473 committing a Federal crime.
Suddenly we find that the Laptop computer's noted by 40 odd ex-Intel Officals to be Ruddia disinformation is no longer lost and is being used by the Spec. Comsel Weiss to convict Hunter.
That is bizzare, given this is the same DOJ that was all set to let Hunter walk with probation only AND allowed the biggest tax charge to age out past the statute of limitations.
Something has changed in the Swamp.
When these disturbing images first appearedm they were dismissed as being fictional the Biden Crime Family and the Democrat Neo-Marxista and being protected by Federal Agencies. Same with Ashley’s misplaced diary detailing her sexual abuse allegations. Finally the truth is coming out about all of the Biden deviant behavior.

For those of us not in the thrall of the duopoly, the symmetry of the two sides is impressive. Years and years of accusations against each other of crimes that would normally ruin a candidate's chances, yet no charges ever "stick", no end is ever achieved, no candidate is eliminated, and we continue to be inundated with grotesque hyperbole and divisiveness. Both sides offer convincing evidence of the other's incompetence, yet the public fails to revolt against the dictatorship of the dualists. Manicheism is the new "faith", and heretics are to be suppressed.
And all you on the left fell for ALL the disinformation put out there about the laptop.

Now, 🦗

The downfall of the Biden Crime Family begins. Slowly, but surely.

The evolution of Hunter Biden laptop denial over the last three and a half years has been mind-boggling.
You need a chart to keep up.
First the laptop was a non-story (thanks, NPR).
Then it was “hacked material” (thanks, Twitter).
Then it was “Russian disinformation” (thanks, CIA).
Then it was a “Russian plant” (thanks, Joe Biden).
Then it was “stolen” by Russians.
(Hunter weighed in with crystal clarity: “I have no idea … There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”)
Then it was “hacked by Rudy Giuliani” (thanks, Kevin “Sugar Brother” Morris).
And now it is the backbone of the prosecution case against the first son in the felony gun trial he faces in Delaware in a little over a week.

I wonder how much of the laptop will be tossed out as inadmissible for various reasons and case just fizzles out.
Yes, less propaganda being spread by the right wing, who is concentrating on deflecting Trump's indictments.

The trial is just a law fare witch hunt anyway....

No one is charged with tax fraud that has already paid all of the back taxes that were evaded....

And no one is brought to trial for buying a gun and lying on the gun form unless their illegal gun was used in a crime.....

Hunter trial is simply a right wing witch hunt on the President's son.
I don't know what there is for the New York Post and Trumpers to be so excited about with the laptop?

Nothing came true of all of the "Biden crime family corruption" fake news you created, and we are 4 years in to Doj and the Republican congress investigations...

All of their big guy corruption accusations fell flat... Completely fruitless, evidence free, accusations...

And even on Hunter, you got him on tax evasion for taxes he already paid back, and illegally owning a gun by lying on a form, where the gun was not used in a crime.


That's it????

Oh, well.... you did get your beloved naked pictures of the drugged out Hunter to spread around, including by a classy Republican rep in Congress, to try to embarrass the President....:rolleyes:

The laptop was nothing but a dud...
Yes, less propaganda being spread by the right wing, who is concentrating on deflecting Trump's indictments.

The trial is just a law fare witch hunt anyway....

No one is charged with tax fraud that has already paid all of the back taxes that were evaded....

And no one is brought to trial for buying a gun and lying on the gun form unless their illegal gun was used in a crime.....

Hunter trial is simply a right wing witch hunt on the President's son.
Aux Contarire:
Are you claiming that Hunter Biden was being truthful when he filled out the ATF Form 4473?
Are you also claiming that for all the denials from 60 former intel leaders and the FBI that Hunter's laptop's are real and NOT Russian disinmformation?
The first may cause Hunter Five years in the gray bar hotel for lying/perjuring himself.
The second premise now bebunked several times to show the authenticity of the data found in the "Laptop Computers" as real amd produced by Hunter himself.
See more:
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Judge in Hunter Biden Gun Trial Rules That Jurors Can See Evidence of Illegal Drug Use From His “Laptop From Hell”

26 May 2024 ~~ By Jordan Conradson

The Judge in Hunter Biden’s federal gun case ruled on Friday that prosecutors can use evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop to sway jury members.

However, according to Fox, “prosecutors on Special Counsel David Weiss’ team cannot use some salacious evidence in the first son’s criminal trial next month, including references to his U.S. Navy discharge and the child support case for his out-of-wedlock daughter in Arkansas.”
In September, Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges. He was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.
Hunter pleaded not guilty to all three felony gun charges in October.

Jury selection in the gun case begins on June 3, and they will be presented with evidence of illegal drug use from the laptop.

