Zone1 Liberals: You Claim Trump Is "Racist" ? How ? What ? When ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
OK , all you liberals who like to go around saying that Donald Trump is a racist, I have a question for you. Upon what do you base that statement ?
Please state one thing that Trump has said or done within the last 10 years, that would give you that impression ?
(because I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about):dunno:
Shrug Gif - IceGif
Trump has done more for Blacks, Hispanics, women and youth than any other President in my life. Blacks are crazy to stay with Democrats when someone like Trump is there to really help them. Racist? There's that overused word again, being misused as usual. Actually, Trump is fighting racism by promoting school choice and by fighting against the teaching of racist CRT. Trump is superior to Biden Democrats in every way and it's time for intelligent people to accept that.
OK , all you liberals who like to go around saying that Donald Trump is a racist, I have a question for you. Upon what do you base that statement ?
Please state one thing that Trump has said or done within the last 10 years, that would give you that impression ?
(because I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about):dunno:

We've been over this a dozen times.

Short version-

Calling for the execution of the Central Park Five and not apologizing after they were exonerated.
Calling third world countries Shitholes.
Calling Mexicans "Murderers and rapists"
Insisting Obama was born in Kenya
Praising the Proud Boys
Calling Liz Warren "Pocahontas"

Not to worry, you can always go to the Trump Supporter defense.

Trump has done more for Blacks, Hispanics, women and youth than any other President in my life. Blacks are crazy to stay with Democrats when someone like Trump is there to really help them. Racist? There's that overused word again, being misused as usual. Actually, Trump is fighting racism by promoting school choice and by fighting against the teaching of racist CRT. Trump is superior to Biden Democrats in every way and it's time for intelligent people to accept that.
And he also did more for Jews than any president in my lifetime. As just one example, he issued an EO withholding funds from college campuses (the liberal ones like Columbia and Berkeley are the worst) in which the administration does nothing to ramp down on antisemitism. The Republicans liked it and wanted to make it permanent legislation, but the Democrats blocked it.
Trump is often very imprecise with his language. This allows for those that want to paint him as a racist to do so.

Also, Trump will trash talk anyone he views as against him regardless of race.
What a fucking MAROOOOOON!

Calling for the execution of the Central Park Five and not apologizing after they were exonerated. They were GUILTY. All of those convicted confessed, with parents and lawyers present. They were never exonerated, just released and paid by a cabal of grotesque Democrat operatives. Read the fucking papers, you moron. The DNA proved that there was a SIXTH rapist, not that the five were innocent; this was known at their trial.

Calling third world countries Shitholes. There is nothing "racist" about noting that many third world countries are shit-holes. It is factual. There are many shit-hole countries that are inhabited by "white" people.

Calling Mexicans "Murderers and rapists" Candidate and President Trump noted that many of the illegals who crashed our borders were "murderers and rapist." This is patently true. He NEVER said or implied that they were ALL such.

Insisting Obama was born in Kenya Show me a quote. Trump never claimed or "insisted" that Obama was born in Kenya. He MOCKED Obama for allowing the issue to fester for years by not producing evidence of his Hawaii birth. And of course, Trump never challenged Obama's citizenship, which would have been "natural born" even if he HAD been born in Kenya. You idiot.

Praising the Proud Boys Please provide a link. I suspect you made it up.

Calling Liz Warren "Pocahontas" There is nothing "racist" about mocking someone for a false claim of entitlement.
We've been over this a dozen times.

Short version-

Calling for the execution of the Central Park Five and not apologizing after they were exonerated.
Calling third world countries Shitholes.
Calling Mexicans "Murderers and rapists"
Insisting Obama was born in Kenya
Praising the Proud Boys
Calling Liz Warren "Pocahontas"

Not to worry, you can always go to the Trump Supporter defense.

View attachment 759664
Third world countries ARE shitholes.
You and your friends take that rapist and murderers quote out of context.
making fun of someone who has spent their entire adult life pretending to be a minority for personal gain is a reasonable thing to do.
Third world countries ARE shitholes.
You and your friends take that rapist and murderers quote out of context.
There's a context where calling a whole nationality Murderers and rapists sounds good?

making fun of someone who has spent their entire adult life pretending to be a minority for personal gain is a reasonable thing to do.
Except, 1) Warren didn't do that and 2) It was still a racist thing to say.
We've been over this a dozen times.

