Listen up GOP leadership: Why your base is terrified of immigration.

The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

Hispanics are here and will be here for generations to come

They are now part of the political and cultural climate. The party that is best able to evolve will do the best

Sure, the party who doesn't secure the border gets more votes.
Hey Norton - Still spending too much time Down in the Sewer ?


The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

This pretty much sums it up. It is not illegal immigrants that they fear so much as it is Hispanics in general.
The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

This pretty much sums it up. It is not illegal immigrants that they fear so much as it is Hispanics in general.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's like saying "it is not Republicans that Democrats fear so much as it is white people in general."

Really? talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

Hispanics are here and will be here for generations to come

They are now part of the political and cultural climate. The party that is best able to evolve will do the best

Sure, the party who doesn't secure the border gets more votes.

What I'm hearing from the conservatives on the Hill is that they want a secured border as the first order of business. The United States was stung in 1986 for not doing it first. :eusa_whistle:

Has Boehner put such a bill up for a vote?

Or is this something like the R's opposition to abortion? Remember, when they held the White House, the H. of Rep. and the Senate, nary a vote was taken to make abortion more difficult. Now, when they know such bills won't get passed by the senate, they've passed dozens.

Anyone with a brain can figure out the R's love abortions, it is the best wedge issue they have. And they know they can fool all social conservatives all of the time.

One might conclude that the social conservatives would figure that out. Sad.
The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

This pretty much sums it up. It is not illegal immigrants that they fear so much as it is Hispanics in general.

I don't think it s fear

I think it is trying to serve two masters. There is a certain element of their base that thrives on the anti-Hispanic rhetoric coming out of certain sectors. Easier to rattle the cages and give hem what they want to hear talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

This pretty much sums it up. It is not illegal immigrants that they fear so much as it is Hispanics in general.

I don't think it s fear

I think it is trying to serve two masters. There is a certain element of their base that thrives on the anti-Hispanic rhetoric coming out of certain sectors. Easier to rattle the cages and give hem what they want to hear
Project much, BOY?
The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

Hispanics are here and will be here for generations to come

They are now part of the political and cultural climate. The party that is best able to evolve will do the best

they have always been apart of that......well at least out here.....the rest of you are finally catching up.... talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

Hispanics are here and will be here for generations to come

They are now part of the political and cultural climate. The party that is best able to evolve will do the best

they have always been apart of that......well at least out here.....the rest of you are finally catching up....
And HERE in Florida... talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

Hispanics are here and will be here for generations to come

They are now part of the political and cultural climate. The party that is best able to evolve will do the best

Sure, the party who doesn't secure the border gets more votes.

as far as i am concerned that would be both of them....they both do a lot of talking though....
The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

This pretty much sums it up. It is not illegal immigrants that they fear so much as it is Hispanics in general.

by "they" you mean White people?.... talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

This pretty much sums it up. It is not illegal immigrants that they fear so much as it is Hispanics in general.

by "they" you mean White people?....
As a matter of course for racists? Naturally.
What I'm hearing from the conservatives on the Hill is that they want a secured border as the first order of business. The United States was stung in 1986 for not doing it first. :eusa_whistle:

And we all know what a secure border means. Until such time as not a single illegal can get across, Republicans will delay immigration reform

You're not that stupid, leftwinger.....tell me you're not that stupid.
For every 1 caught now they figure 3 get across.
You're such a hack. :eusa_whistle:

and on the 5:00 news out here last week they have said that border crossings were leveling off about 2-3 years ago but have been steadily climbing since where near where it was at one time....but up.... talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

This pretty much sums it up. It is not illegal immigrants that they fear so much as it is Hispanics in general.

I don't think it s fear

I think it is trying to serve two masters. There is a certain element of their base that thrives on the anti-Hispanic rhetoric coming out of certain sectors. Easier to rattle the cages and give hem what they want to hear

is that not what the Democrats do with Hispanics?....tell them what they wanna hear?....
This pretty much sums it up. It is not illegal immigrants that they fear so much as it is Hispanics in general.

I don't think it s fear

I think it is trying to serve two masters. There is a certain element of their base that thrives on the anti-Hispanic rhetoric coming out of certain sectors. Easier to rattle the cages and give hem what they want to hear

is that not what the Democrats do with Hispanics?....tell them what they wanna hear?....

You tell me what they want to hear

That they are not deadbeats and mooches?
neither do Democrats.....oh i know they tell you they do....most Hispanics know better....

May be so.....still doesn't affect the demographics that are turning against the Republicans

RW if your party cares more about getting their votes instead of actually caring about the people....what does that say about the party?...and any Democrat who is ok with that?...

Like i said in Post #112: Liberals don't give a shit.
The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

Hispanics are here and will be here for generations to come

They are now part of the political and cultural climate. The party that is best able to evolve will do the best

There...fixed it.
The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

This pretty much sums it up. It is not illegal immigrants that they fear so much as it is Hispanics in general.

And the race card get's tossed out for the 1 trillionth time.
Immigration is fine, illegal immigration, not so much.

Why are you terrified of our immigration laws?

Illegal Alien Drain on the Economy

Free access to Food Stamps - Somewhere around 2 Billion dollars annually - {One report states 2.2 Billion another states 1.9 Billion}

Free Medicaid - Also around 2 Billion dollars annually - {and once again there are conflicting estimates all around the $2,000,000,000 Mark}

In 2005 {9 Years ago !} The Urban Institute estimated there were 1.4 Million undocumented Children in the U.S. using our schools, utilizing our resources, receiving free lunch, and in some communities, refusing to, or unable to learn English.

[In 2006] "... about 11 million immigrants in the U.S., the net cost or the total cost of services and benefits provided to them, education, welfare, general social services would be about $90 billion a year"

" Over a lifetime, the former unlawful immigrants [assuming amnesty is enacted] would receive $9.4 trillion in government benefits and services and pay $3.1 trillion in taxes. They would generate a lifetime fiscal deficit (total benefits minus total taxes) of $6.3 trillion. (All figures are in constant 2010 dollars.) This should be considered a minimum estimate. It probably understates real future costs because it undercounts the number of unlawful immigrants and dependents who will actually receive amnesty and underestimates significantly the future growth in welfare and medical benefits. " {Robert Rector}

[Statistics quoted from The Examiner ]

83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.

75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles , Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals.

40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals.

48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals.

71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or "transport coyotes."

47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, .. 92% are illegal aliens.

63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens.

66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% ...98% are illegal aliens.

Hispanic Racist Radical Agenda

Hilarious that site you linked to has this advertisement:

Get help now for you or your loved one with opioid or alcohol dependence

WOW- You're a bigger Asshole than I ever thought Possible !!! Tell me, you frappuccino-sipping thumbsucker, how's that whole hopey-changey thing working for you now? You candy ass bottom-feeder, when you stop being an unhinged, flag burning faggot, that'll be change we can believe in.

I don't give a rats ass what the commercials say , the stats are valid.
Let me ask you - do you still read National Geographic for the hot spots ?

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