Lettuce would not cost $4 a head


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
If illegal aliens were deported.

Most of our red meat, fruits and vegetable, nuts, fish and shell fish is imported. Mostly because its grown cheaper in countries that import to us and we pay less than if it had to be grown here. So if illegal aliens were deported and farmers had to move to Mexico, lettuce would be cheaper than if grown here and harvested by illegal. We would import it from Mexico and it would cost less and not more. Not the propaganda that it would cost $4 if illegal left.
If illegal aliens left the country and farmers moved their farms to Mexico we would all be much better off. Mexico would be responsible for it’s incarcerated criminals, education for children and medical care for them all. And cheap lettuce for Americans minus the cost of illegal aliens.

The reason we import so much of anything is because it is cheaper for us. Even cheap illegal labor and cheap votes for politicians. Business that hire illegal aliens and not Americans should move out of the country because it puts a burden on American to subsidize their low wages. Like education, welfare, food stamps, medical care, etc.
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John and Ken of KFI AM 640 in L.A. did a little research a while back and found that deporting illegal alien labor wouldn't mean massive increases in the cost of food or anything else for that matter although some will try to tell you that.

Germany doesn't use illegal alien slave labor in their agriculture, they merely invented machines to "do the jobs that Germans wouldn't do". We can do the same.
John and Ken of KFI AM 640 in L.A. did a little research a while back and found that deporting illegal alien labor wouldn't mean massive increases in the cost of food or anything else for that matter although some will try to tell you that.

Germany doesn't use illegal alien slave labor in their agriculture, they merely invented machines to "do the jobs that Germans wouldn't do". We can do the same.

I disagree on that reasearch and what do they use to come to that conclusion with. We import most of our food because it is cheaper than growing.

With all the benefits that illegal aliens get at the expense of the taxpayers, we are already paying much more than 4$ for a head of lettuce via those benefits. Do you realize how much illegal aliens are costing us? We did not pay $4 for a head of lettuce with illegal aliens were not doing the work and there were not 20 million illegal aliens in the country. That is more propaganda for illegal immigration.
Most studies I have read that if illegal aliens were deported we would crash is the propaganda part of “Reconquista!” There are three kind of lies.
"There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Mark Twain
There is a little irony here. Obama and the liberals always push for immigration reform, and that issue revolves around the cheap labor illegal aliens provide. Now that there are a record number of unemployed Americans, Obama is pushing this Job program of his big time. They can’t have it both ways. Either they are concerned with unemployed Americans or they are concerned with preserving cheap illegal immigrant labor. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. Another irony is the economy. It’s on the skids, kids. No matter who picks our lettuce.
If illegal aliens were deported.

Most of our red meat, fruits and vegetable, nuts, fish and shell fish is imported. Mostly because its grown cheaper in countries that import to us and we pay less than if it had to be grown here. So if illegal aliens were deported and farmers had to move to Mexico, lettuce would be cheaper than if grown here and harvested by illegal. We would import it from Mexico and it would cost less and not more. Not the propaganda that it would cost $4 if illegal left.
If illegal aliens left the country and farmers moved their farms to Mexico we would all be much better off. Mexico would be responsible for it’s incarcerated criminals, education for children and medical care for them all. And cheap lettuce for Americans minus the cost of illegal aliens.

The reason we import so much of anything is because it is cheaper for us. Even cheap illegal labor and cheap votes for politicians. Business that hire illegal aliens and not Americans should move out of the country because it puts a burden on American to subsidize their low wages. Like education, welfare, food stamps, medical care, etc.

Our lettuce is not 4 bucks a head and I wouldn't want to buy my food from Mexico.
Lettuce costs $4.00 a head because left wing democrats keep the cost of energy high. It doesn't matter where it is grown, the cost of diesel fuel and gas to get it to market is the biggest factor in the price.
If illegal aliens were deported.

Most of our red meat, fruits and vegetable, nuts, fish and shell fish is imported. Mostly because its grown cheaper in countries that import to us and we pay less than if it had to be grown here. So if illegal aliens were deported and farmers had to move to Mexico, lettuce would be cheaper than if grown here and harvested by illegal. We would import it from Mexico and it would cost less and not more. Not the propaganda that it would cost $4 if illegal left.
If illegal aliens left the country and farmers moved their farms to Mexico we would all be much better off. Mexico would be responsible for it’s incarcerated criminals, education for children and medical care for them all. And cheap lettuce for Americans minus the cost of illegal aliens.

The reason we import so much of anything is because it is cheaper for us. Even cheap illegal labor and cheap votes for politicians. Business that hire illegal aliens and not Americans should move out of the country because it puts a burden on American to subsidize their low wages. Like education, welfare, food stamps, medical care, etc.