Short version-

Calling for the execution of the Central Park Five and not apologizing after they were exonerated.
Calling third world countries Shitholes.
Calling Mexicans "Murderers and rapists"
Insisting Obama was born in Kenya
Praising the Proud Boys
Calling Liz Warren "Pocahontas"

Not to worry, you can always go to the Trump Supporter defense.

View attachment 759664

Your list not only sucks it's also full of lies perpetrated by the left wing media.
There's a context where calling a whole nationality Murderers and rapists sounds good?

Except, 1) Warren didn't do that and 2) It was still a racist thing to say.

He never said all mexicans were murders and rapist.
Thats a flat out lie.
Whats really racist is to lie about being an indian for monetary gain.
You now that thing you liberals decry called cultural appropriation....this is a perfect example of that very term.
Your list not only sucks it's also full of lies perpetrated by the left wing media.
Yes, who you going to believe... Trump apologists or what actually comes out of his mouth. I notice you only bothered to address two of the points, so I will assume you conceded the others.

He never said all mexicans were murders and rapist.
Thats a flat out lie.

NO, he just said Mexico was sending rapists and murderers here...

Whats really racist is to lie about being an indian for monetary gain.
What monetary gain? Most of her career she spent as an academic, and they don't get paid all that much.

you now that thing you liberals decry called cultural appropriation....this is a perfect example of that very term.

Or she believed family lore that turned out to not be true. For years, I believed that my Great Grandmother on my Mother's side was a Cherokee. I even have a picture of this woman taken circa 1920 and damned if she doesn't look like Native American to me. Yet my niece and my sister took genetics tests, and big surprise, no Native American.
There's a context where calling a whole nationality Murderers and rapists sounds good?

Except, 1) Warren didn't do that and 2) It was still a racist thing to say.
He didn’t. Read the quote, he said MANY illegal immigrants are murderers and rapists, having spent most of my life in border states, that’s the truth, most illegal aliens are decent people but many aren’t.
Yes, who you going to believe... Trump apologists or what actually comes out of his mouth. I notice you only bothered to address two of the points, so I will assume you conceded the others.

NO, he just said Mexico was sending rapists and murderers here...

What monetary gain? Most of her career she spent as an academic, and they don't get paid all that much.

Or she believed family lore that turned out to not be true. For years, I believed that my Great Grandmother on my Mother's side was a Cherokee. I even have a picture of this woman taken circa 1920 and damned if she doesn't look like Native American to me. Yet my niece and my sister took genetics tests, and big surprise, no Native American.
You should really stop lying or stop getting your news from CNN and the mainstream media.
And if you'll notice your post only addressed two things.
Yes, who you going to believe... Trump apologists or what actually comes out of his mouth. I notice you only bothered to address two of the points, so I will assume you conceded the others.

NO, he just said Mexico was sending rapists and murderers here...

What monetary gain? Most of her career she spent as an academic, and they don't get paid all that much.

Or she believed family lore that turned out to not be true. For years, I believed that my Great Grandmother on my Mother's side was a Cherokee. I even have a picture of this woman taken circa 1920 and damned if she doesn't look like Native American to me. Yet my niece and my sister took genetics tests, and big surprise, no Native American.

The video of what Trump actually said has been posted here many times.

What monetary gain? Are ya stupid?
She got the job because she said she was an indian ya stupid kunt.
And she deprived a real indian from getting that job.
You MFers dont give a shit who you screw over.
NO, he just said Mexico was sending rapists and murderers here...

Since you and some other are talking about Mexicans and the way they are (generally all of them) let me start by laying out my qualification to speak about this. I am 1/2 Hispanic, 1/4 Mexican (ancestry from Villahermosa, Tabasco, in SE Mexico, I speak Spanish, and I lived in Mexico for 3 years )(Mexico City).

