President 'Split Personality' Trump, And His Many U Turns.

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
Lake District England
Trump's biggest U-turns since the election, from China to Nato
On some major issues he brought up during the campaign, Mr Trump has reversed course
Trump has never been a Republican. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Clinton coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.


The President has reversed his thinking on several big issues
Donald Trump campaigned as the anti-establishment, anti-Washington candidate who could break the mould on some of America’s most pressing issues, but, one year after his surprise election, the President has been forced to roll back on some major promises he made to pioneer a new way forward.
While the President has chipped away at an array of his predecessor’s achievements, the realities of the Oval Office have forced Mr Trump to reevaluate the best course forward on some of the biggest issues the nation faces.
Here’s a round up of those U-turns.
Trump has done absolutely nothing since becoming President
Trump has done absolutely nothing since becoming President

Mr Trump railed hard against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during the 2016 campaign, calling the alliance that many cite as one of the cornerstones of today’s political world order “obsolete”, lamenting America’s outsized tab in funding the effort, and saying he would like to see the group focus more on counter-terrorism efforts.
But, just months into his presidency, Mr Trump began to sing a different tune. Referencing unnamed changes to the group’s organization, the President said that Nato was no longer the pariah he had made it out to be.

“I complained about that a long time ago, and they made a change — and now they do fight terrorism,” Mr Trump said in April. “I said it was obsolete. It's no longer obsolete.”
Nato fought terrorism for years in Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks, when a US-led coalition invaded to cripple groups like the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
Donald Trump's least presidential moments so far...
After the president tweeted that voting by post would be substantially fraudulent, Twitter attached a warning label to his tweet and referred readers to a site which explained how the claim was unsubstantiated. Trump then said Twitter was stifling free speech and that he may have to shut it down, something which he would not have the power to do

When author E Jean Carroll accused Trump of raping her, the president responded: “Number one, she’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened, OK?
Just before touching down at Stansted Airport for his state visit, Trump took time out to @ the London mayor Sadiq Khan on twitter. He said that Khan has done a terrible jobas mayor and that he is a stone cold loser
The president's official schedule sets aside the hours from 8 to 11am daily for Executive Time. Further intermittent periods of Executive Time are scheduled throughout any given day, ranging from 15 minutes to 3 hours. His duties in these hours have not been officially disclosed, though Axios reports that he spends them watching TV, reading the newspapers and tweeting

The President had long said that his “instinct” was to immediately withdraw troops from Afghanistan, where America has been mired in conflict for 16 years. But, Mr Trump came around to a different way of thinking in August, just after one of the most outspoken nationalists in the White House who had urged completely withdrawing from the country, Steve Bannon, was pushed out.
Mr Trump said that he had met with US military leaders to discuss the strategy in the region, and had come to understand that an immediate withdrawal could leave it vulnerable to becoming a failed state, and vulnerable to terrorist group dominance.
Former Trump adviser Carter Page coordinated Russia trip with campaign
Former Trump adviser Carter Page coordinated Russia trip with campaign

“My original instinct was to pull out. And historically, I like following my instinct,” Mr Trump said in August, announcing his change.

