Massive manhunt launched

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
What I saw was hate speech written on the ground and we're not going to tolerate it,” said Black Lives Matter supporter Jeff Christensen.

When word got around town about what had been painted, groups of people showed up and at least one started to cover over the words.

What I saw was hate speech written on the ground and we're not going to tolerate it,” said Black Lives Matter supporter Jeff Christensen.

When word got around town about what had been painted, groups of people showed up and at least one started to cover over the words.

"What I saw was hate speech written on the ground and we're not going to tolerate it,” said Black Lives Matter supporter Jeff Christensen."


The stupid man doesn't realize he supports the very opposite, which is completely illogical.

White Lives Matter==hate speech

Black Lives matter==tolerated speech

All Lives matter== getting shot to death.

This is what National Socialism ideology looks like,
Is it a hate crime for white lives to matter?
Apparently it is ...and its offensive
All who disagree must be destroyed

Forward conrades !
We have to remember that the BLM members are admitted Marxist revolutionaries. They, along with other Marxists of varying races, must follow the Communist playbook by seeking to divide and conquer. They know that their stances can be illogical, but that doesn't matter. What matters is to feed into peoples emotions, by screaming out claims that have little to no basis in reality and convincing the fools falling for it, to censure anyone opposed to their new found view.
China, Russia and Cuba, all used the same playbook of convincing the gullible that they were oppressed and that they had to rise up against their oppressor, in the end, only to be betrayed by the ones they stood alongside with. This nation won't be that easy. Millions came here for the very freedoms that ALL enjoy and despite the brainwashing being conducted in our public schools and colleges and universities, most will rise up against it.

YEP... that's EXACTLY what the RADICAL RACE PIMP, HYPOCRITE DEMOCRAP LEFT will tell you. MIND NUMBING hypocrisy, but they think it's A-OK. Democrats are SERIOUSLY fucked up people, democrats are the party of TRASH.

YEP... that's EXACTLY what the RADICAL RACE PIMP, HYPOCRITE DEMOCRAP LEFT will tell you. MIND NUMBING hypocrisy, but they think it's A-OK. Democrats are SERIOUSLY fucked up people, democrats are the party of TRASH.
To be fair about what you are showing, is that the "White Power," groups existed long before the "Black Power" or "Black Lives Matter" movement has. And, as such, the "White Power" groups were and remain racist. The "Black Power" groups were blacks that did feel that they were up against racism, as they were formed in the 1960's. The "Black Lives Matter" organizations are made up of inner-city criminal elements embracing and funded by Communist groups. There is racism among them, but to them Marxism is the most important ideology and thus the US must be torn down.
We actually have a hell of a lot of great blacks out there and they are siding with the US Constitution and its freedoms.

YEP... that's EXACTLY what the RADICAL RACE PIMP, HYPOCRITE DEMOCRAP LEFT will tell you. MIND NUMBING hypocrisy, but they think it's A-OK. Democrats are SERIOUSLY fucked up people, democrats are the party of TRASH.
To be fair about what you are showing, is that the "White Power," groups existed long before the "Black Power" or "Black Lives Matter" movement has. And, as such, the "White Power" groups were and remain racist. The "Black Power" groups were blacks that did feel that they were up against racism, as they were formed in the 1960's. The "Black Lives Matter" organizations are made up of inner-city criminal elements embracing and funded by Communist groups. There is racism among them, but to them Marxism is the most important ideology and thus the US must be torn down.
We actually have a hell of a lot of great blacks out there and they are siding with the US Constitution and its freedoms.
The Commies will not win. There needs to be some kind of way to signal to these fucks that are getting out of hand exactly how many real American people will not tolerate their crap much longer.
A way besides hanging all the commie profs and slaughtering the retarded brainwashed kids and ghetto bangers.

YEP... that's EXACTLY what the RADICAL RACE PIMP, HYPOCRITE DEMOCRAP LEFT will tell you. MIND NUMBING hypocrisy, but they think it's A-OK. Democrats are SERIOUSLY fucked up people, democrats are the party of TRASH.
To be fair about what you are showing, is that the "White Power," groups existed long before the "Black Power" or "Black Lives Matter" movement has.
WHAT? You've entirely MISSED the point.

Using your logic, then I guess the WHITE LIVES MATTER on the road IS racist.
Using your logic, ANYTHING showing support for the white race is RACIST.

YEP... that's EXACTLY what the RADICAL RACE PIMP, HYPOCRITE DEMOCRAP LEFT will tell you. MIND NUMBING hypocrisy, but they think it's A-OK. Democrats are SERIOUSLY fucked up people, democrats are the party of TRASH.
To be fair about what you are showing, is that the "White Power," groups existed long before the "Black Power" or "Black Lives Matter" movement has. And, as such, the "White Power" groups were and remain racist. The "Black Power" groups were blacks that did feel that they were up against racism, as they were formed in the 1960's. The "Black Lives Matter" organizations are made up of inner-city criminal elements embracing and funded by Communist groups. There is racism among them, but to them Marxism is the most important ideology and thus the US must be torn down.
We actually have a hell of a lot of great blacks out there and they are siding with the US Constitution and its freedoms.
The Commies will not win. There needs to be some kind of way to signal to these fucks that are getting out of hand exactly how many real American people will not tolerate their crap much longer.
A way besides hanging all the commie profs and slaughtering the retarded brainwashed kids and ghetto bangers.
A law is needed that can allow for even natural born citizens to be stripped of their citizenship and deported to nations that follow their ideology. This law should only be used when it can be proven that the individuals are actively seeking to undermine or overthrow our government.
If we could legislate literate, rational capacity for reflection and thought, one more law might be OK.
Other wise, new laws, like 'hate crime' for instance, do much more harm than any possible good.

YEP... that's EXACTLY what the RADICAL RACE PIMP, HYPOCRITE DEMOCRAP LEFT will tell you. MIND NUMBING hypocrisy, but they think it's A-OK. Democrats are SERIOUSLY fucked up people, democrats are the party of TRASH.
To be fair about what you are showing, is that the "White Power," groups existed long before the "Black Power" or "Black Lives Matter" movement has. And, as such, the "White Power" groups were and remain racist. The "Black Power" groups were blacks that did feel that they were up against racism, as they were formed in the 1960's. The "Black Lives Matter" organizations are made up of inner-city criminal elements embracing and funded by Communist groups. There is racism among them, but to them Marxism is the most important ideology and thus the US must be torn down.
We actually have a hell of a lot of great blacks out there and they are siding with the US Constitution and its freedoms.
The Commies will not win. There needs to be some kind of way to signal to these fucks that are getting out of hand exactly how many real American people will not tolerate their crap much longer.
A way besides hanging all the commie profs and slaughtering the retarded brainwashed kids and ghetto bangers.
The commies have already won.



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