Read more :

The Hunter Biden Gub violation case begins on June 3rd.
There's been a lot of controversy regarding the matter. But simply Hunter Bideb lied and falsely submitted ATF Form 4473 committing a Federal crime.
Suddenly we find that the Laptop computer's noted by 40 odd ex-Intel Officals to be Ruddia disinformation is no longer lost and is being used by the Spec. Comsel Weiss to convict Hunter.
That is bizzare, given this is the same DOJ that was all set to let Hunter walk with probation only AND allowed the biggest tax charge to age out past the statute of limitations.
Something has changed in the Swamp.
When these disturbing images first appearedm they were dismissed as being fictional the Biden Crime Family and the Democrat Neo-Marxista and being protected by Federal Agencies. Same with Ashley’s misplaced diary detailing her sexual abuse allegations. Finally the truth is coming out about all of the Biden deviant behavior.


All of this subjects Joe to blackmail and other unscrupulous influencing
Except it really isn't.

The majority of the computer evidence of the tax crimes he's on trial for was retrieved off the cloud.

Probably the same place the Russians got it when they fabricated the fake laptop.
So you are saying Hunter was using the courts in an attempted theft when he sued to get "his" laptop back???

Joe Biden makes surprise nighttime visit to Hunter’s ex Hallie Biden days before she testifies in first son’s gun trial

27 May 2024 ~~ By Steve Nelson

WASHINGTON — President Biden made a surprise nighttime visit to the Delaware home of Hallie Biden on Sunday — just before she’s due to serve as one of the most important witnesses at first son Hunter Biden’s federal trial for alleged gun crimes.
Biden stopped by Hallie’s home around 8 p.m. for a brief private talk eight days before the 54-year-old first son’s trial is scheduled to stand trial beginning June 3.
Hallie dated Hunter at the time of his alleged gun crimes and is one of a dozen expected witnesses.
Prosecutors allege Hunter lied about his drug use on gun purchase forms and then briefly illegally possessed at least one weapon — which Hallie disposed of in a public dumpster in 2018.
Although many commentators noted the awkward optics due to the looming trial, the visit came four days before the anniversary of Beau’s death.
White House spokesman Andrew Bates told The Post that the president didn’t discuss the trial with Hallie Biden during the visit.
The pair of criminal trials follow an alleged Justice Department coverup to shield the Biden family from liability for foreign business dealings in which Joe Biden played a recurring role.
Hunter agreed to a probation-only plea deal to the gun and tax crimes last June, but walked away from the “sweetheart” bargain at a July court hearing at which his attorneys demanded broad immunity of past conduct, including violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which could implicate his father.
The 81-year-old president, an attorney and former law school instructor, has boasted of his past legal exploits — with the serial embellisher telling Howard Stern last month that as a young lawyer he had worked on “a couple murder cases,” though none are publicly known.

We all know that Joe is president, but will the prosecution complain about witness tampering? This is what happens when you go through life never being held accountable for things. Biden figures he can just go and have a chat with a witness a week before she is scheduled to testify. Maybe to remind her how he and the party can make her life miserable if she says the wrong things on the stand. Just like the mob but they are more subtle.
Well. if Bill Clinton could just meet former A.G. Lynch at an airport tarmac and talk about the kids. why can't Joey do the same with Hallie? I'm sure that the visit is just an innocent act. Witness tampering is OK when you're a Neo-Marxist Democrat.
This appears to be a clear cut effort at witness tampering/intimidation. The Bidens are obviously becoming desperate and are no longer concerned with the appearance of impropriety. Unfortunately for them, Joey can no longer count on the full support of the MSM
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And all you on the left fell for ALL the disinformation put out there about the laptop.

Now, 🦗

The downfall of the Biden Crime Family begins. Slowly, but surely.

The evolution of Hunter Biden laptop denial over the last three and a half years has been mind-boggling.
You need a chart to keep up.
First the laptop was a non-story (thanks, NPR).
Then it was “hacked material” (thanks, Twitter).
Then it was “Russian disinformation” (thanks, CIA).
Then it was a “Russian plant” (thanks, Joe Biden).
Then it was “stolen” by Russians.
(Hunter weighed in with crystal clarity: “I have no idea … There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”)
Then it was “hacked by Rudy Giuliani” (thanks, Kevin “Sugar Brother” Morris).
And now it is the backbone of the prosecution case against the first son in the felony gun trial he faces in Delaware in a little over a week.

/----/ And the Libtards, just shrug their shoulders and move on to the next misinformation campaign. Don't expect them to even acknowledge they were wrong. It's not in their DNA.
Except it really isn't.

The majority of the computer evidence of the tax crimes he's on trial for was retrieved off the cloud.

Probably the same place the Russians got it when they fabricated the fake laptop.
Well, dingleberry, you certainly are consistent, scandal to scandal. Once you get a narrative established in your mind, you do NOT deviate from it.

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