He also acknowledged that making decisions in the Oval Office is a much different ballgame than anyone can ever know before hand.
“All my life, I've heard that decisions are much different when you sit behind the desk of the Oval Office,” he said.
Mr Trump, as a private citizen, was sceptical of bombing Syria, and struck a looser tone toward the crisis there (suggesting at one point that bombing the country would only result in more debt for the US, for example).
But, after reported chemical attacks were approved by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Mr Trump performed an about-face on the issue. Just 72 hours after his administration seemed to be hinting that Mr Assad could do whatever he wanted in his country, Mr Trump authorized missile strikes there. In doing so, Mr Trump called Mr Assad a “butcher” for the chemical attacks.
Mr Trump had mused as a candidate that it would be great to improve the relationship between Russia and the US, and fancied himself the candidate to do just that. It was a dream that many among the Washington elite were skeptical of, and one that many said flew in the face of geopolitical realities.
But, after labeling Mr Assad a “butcher” for his reported chemical attacks on civilians — a move that was sure to anger the Russians — and amid heightened military tensions between the US and Russia near Syria, the President changed his outlook.
“Right now we are not getting along with Russia at all. We may be at an all-time low in terms of relationship with Russia,” he said during a White House press conference signalling his departure from the promise to chill the tension.
As a candidate for president, Mr Trump repeatedly pointed to China as one of America’s most significant foes, and said that China was rigging the game. He repeatedly said that the Asian country should be labelled as a currency manipulator, and promised he would do so as President.
But, as tensions with North Korea heightened this year, Mr Trump struck a more conciliatory tone toward its major international rival.
“Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem?” Mr Trump tweeted in April. “We will see what happens!”
Washington politics
While Mr Trump still promises to "drain the swamp" in Washington, a euphemism for ridding it of the shady, elitist, money-driven reputation of the US capital, he has so far failed to do so. Instead, his administration has been scandalised by the misuse of funds. That includes the former Secretary of the Department of Health and Services Tom Price, who was forced to resign after it was determined that he had chartered luxury jet travel on the taxpayer's dime, as well as others in Mr Trump's cabinet who have used government travel options for personal reasons.
In addition to those perceived misuses of funds, the Trump administration has hired more than 100 lobbyists to work in the executive branch this year. Of those, the majority of the hires had lobbied on behalf of the companies that are regulated by the government agency the former lobbyist was joining.
Mr Trump promised during the campaign that he could repeal and replace Obamacare as president, and he took over a party that had made that same promise for seven years. While Republicans claimed during that time that all they needed was a majority in both the House and the Senate, alongside a sympathetic president, Mr Trump has claimed, as he does about most anything, that he is uniquely qualified to fix America's healthcare system.
But the Republicans have failed so far to leverage those majorities and executive branch dominance into any major legislative change to federal law. Mr Trump, perhaps sensing his long-shot chances of a major legislative victory on the front has repeatedly changed his tune. At one point, after failed legislative attempts, he said that he was content to simply watch the healthcare law fail, and then pick up the pieces. At other times he's championed only repealing the legislation, even without a sensible replacement plan. Most recently, he signed a controversial executive order that allows small businesses to band together to secure cheaper rates for coverage, and allows people to shop for insurance out-of-state (critics say that the program would lure young, healthy people away from markets, making them vulnerable).
The travel ban
On the campaign trail, Mr Trump was pretty blunt when describing the type of ban he'd like to see the federal government put in place: A Muslim ban.
But, once he was sworn into office, the Trump administration had to change its outward focus, and fine tune the countries it wanted to target.
Soon after becoming President, the administration issued a highly controversial travel ban, which was quickly stayed by US judges, and then abandoned by the administration. They took a second crack at the travel ban just months later in March, but were similarly met by opponents who were able to get the measure blocked pending judicial review.
The ban was later upheld by the Supreme Court, allowing the Trump administration to begin halting travel from six Muslim-majority countries, and to put a temporary halt on US refugee admissions for a time. The administration was forced to fine-tune which countries the ban would target during that process. A third attempt at the ban has been blocked and will be subject to appeal, which is likely to end up back in front of the Supreme Court.

Clark Mindock
New York

His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Trump's biggest U-turns since the election, from China to Nato
On some major issues he brought up during the campaign, Mr Trump has reversed course
Trump has never been a Republican. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Clinton coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.

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The President has reversed his thinking on several big issues
Donald Trump campaigned as the anti-establishment, anti-Washington candidate who could break the mould on some of America’s most pressing issues, but, one year after his surprise election, the President has been forced to roll back on some major promises he made to pioneer a new way forward.
While the President has chipped away at an array of his predecessor’s achievements, the realities of the Oval Office have forced Mr Trump to reevaluate the best course forward on some of the biggest issues the nation faces.
Here’s a round up of those U-turns.
Trump has done absolutely nothing since becoming President
Trump has done absolutely nothing since becoming President

Mr Trump railed hard against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during the 2016 campaign, calling the alliance that many cite as one of the cornerstones of today’s political world order “obsolete”, lamenting America’s outsized tab in funding the effort, and saying he would like to see the group focus more on counter-terrorism efforts.
But, just months into his presidency, Mr Trump began to sing a different tune. Referencing unnamed changes to the group’s organization, the President said that Nato was no longer the pariah he had made it out to be.

