Leftist War of Personal Destruction Against Trump Supporters Now Hits Fallwell of Liberty U


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just evil. To destroy people with this kind of malicious rumor and trivial embarrassment is disgusting.

Is Fallwell accused of being a criminal? No. Of sexual abuse of students? No

He is accused of making about 3 dozen unkind remarks over the course of decades leading Liberty University about some students and faculty there.

Who has not made such remarks in the course of their life about various people? I suspect that we all have, but we didn't have Woketard leftists hacking our emails and then exposing private comments to the entire planet.

Whoever violated the privacy of Mr Fallwell by stealing and then giving to Fallwells enemies in the press private emails should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this does not happen, then what are we now sacrificing to the insane partisan politics of our nation?

No more privacy, no more candid conversation of any sort?

Find the person that released this stuff and have them drawn and quartered I say.

Just to set an example for the other political idiots.

EXCLUSIVE-Falwell blasted Liberty student as 'retarded,' police chief as 'half-wit' in emails
This is just evil. To destroy people with this kind of malicious rumor and trivial embarrassment is disgusting.

Is Fallwell accused of being a criminal? No. Of sexual abuse of students? No

He is accused of making about 3 dozen unkind remarks over the course of decades leading Liberty University about some students and faculty there.

Who has not made such remarks in the course of their life about various people? I suspect that we all have, but we didn't have Woketard leftists hacking our emails and then exposing private comments to the entire planet.

Whoever violated the privacy of Mr Fallwell by stealing and then giving to Fallwells enemies in the press private emails should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this does not happen, then what are we now sacrificing to the insane partisan politics of our nation?

No more privacy, no more candid conversation of any sort?

Find the person that released this stuff and have them drawn and quartered I say.

Just to set an example for the other political idiots.

EXCLUSIVE-Falwell blasted Liberty student as 'retarded,' police chief as 'half-wit' in emails

Wow. If you're upset about that, you will really flip out when you hear about Falwell Jr and his wife doing the pool boy.
This is just evil. To destroy people with this kind of malicious rumor and trivial embarrassment is disgusting.

Is Fallwell accused of being a criminal? No. Of sexual abuse of students? No

He is accused of making about 3 dozen unkind remarks over the course of decades leading Liberty University about some students and faculty there.

Who has not made such remarks in the course of their life about various people? I suspect that we all have, but we didn't have Woketard leftists hacking our emails and then exposing private comments to the entire planet.

Whoever violated the privacy of Mr Fallwell by stealing and then giving to Fallwells enemies in the press private emails should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this does not happen, then what are we now sacrificing to the insane partisan politics of our nation?

No more privacy, no more candid conversation of any sort?

Find the person that released this stuff and have them drawn and quartered I say.

Just to set an example for the other political idiots.

EXCLUSIVE-Falwell blasted Liberty student as 'retarded,' police chief as 'half-wit' in emails

Wow. If you're upset about that, you will really flip out when you hear about Falwell Jr and his wife doing the pool boy.
Jr. is a real piece of work.

Christian conservative destroys Jerry Falwell Jr’s political perversion of the Bible: ‘Antithetical to the gospel’
This is just evil. To destroy people with this kind of malicious rumor and trivial embarrassment is disgusting.

Is Fallwell accused of being a criminal? No. Of sexual abuse of students? No

He is accused of making about 3 dozen unkind remarks over the course of decades leading Liberty University about some students and faculty there.

Who has not made such remarks in the course of their life about various people? I suspect that we all have, but we didn't have Woketard leftists hacking our emails and then exposing private comments to the entire planet.

Whoever violated the privacy of Mr Fallwell by stealing and then giving to Fallwells enemies in the press private emails should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this does not happen, then what are we now sacrificing to the insane partisan politics of our nation?

No more privacy, no more candid conversation of any sort?

Find the person that released this stuff and have them drawn and quartered I say.

Just to set an example for the other political idiots.

EXCLUSIVE-Falwell blasted Liberty student as 'retarded,' police chief as 'half-wit' in emails

Jerry Falwell is a huge hypocrite as he supports free speech on other campuses but suppresses free speech at Liberty University. Especially if it involves Trump. Falwell is no more a man of God than the devil is.

"Among the incidents of alleged censorship that have become public, Falwell instructed the editor of Liberty Champion, the campus newspaper, in October 2016 to spike a column critical of then-candidate Trump after a leaked recording from Access Hollywood in which he is heard bragging about assaulting women.