Our lettuce is not 4 bucks a head and I wouldn't want to buy my food from Mexico.

Do you alway read the label on your fruit and vegetables? What difference does it make? Grown in Mexico or grown by Mexicans? More fruit grown here has made us sick more often then from Mexico. ME, I read all the label and NEVER by from Mexico or any other foreign country. And never eat in Mexican resturants. I never eat out any way. Don't like ohter people handling my food.
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Lettuce costs $4.00 a head because left wing democrats keep the cost of energy high. It doesn't matter where it is grown, the cost of diesel fuel and gas to get it to market is the biggest factor in the price.


Plus, if we just enforced existing laws.... they'd leave all by themselves :doubt:
Do you alway read the label on your fruit and vegetables? What difference does it make? Grown in Mexico or grown by Mexicans? More fruit grown here has made us sick more often then from Mexico. ME, I read all the label and NEVER by from Mexico or any other foreign country. And never eat in Mexican resturants. I never eat out any way. Don't like ohter people handling my food.

Problem with your statement is this.... it is still grown by illegals who have NEVER been screened for the diseases we are seeing again. They handle our food with little regard for the health of the "workers".

Nearly every one of the disease break outs we have seen at American farms or grow facilities were caused by sick illegals handling the food.
If illegal aliens were deported.

Most of our red meat, fruits and vegetable, nuts, fish and shell fish is imported. Mostly because its grown cheaper in countries that import to us and we pay less than if it had to be grown here. So if illegal aliens were deported and farmers had to move to Mexico, lettuce would be cheaper than if grown here and harvested by illegal. We would import it from Mexico and it would cost less and not more. Not the propaganda that it would cost $4 if illegal left.
If illegal aliens left the country and farmers moved their farms to Mexico we would all be much better off. Mexico would be responsible for it’s incarcerated criminals, education for children and medical care for them all. And cheap lettuce for Americans minus the cost of illegal aliens.

The reason we import so much of anything is because it is cheaper for us. Even cheap illegal labor and cheap votes for politicians. Business that hire illegal aliens and not Americans should move out of the country because it puts a burden on American to subsidize their low wages. Like education, welfare, food stamps, medical care, etc.

Our lettuce is not 4 bucks a head and I wouldn't want to buy my food from Mexico.

Those Mexican trucks of produce are coming across our borders as we speak. Gotta love NAFTA, thanks Clintool(Clintool signed NAFTA into law on December 8, 1993). Their product is inferior and by no means follow the stringent laws place upon us by guess who, those 537 idiots in the WH. There's no way to compete against a group who must follow the GMP(good food manufacturing practices) rules vs the Mexican produce who does not have the first clue what clean/safe food is.

Mexican truck driver should be fined for not complying with GMP and their trucks should follow our standard of emissions from the tailpipe just to make it an even playing field.
If illegal aliens were deported.

Most of our red meat, fruits and vegetable, nuts, fish and shell fish is imported. Mostly because its grown cheaper in countries that import to us and we pay less than if it had to be grown here. So if illegal aliens were deported and farmers had to move to Mexico, lettuce would be cheaper than if grown here and harvested by illegal. We would import it from Mexico and it would cost less and not more. Not the propaganda that it would cost $4 if illegal left.
If illegal aliens left the country and farmers moved their farms to Mexico we would all be much better off. Mexico would be responsible for it’s incarcerated criminals, education for children and medical care for them all. And cheap lettuce for Americans minus the cost of illegal aliens.

The reason we import so much of anything is because it is cheaper for us. Even cheap illegal labor and cheap votes for politicians. Business that hire illegal aliens and not Americans should move out of the country because it puts a burden on American to subsidize their low wages. Like education, welfare, food stamps, medical care, etc.

Our lettuce is not 4 bucks a head and I wouldn't want to buy my food from Mexico.

Do you alway read the label on your fruit and vegetables? What difference does it make? Grown in Mexico or grown by Mexicans? More fruit grown here has made us sick more often then from Mexico. ME, I read all the label and NEVER by from Mexico or any other foreign country. And never eat in Mexican resturants. I never eat out any way. Don't like ohter people handling my food.

It would have to travel a long way to get to me "fresh". We have farmer's markets around here and the fact that there are no standards for quality down there plus the rivers and streams being so polluted makes me leary about the quality of anything coming from there.
If illegal aliens were deported.