“I complained about that a long time ago, and they made a change — and now they do fight terrorism,” Mr Trump said in April. “I said it was obsolete. It's no longer obsolete.”
Nato fought terrorism for years in Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks, when a US-led coalition invaded to cripple groups like the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
Donald Trump's least presidential moments so far...
After the president tweeted that voting by post would be substantially fraudulent, Twitter attached a warning label to his tweet and referred readers to a site which explained how the claim was unsubstantiated. Trump then said Twitter was stifling free speech and that he may have to shut it down, something which he would not have the power to do

When author E Jean Carroll accused Trump of raping her, the president responded: “Number one, she’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened, OK?
Just before touching down at Stansted Airport for his state visit, Trump took time out to @ the London mayor Sadiq Khan on twitter. He said that Khan has done a terrible jobas mayor and that he is a stone cold loser
The president's official schedule sets aside the hours from 8 to 11am daily for Executive Time. Further intermittent periods of Executive Time are scheduled throughout any given day, ranging from 15 minutes to 3 hours. His duties in these hours have not been officially disclosed, though Axios reports that he spends them watching TV, reading the newspapers and tweeting's official schedule sets aside the hours from 8 to 11am daily for Executive Time. Further intermittent periods of Executive Time are scheduled throughout any given day, ranging from 15 minutes to 3 hours. His duties in these hours have not been officially disclosed, though Axios reports that he spends them watching TV, reading the newspapers and tweeting

The President had long said that his “instinct” was to immediately withdraw troops from Afghanistan, where America has been mired in conflict for 16 years. But, Mr Trump came around to a different way of thinking in August, just after one of the most outspoken nationalists in the White House who had urged completely withdrawing from the country, Steve Bannon, was pushed out.
Mr Trump said that he had met with US military leaders to discuss the strategy in the region, and had come to understand that an immediate withdrawal could leave it vulnerable to becoming a failed state, and vulnerable to terrorist group dominance.
Former Trump adviser Carter Page coordinated Russia trip with campaign
Former Trump adviser Carter Page coordinated Russia trip with campaign

“My original instinct was to pull out. And historically, I like following my instinct,” Mr Trump said in August, announcing his change.

He also acknowledged that making decisions in the Oval Office is a much different ballgame than anyone can ever know before hand.
“All my life, I've heard that decisions are much different when you sit behind the desk of the Oval Office,” he said.

California wildfire threatening more than 1,000 homes
Mr Trump, as a private citizen, was sceptical of bombing Syria, and struck a looser tone toward the crisis there (suggesting at one point that bombing the country would only result in more debt for the US, for example).
But, after reported chemical attacks were approved by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Mr Trump performed an about-face on the issue. Just 72 hours after his administration seemed to be hinting that Mr Assad could do whatever he wanted in his country, Mr Trump authorized missile strikes there. In doing so, Mr Trump called Mr Assad a “butcher” for the chemical attacks.
Mr Trump had mused as a candidate that it would be great to improve the relationship between Russia and the US, and fancied himself the candidate to do just that. It was a dream that many among the Washington elite were skeptical of, and one that many said flew in the face of geopolitical realities.
But, after labeling Mr Assad a “butcher” for his reported chemical attacks on civilians — a move that was sure to anger the Russians — and amid heightened military tensions between the US and Russia near Syria, the President changed his outlook.
“Right now we are not getting along with Russia at all. We may be at an all-time low in terms of relationship with Russia,” he said during a White House press conference signalling his departure from the promise to chill the tension.
As a candidate for president, Mr Trump repeatedly pointed to China as one of America’s most significant foes, and said that China was rigging the game. He repeatedly said that the Asian country should be labelled as a currency manipulator, and promised he would do so as President.
But, as tensions with North Korea heightened this year, Mr Trump struck a more conciliatory tone toward its major international rival.
“Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem?” Mr Trump tweeted in April. “We will see what happens!”
Washington politics
While Mr Trump still promises to "drain the swamp" in Washington, a euphemism for ridding it of the shady, elitist, money-driven reputation of the US capital, he has so far failed to do so. Instead, his administration has been scandalised by the misuse of funds. That includes the former Secretary of the Department of Health and Services Tom Price, who was forced to resign after it was determined that he had chartered luxury jet travel on the taxpayer's dime, as well as others in Mr Trump's cabinet who have used government travel options for personal reasons.
In addition to those perceived misuses of funds, the Trump administration has hired more than 100 lobbyists to work in the executive branch this year. Of those, the majority of the hires had lobbied on behalf of the companies that are regulated by the government agency the former lobbyist was joining.
Mr Trump promised during the campaign that he could repeal and replace Obamacare as president, and he took over a party that had made that same promise for seven years. While Republicans claimed during that time that all they needed was a majority in both the House and the Senate, alongside a sympathetic president, Mr Trump has claimed, as he does about most anything, that he is uniquely qualified to fix America's healthcare system.
But the Republicans have failed so far to leverage those majorities and executive branch dominance into any major legislative change to federal law. Mr Trump, perhaps sensing his long-shot chances of a major legislative victory on the front has repeatedly changed his tune. At one point, after failed legislative attempts, he said that he was content to simply watch the healthcare law fail, and then pick up the pieces. At other times he's championed only repealing the legislation, even without a sensible replacement plan. Most recently, he signed a controversial executive order that allows small businesses to band together to secure cheaper rates for coverage, and allows people to shop for insurance out-of-state (critics say that the program would lure young, healthy people away from markets, making them vulnerable).
The travel ban
On the campaign trail, Mr Trump was pretty blunt when describing the type of ban he'd like to see the federal government put in place: A Muslim ban.
But, once he was sworn into office, the Trump administration had to change its outward focus, and fine tune the countries it wanted to target.
Soon after becoming President, the administration issued a highly controversial travel ban, which was quickly stayed by US judges, and then abandoned by the administration. They took a second crack at the travel ban just months later in March, but were similarly met by opponents who were able to get the measure blocked pending judicial review.
The ban was later upheld by the Supreme Court, allowing the Trump administration to begin halting travel from six Muslim-majority countries, and to put a temporary halt on US refugee admissions for a time. The administration was forced to fine-tune which countries the ban would target during that process. A third attempt at the ban has been blocked and will be subject to appeal, which is likely to end up back in front of the Supreme Court.

