Leftist War of Personal Destruction Against Trump Supporters Now Hits Fallwell of Liberty U

This is just evil. To destroy people with this kind of malicious rumor and trivial embarrassment is disgusting.

Is Fallwell accused of being a criminal? No. Of sexual abuse of students? No

He is accused of making about 3 dozen unkind remarks over the course of decades leading Liberty University about some students and faculty there.

Who has not made such remarks in the course of their life about various people? I suspect that we all have, but we didn't have Woketard leftists hacking our emails and then exposing private comments to the entire planet.

Whoever violated the privacy of Mr Fallwell by stealing and then giving to Fallwells enemies in the press private emails should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this does not happen, then what are we now sacrificing to the insane partisan politics of our nation?

No more privacy, no more candid conversation of any sort?

Find the person that released this stuff and have them drawn and quartered I say.

Just to set an example for the other political idiots.

EXCLUSIVE-Falwell blasted Liberty student as 'retarded,' police chief as 'half-wit' in emails

Falwell is a criminal map, and his own people are calling him out on it. He’s a grifter, a thief, and a liar, and he should be prosecuted.
Falwell is a criminal map, and his own people are calling him out on it. He’s a grifter, a thief, and a liar, and he should be prosecuted.
Of course, since he is a Trump supporter he must be all these things.

Yeah, I am sure Beria said similar things.

Punishing people for what you, yourself does also, really is not either.
This is just evil. To destroy people with this kind of malicious rumor and trivial embarrassment is disgusting.

Is Fallwell accused of being a criminal? No. Of sexual abuse of students? No

He is accused of making about 3 dozen unkind remarks over the course of decades leading Liberty University about some students and faculty there.

Who has not made such remarks in the course of their life about various people? I suspect that we all have, but we didn't have Woketard leftists hacking our emails and then exposing private comments to the entire planet.

Whoever violated the privacy of Mr Fallwell by stealing and then giving to Fallwells enemies in the press private emails should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this does not happen, then what are we now sacrificing to the insane partisan politics of our nation?

No more privacy, no more candid conversation of any sort?

Find the person that released this stuff and have them drawn and quartered I say.

Just to set an example for the other political idiots.

EXCLUSIVE-Falwell blasted Liberty student as 'retarded,' police chief as 'half-wit' in emails

Falwell is a criminal map, and his own people are calling him out on it. He’s a grifter, a thief, and a liar, and he should be prosecuted.
Blame the "leftist?" Thats typical. How about blaming themselves. This quote from his own people:

“We’re not a school; we’re a real estate hedge fund,” said a senior university official with inside knowledge of Liberty’s finances. “We’re not educating; we’re buying real estate every year and taking students’ money to do it.”

"If you teach or work at Liberty, you must get approval from Falwell’s office before you speak to the media. Talk to reporters without his approval—or publicly criticize him, even obliquely—and you could lose your job. If you’re a board member and do the same, you could get forced out, even if you have unimpeachable credentials in the Christian conservative movement."

‘Someone’s Gotta Tell the Freakin’ Truth’: Jerry Falwell’s Aides Break Their Silence

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