Most of our red meat, fruits and vegetable, nuts, fish and shell fish is imported. Mostly because its grown cheaper in countries that import to us and we pay less than if it had to be grown here. So if illegal aliens were deported and farmers had to move to Mexico, lettuce would be cheaper than if grown here and harvested by illegal. We would import it from Mexico and it would cost less and not more. Not the propaganda that it would cost $4 if illegal left.
If illegal aliens left the country and farmers moved their farms to Mexico we would all be much better off. Mexico would be responsible for it’s incarcerated criminals, education for children and medical care for them all. And cheap lettuce for Americans minus the cost of illegal aliens.

The reason we import so much of anything is because it is cheaper for us. Even cheap illegal labor and cheap votes for politicians. Business that hire illegal aliens and not Americans should move out of the country because it puts a burden on American to subsidize their low wages. Like education, welfare, food stamps, medical care, etc.

Our lettuce is not 4 bucks a head and I wouldn't want to buy my food from Mexico.

Those Mexican trucks of produce are coming across our borders as we speak. Gotta love NAFTA, thanks Clintool(Clintool signed NAFTA into law on December 8, 1993). Their product is inferior and by no means follow the stringent laws place upon us by guess who, those 537 idiots in the WH. There's no way to compete against a group who must follow the GMP(good food manufacturing practices) rules vs the Mexican produce who does not have the first clue what clean/safe food is.

Mexican truck driver should be fined for not complying with GMP and their trucks should follow our standard of emissions from the tailpipe just to make it an even playing field.
Their product is inferior ? LOL. Brainwashed much ?
Your GMO Roundup ready bullshit is the nastiest crap on earth.Your mega farms have massive amounts piled into containers where one rat can wreak havoc on the whole batch.Nobody noticed until the emergency rooms start filling up.Recycled piss water full of unfilterable hormones and antibiotics to irrigate with..............chlorine, fluoride....on and on and on.

I'll buy Pedros beans and spinach any day.UNLESS Pedro works for one of your multinational clusterfucks.
Our lettuce is not 4 bucks a head and I wouldn't want to buy my food from Mexico.

Those Mexican trucks of produce are coming across our borders as we speak. Gotta love NAFTA, thanks Clintool(Clintool signed NAFTA into law on December 8, 1993). Their product is inferior and by no means follow the stringent laws place upon us by guess who, those 537 idiots in the WH. There's no way to compete against a group who must follow the GMP(good food manufacturing practices) rules vs the Mexican produce who does not have the first clue what clean/safe food is.

Mexican truck driver should be fined for not complying with GMP and their trucks should follow our standard of emissions from the tailpipe just to make it an even playing field.
Their product is inferior ? LOL. Brainwashed much ?
Your GMO Roundup ready bullshit is the nastiest crap on earth.Your mega farms have massive amounts piled into containers where one rat can wreak havoc on the whole batch.Nobody noticed until the emergency rooms start filling up.Recycled piss water full of unfilterable hormones and antibiotics to irrigate with..............chlorine, fluoride....on and on and on.

I'll buy Pedros beans and spinach any day.UNLESS Pedro works for one of your multinational clusterfucks.
have another drink
Lettuce costs $4.00 a head because left wing democrats keep the cost of energy high. It doesn't matter where it is grown, the cost of diesel fuel and gas to get it to market is the biggest factor in the price.

Democrats nor Republicans has anything to do with price of energy. Electricity or natural gas or gasoline. Usage has determined how much I pay. My complex went to cost saving appliances and my bill went from $70 to $40. Supply and demand has little effect.

Gas guzzling autos some of you buy do not help the cost of gasfor you. Government do not set the price of gasoline.

What Determines Gas Prices?

What Determines Gas Prices?
I have no problem with Mexicans picking lettuce and cotton. Let farmers have all they want but deport those who are taking jobs American will do in the inner cities from American. When we scream deport illegal aliens we do not mean those who are doing jobs Americans will not do. Mainly because of other unskilled jobs. That is less than 2% of the 8 million illegal aliens work force.
If Georgia and Arizona is hurting for cheap illegal labor let the hire from the H-2A visa program. Farmers are breaking the law when they hire illegal workers and they should do legal and be safe.
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Those Mexican trucks of produce are coming across our borders as we speak. Gotta love NAFTA, thanks Clintool(Clintool signed NAFTA into law on December 8, 1993). Their product is inferior and by no means follow the stringent laws place upon us by guess who, those 537 idiots in the WH. There's no way to compete against a group who must follow the GMP(good food manufacturing practices) rules vs the Mexican produce who does not have the first clue what clean/safe food is.