Clark Mindock
New York

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1. that's a lot of babble crap people are not going to read
2. I see you are STILL crying since 2016
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Well that makes two Trumpsters so far and neither of you have said anything about anything.
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Well that makes two Trumpsters so far and neither of you have said anything about anything.
you have said nothing about nothing.
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Well that makes two Trumpsters so far and neither of you have said anything about anything.
Biden and Pelosi are both Catholics. You can be a Democrat and Catholic. You can not be Prog and Catholic. The politics is to extreme.
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Well that makes two Trumpsters so far and neither of you have said anything about anything.
you have said nothing about nothing.
I've said a hell of a lot more about nothing than you've said about nothing.
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Well that makes two Trumpsters so far and neither of you have said anything about anything.
Biden and Pelosi are both Catholics. You can be a Democrat and Catholic. You can not be Prog and Catholic. The politics is to extreme.
I woz once a Cafholic but then I grew up!
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Well that makes two Trumpsters so far and neither of you have said anything about anything.
If you’re expecting rational debate on this site I’d say you are an optimist. Nice pointed and factual post. I think you’ll be called names in response though. Trumpers gave up defending illogic 4 years ago. Now they just worship.
Trump knows he has the Fifth Avenue rule to protect him. Say what you will about him, I have to admit, he knows his base.

We saw the Rule play out in real time, as he lied to the American people about a deadly virus bearing down on us, and they didn't care.

Little did we know how close to reality the Rule would end up being.
Last edited:
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Well that makes two Trumpsters so far and neither of you have said anything about anything.

Well your post was a load of horse shit. Nothing else needs to be said.
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Well that makes two Trumpsters so far and neither of you have said anything about anything.
we are busy correcting BARRAGs stupidity---go ahead deny it BARRAG didnt do anything like that. how stupid can one person be?
His policies shift like the wind. Take the North Korean Leader who went from "evil apocalyptical rocketman!" to "my mate Kim!" virtually
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Trump would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Republicans think he has in common before the election. Trumps history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Trump has no political grounding. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Biden has never been a Dem. For a long time he was happy to be dragged along on the Obama coat tails. He's a 'what's in it for me' popularist.
His policies shift like the wind
God forbid that genocide of racial minorities should ever become the popular wish of majority America, but if it did, Biden would be right on the bandwagon, promising not just to put it into law, but make the minorities pay for it.
Whatever values Dems think he has in common before the election. Biden's history shows he is just as likely to adopt the opposite
having been elected. Remember Biden has no common sense. As long as it keeps him in power, and keeps the dollars rolling in for he and his family, he'll replace the Bald Eagle with a pig if he thinks it in his interests.
Well that makes two Trumpsters so far and neither of you have said anything about anything.
If you’re expecting rational debate on this site I’d say you are an optimist. Nice pointed and factual post. I think you’ll be called names in response though. Trumpers gave up defending illogic 4 years ago. Now they just worship.
wrong again---we dont buy the lying bullshit, or the brain dead, anti AMERICA mentality of the asswipe demoncrats---i see you do, how unfortunate. reminds me of the scarecrow---if you only had a brain...go ask the wizard

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