Leftist War of Personal Destruction Against Trump Supporters Now Hits Fallwell of Liberty U

This is just another indication of how sick democrats really are. When Trump said "they aren't after me. They are after you. I'm just in the way." He knew exactly what he was talking about.

I really doubt that "Democrats" had anything to do with this but sadly for far too many, everything has to be about politics.

This is an internal thing concerning those who wanted to expose his hypocrisy.
You understand that Falwell is a millionaire preacher who makes his fortune telling little old ladies that they should send him their money instead of buying medicine or food, don't you? The charlatan deserves to be outed.

Who, in this day and age, has yet to understand that those who publicly pound their chest singing the praises of elevated morality and then ask for money are crooks, is a fool. And, as they say, fools and their money shall soon be on their own separate ways. Pity them all you want, out the crooks whichever way possible. The only result will be that granny returns home and cuts the under-assault, terribly besmirched crook another check. That's the way of fools, has been forever, and will be in the indefinite future. Informing fools they've been had merely reinforces the foolishness.

That's to say, my empathy in this case is very, very limited. Everyone has the right to be as stupid as they can afford - and they deserve, in full, what they get.
This is just evil. To destroy people with this kind of malicious rumor and trivial embarrassment is disgusting.

Is Fallwell accused of being a criminal? No. Of sexual abuse of students? No

He is accused of making about 3 dozen unkind remarks over the course of decades leading Liberty University about some students and faculty there.

Who has not made such remarks in the course of their life about various people? I suspect that we all have, but we didn't have Woketard leftists hacking our emails and then exposing private comments to the entire planet.

Whoever violated the privacy of Mr Fallwell by stealing and then giving to Fallwells enemies in the press private emails should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this does not happen, then what are we now sacrificing to the insane partisan politics of our nation?

No more privacy, no more candid conversation of any sort?

Find the person that released this stuff and have them drawn and quartered I say.

Just to set an example for the other political idiots.

EXCLUSIVE-Falwell blasted Liberty student as 'retarded,' police chief as 'half-wit' in emails

And if he worked for Trump directly, the FBI would have him thrown in jail by now.
Define what a public person is, dude. Anyone a journalist writes a story about?

The right to privacy needs protection from fascists like Antifa.

It also needs protection from Nazis like Trump supporters. Falwell is scum. I don't think you will find many to defend him unless they are religious nuts.
Define what a public person is, dude. Anyone a journalist writes a story about?

The right to privacy needs protection from fascists like Antifa.

It also needs protection from Nazis like Trump supporters. Falwell is scum. I don't think you will find many to defend him unless they are religious nuts.
Democrats are Nazis. Champions of virtual book-burning, propagated misinformation and gun confiscation.
What sexual assault? Clinton got a consensual blowjob from an adult woman.
Clinton settled a sexual assault case amid several sexual assault accusations. Getting sex from a near child and underling is essentially legal statutory rape.
Define what a public person is, dude. Anyone a journalist writes a story about?

The right to privacy needs protection from fascists like Antifa.

It also needs protection from Nazis like Trump supporters. Falwell is scum. I don't think you will find many to defend him unless they are religious nuts.
Democrats are Nazis. Champions of virtual book-burning, propagated misinformation and gun confiscation.

What ever you say nutbag. You realize only crazies such as yourself believe your wild accusations, don't you?
What sexual assault? Clinton got a consensual blowjob from an adult woman.
Clinton settled a sexual assault case amid several sexual assault accusations. Getting sex from a near child and underling is essentially legal statutory rape.

You should call 911 and report that if you feel so strongly about it.
Even so, he has a right to his privacy, does he not?
I dunno. Ask Bill Clinton.
Sexual assault is not a privacy issue.
What sexual assault? Clinton got a consensual blowjob from an adult woman.
Clinton settled a sexual assault case amid several sexual assault accusations. Getting sex from a near child and underling is essentially legal statutory rape.

You should call 911 and report that if you feel so strongly about it.
It’s already been litigated. The point is how it relates to privacy.
Even so, he has a right to his privacy, does he not?
Price you pay as a public person.
Define what a public person is, dude. Anyone a journalist writes a story about?

The right to privacy needs protection from fascists like Antifa.

It also needs protection from Nazis like Trump supporters. Falwell is scum. I don't think you will find many to defend him unless they are religious nuts.
Democrats are Nazis. Champions of virtual book-burning, propagated misinformation and gun confiscation.

What ever you say nutbag. You realize only crazies such as yourself believe your wild accusations, don't you?
Nothing crazy about the empirical.
Democrats censor incessantly. From speech to light bulbs. AGW is a Democrat misinformation scam. Every dem candidate right now is favoring some form of gun confiscation.
I dunno. Ask Bill Clinton.
Sexual assault is not a privacy issue.
What sexual assault? Clinton got a consensual blowjob from an adult woman.
Clinton settled a sexual assault case amid several sexual assault accusations. Getting sex from a near child and underling is essentially legal statutory rape.

You should call 911 and report that if you feel so strongly about it.
It’s already been litigated. The point is how it relates to privacy.

Got it. It's already been litigated, but you just aren't done whining yet.
Define what a public person is, dude. Anyone a journalist writes a story about?

The right to privacy needs protection from fascists like Antifa.

It also needs protection from Nazis like Trump supporters. Falwell is scum. I don't think you will find many to defend him unless they are religious nuts.
The whack-jobs support anyone affiliated with their master.
What sexual assault? Clinton got a consensual blowjob from an adult woman.
Clinton settled a sexual assault case amid several sexual assault accusations. Getting sex from a near child and underling is essentially legal statutory rape.
Is the OP about talking points? Consistent whataboutism.
Sexual assault is not a privacy issue.
What sexual assault? Clinton got a consensual blowjob from an adult woman.
Clinton settled a sexual assault case amid several sexual assault accusations. Getting sex from a near child and underling is essentially legal statutory rape.

You should call 911 and report that if you feel so strongly about it.
It’s already been litigated. The point is how it relates to privacy.

Got it. It's already been litigated, but you just aren't done whining yet.
Rebuttal is only ‘whining’ to those who have no rebuttal.

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