In October 2017 and again the following year, Falwell and faculty members pressured student journalists not to cover a gathering of a progressive evangelical Christian group in Lynchburg, Va., where Liberty is located.

In an April 2018 meeting with Champion staffers, Bruce Kirk, Liberty’s dean of the school of communication and digital content, told Champion staffers their job was “to keep the LU reputation and the image as it is … Don’t destroy the image of LU. Pretty simple. OK?”

World magazine released an article in August 2018 detailing those and other instances of alleged censorship on the Liberty campus."

Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say
This is just evil. To destroy people with this kind of malicious rumor and trivial embarrassment is disgusting.

Is Fallwell accused of being a criminal? No. Of sexual abuse of students? No

He is accused of making about 3 dozen unkind remarks over the course of decades leading Liberty University about some students and faculty there.

Who has not made such remarks in the course of their life about various people? I suspect that we all have, but we didn't have Woketard leftists hacking our emails and then exposing private comments to the entire planet.

Whoever violated the privacy of Mr Fallwell by stealing and then giving to Fallwells enemies in the press private emails should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this does not happen, then what are we now sacrificing to the insane partisan politics of our nation?

No more privacy, no more candid conversation of any sort?

Find the person that released this stuff and have them drawn and quartered I say.

Just to set an example for the other political idiots.

EXCLUSIVE-Falwell blasted Liberty student as 'retarded,' police chief as 'half-wit' in emails
Dude, you just opened a can of worms. Falwell Jr.: The Flaming Hypocrite

"Falwell is a loyal shill for President Trump — all Christian ethics apparently overlooked in the evangelical leader’s political calculations. Yes, Falwell practically worships the same man that’s been divorced two times, is accused of cheating on the mother of his child with a porn star, and once boasted on tape of grabbing women's crotches without their consent."

Jerry Falwell Jr. is a flaming hypocrite
"Falwell is a loyal shill for President Trump — all Christian ethics apparently overlooked in the evangelical leader’s political calculations. Yes, Falwell practically worships the same man that’s been divorced two times, is accused of cheating on the mother of his child with a porn star, and once boasted on tape of grabbing women's crotches without their consent."
Jerry Falwell Jr. is a flaming hypocrite
So what? It is irrelevant to my point that we have a right to privacy and not being spied on or ratted out by criminals that invade our privacy and embarrass us.

Are sex revenge videos OK by you? Fallwell has as much right to his privacy as any ex-girlfriend does to not having her images put on the internet.
These Leftist Puritans have their own cult going and there is no absolution once your crime is found out. If you want to know how much they hate having their own Moralism foisted on them, look at how the NYT cried and cried when their own journalists were outed recently.

These people are disgusting, truly.
Just the mention of the name 'Falwell' makes all the sicko sex fetishists and pedophile friendly sociopaths foam at the mouth and go spastic with hate and fear. lol lol lol good for him and his son. And yes, as somebody already said, it is indeed hilarious that these gimps attempt to fake having morals and standards, as if the vermin have room to be talking shit about anybody else.
Wow. If you're upset about that, you will really flip out when you hear about Falwell Jr and his wife doing the pool boy.

Who TF cares whether they are doing the pool boy, provided he's an adult?

But the rightards' sudden concern for everybody's privacy is really cute - considering their history of dismissing or disregarding the privacy of, say, John Podesta, or President Clinton, or women, particularly in case they are pregnant.

That addiction to hypocrisy is a terrible condition.
Wow. If you're upset about that, you will really flip out when you hear about Falwell Jr and his wife doing the pool boy.

Who TF cares whether they are doing the pool boy, provided he's an adult?

But the rightards' sudden concern for everybody's privacy is really cute - considering their history of dismissing or disregarding the privacy of, say, John Podesta, or President Clinton, or women, particularly in case they are pregnant.

That addiction to hypocrisy is a terrible condition.

You understand that Falwell is a millionaire preacher who makes his fortune telling little old ladies that they should send him their money instead of buying medicine or food, don't you? The charlatan deserves to be outed.
This is just another indication of how sick democrats really are. When Trump said "they aren't after me. They are after you. I'm just in the way." He knew exactly what he was talking about.
Another asshole who tries to combine Christianity and right-wing politics gets outed. Falwell is an even bigger jerk than his father was, if that is possible. We should cry for another stupid moralisto? Hilarious.
Releasing Hillary's email = good. Releasing these emails = bad?

Both hypocrites needed exposed.

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