Mexican truck driver should be fined for not complying with GMP and their trucks should follow our standard of emissions from the tailpipe just to make it an even playing field.
Their product is inferior ? LOL. Brainwashed much ?
Your GMO Roundup ready bullshit is the nastiest crap on earth.Your mega farms have massive amounts piled into containers where one rat can wreak havoc on the whole batch.Nobody noticed until the emergency rooms start filling up.Recycled piss water full of unfilterable hormones and antibiotics to irrigate with..............chlorine, fluoride....on and on and on.

I'll buy Pedros beans and spinach any day.UNLESS Pedro works for one of your multinational clusterfucks.
have another drink

The food grown in Mexico is not inferior. They do not use hormones and antibotics to grow vegetables. I don't think we import meat? I have bought meat and sea food from Mexican stores and had to return all of it. Maybe they do use hormones because the chicken I bought look like the size of turkey.

It has long been known that they use human sewer to water crop.

Our ERs were filling up because was using the bathroom in the fields and contaminating the crop. And not washing their hands in handling food in resturants. I simply do not eat out at all because you never know who is workinging in the kitchen.
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Their product is inferior ? LOL. Brainwashed much ?
Your GMO Roundup ready bullshit is the nastiest crap on earth.Your mega farms have massive amounts piled into containers where one rat can wreak havoc on the whole batch.Nobody noticed until the emergency rooms start filling up.Recycled piss water full of unfilterable hormones and antibiotics to irrigate with..............chlorine, fluoride....on and on and on.

I'll buy Pedros beans and spinach any day.UNLESS Pedro works for one of your multinational clusterfucks.
have another drink

The food grown in Mexico is not inferior. They do not use hormones and antibotics to grow vegetables. I don't think we import meat? I have bought meat and sea food from Mexican stores and had to return all of it. Maybe they do use hormones because the chicken I bought look like the size of turkey.

It has long been known that they use human sewer to water crop.

Our ERs were filling up because was using the bathroom in the fields and contaminating the crop. And not washing their hands in handling food in resturants. I simply do not eat out at all because you never know who is workinging in the kitchen.

If illegal aliens were deported.

Most of our red meat, fruits and vegetable, nuts, fish and shell fish is imported. Mostly because its grown cheaper in countries that import to us and we pay less than if it had to be grown here. So if illegal aliens were deported and farmers had to move to Mexico, lettuce would be cheaper than if grown here and harvested by illegal. We would import it from Mexico and it would cost less and not more. Not the propaganda that it would cost $4 if illegal left.
If illegal aliens left the country and farmers moved their farms to Mexico we would all be much better off. Mexico would be responsible for it’s incarcerated criminals, education for children and medical care for them all. And cheap lettuce for Americans minus the cost of illegal aliens.

The reason we import so much of anything is because it is cheaper for us. Even cheap illegal labor and cheap votes for politicians. Business that hire illegal aliens and not Americans should move out of the country because it puts a burden on American to subsidize their low wages. Like education, welfare, food stamps, medical care, etc.

Our lettuce is not 4 bucks a head and I wouldn't want to buy my food from Mexico.

Those Mexican trucks of produce are coming across our borders as we speak. Gotta love NAFTA, thanks Clintool(Clintool signed NAFTA into law on December 8, 1993). Their product is inferior and by no means follow the stringent laws place upon us by guess who, those 537 idiots in the WH. There's no way to compete against a group who must follow the GMP(good food manufacturing practices) rules vs the Mexican produce who does not have the first clue what clean/safe food is.

Mexican truck driver should be fined for not complying with GMP and their trucks should follow our standard of emissions from the tailpipe just to make it an even playing field.

Was there not a guy by the name of Perot who warned against NAFTA?
If illegal aliens were deported.

Most of our red meat, fruits and vegetable, nuts, fish and shell fish is imported. Mostly because its grown cheaper in countries that import to us and we pay less than if it had to be grown here. So if illegal aliens were deported and farmers had to move to Mexico, lettuce would be cheaper than if grown here and harvested by illegal. We would import it from Mexico and it would cost less and not more. Not the propaganda that it would cost $4 if illegal left.
If illegal aliens left the country and farmers moved their farms to Mexico we would all be much better off. Mexico would be responsible for it’s incarcerated criminals, education for children and medical care for them all. And cheap lettuce for Americans minus the cost of illegal aliens.

The reason we import so much of anything is because it is cheaper for us. Even cheap illegal labor and cheap votes for politicians. Business that hire illegal aliens and not Americans should move out of the country because it puts a burden on American to subsidize their low wages. Like education, welfare, food stamps, medical care, etc.

Our lettuce is not 4 bucks a head and I wouldn't want to buy my food from Mexico.

Paying for the benefit illegal aliens get is equal to paying $4 for lettuce. IF they were deported the amount that would be saved would make up for a $4 head of lettuce.

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