There is what is known as the rape culture of Mexico. This is a whole nother thing from what we generally have in the US. Raping and sexual assualts on all levels, is commonly looked upon as normal in Mexico. This is true even within families.

Mexico, and most of Latin America has a distinct RAPE CULTURE, that is very foreign and different from American life. Women and children are looked upon as toys to Mexican men, and rape, pedophilia, and sexual assault is so common, it is generally accepted as normal. This is why US prosecutors consistently report the "puzzled" attitude of Mexican rape/sex assault suspects in court, who typically can't figure out why they are being arrested, or even thought of as having done something wrong. Where they come from, mostly, it IS NOT considered to BE wrong, and sexual assault is commonly accepted, even within families, and even against children.

Another evidence of the Mexican "rape culture" (this actually refers to sex crime generally), is the subways and buses in Mexico City, and other Mexican cities, segregated by sex. The record shows that Mexican men simply cannot keep their hands off Mexican women, including strangers on mass transit facilities. So they have men buses, and separate women & children buses.

Subways in Mexico City have been segregated by sex since the 1960s. Buses a bit more recently. I'd like to see someone show me an American city where sex assault has been so prevalent that they have had to go to mass transit segregated by sex.

Trump said > "They're rapists". Essentially a TRUE statement, at least colloquially.
He didn’t. Read the quote, he said MANY illegal immigrants are murderers and rapists, having spent most of my life in border states, that’s the truth, most illegal aliens are decent people but many aren’t.

He didn't say "illegal immigrants" he said "Mexicans".

You should really stop lying or stop getting your news from CNN and the mainstream media.
And if you'll notice your post only addressed two things.

Only because whoever I was responding too only tried to excuse two of the many racist things Trump said. Which is understandable.

What monetary gain? Are ya stupid?
She got the job because she said she was an indian ya stupid kunt.
And she deprived a real indian from getting that job.
You MFers dont give a shit who you screw over.

Except not really.

Harvard touted her NA background, she didn't use it to get a job.

Again, this all became an issue after the Boston Herald reported that Harvard Law School, where Warren worked from 1995 until she was elected to the Senate in 2012, “touted Warren’s Native American background … in an effort to bolster their diversity hiring record in the ’90s as the school came under heavy fire for a faculty that was then predominantly white and male.”

In a 1996 article, the Harvard Crimson wrote: “Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School

Which bring me back to my great grandmother. My family believed for generations she was a Native American. DNA testing would indicate, maybe she wasn't. But over the years, family members have checked off that Native American box on applications.
Since you and some other are talking about Mexicans and the way they are (generally all of them) let me start by laying out my qualification to speak about this. I am 1/2 Hispanic, 1/4 Mexican (ancestry from Villahermosa, Tabasco, in SE Mexico, I speak Spanish, and I lived in Mexico for 3 years )(Mexico City).
I am sorry you are living with so much self-loathing.

There is what is known as the rape culture of Mexico. This is a whole nother thing from what we generally have in the US. Raping and sexual assualts on all levels, is commonly looked upon as normal in Mexico. This is true even within families.
Wow, the lengths you guys go to excuse Trump. I bet if you caught him eating a puppy at Mar-a-Lago, you'd be expounding the nutritional value of puppies.
He didn't say "illegal immigrants" he said "Mexicans".

Only because whoever I was responding too only tried to excuse two of the many racist things Trump said. Which is understandable.

Except not really.

Harvard touted her NA background, she didn't use it to get a job.

Again, this all became an issue after the Boston Herald reported that Harvard Law School, where Warren worked from 1995 until she was elected to the Senate in 2012, “touted Warren’s Native American background … in an effort to bolster their diversity hiring record in the ’90s as the school came under heavy fire for a faculty that was then predominantly white and male.”

In a 1996 article, the Harvard Crimson wrote: “Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School

Which bring me back to my great grandmother. My family believed for generations she was a Native American. DNA testing would indicate, maybe she wasn't. But over the years, family members have checked off that Native American box on applications.
You're right, but he was talking about the Mexicans coming here across the border who are ALL illegal immigrants.

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