Krugman Nails GOP Lunatic Hypocrisy

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
I'm starting to like Paul Krugman more and more as time goes on.
Today's NYT:

Republicans are now posing as staunch defenders of a program they have hated ever since the days when Ronald Reagan warned that Medicare would destroy America's freedom.

Nor is it even the fact that, as House speaker, Mr. Gingrich personally tried to ram through deep cuts in Medicare - and, in 1995, went so far as to shut down the federal government in an attempt to bully Bill Clinton into accepting those cuts.

After all, you could explain this about-face by supposing that Republicans have had a change of heart, that they have finally realized just how much good Medicare does.

And if you believe that, I've got some mortgage-backed securities you might want to buy.

No, what's truly mind-boggling is this: Even as Republicans denounce modest proposals to rein in Medicare's rising costs, they are, themselves, seeking to dismantle the whole program.
I'm starting to like Paul Krugman more and more as time goes on.

And why wouldn't you? after all he's a hyper-partisan progressive that's gone off the Keynesian Deep End, just like you.
Krugman should know all about hypocrisy.

he's nothing but a two bit Democrat-Progressive whore.:lol:
I really am starting to like this least lately I am :lol:
"Don't cut Medicare. The reform bills passed by the House and Senate cut Medicare by approximately $500 billion. This is wrong." So declared Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, in a recent op-ed article written with John Goodman, the president of the National Center for Policy Analysis.

And irony died.

Now, Mr. Gingrich was just repeating the current party line.

Furious denunciations of any effort to seek cost savings in Medicare - death panels! - have been central to Republican efforts to demonize health reform.

What's amazing, however, is that they're getting away with it.

Why is this amazing? It's not just the fact that Republicans are now posing as staunch defenders of a program they have hated ever since the days when Ronald Reagan warned that Medicare would destroy America's freedom.
I'm starting to like Paul Krugman more and more as time goes on.
Today's NYT:

Republicans are now posing as staunch defenders of a program they have hated ever since the days when Ronald Reagan warned that Medicare would destroy America's freedom.

Nor is it even the fact that, as House speaker, Mr. Gingrich personally tried to ram through deep cuts in Medicare - and, in 1995, went so far as to shut down the federal government in an attempt to bully Bill Clinton into accepting those cuts.

After all, you could explain this about-face by supposing that Republicans have had a change of heart, that they have finally realized just how much good Medicare does.

And if you believe that, I've got some mortgage-backed securities you might want to buy.

No, what's truly mind-boggling is this: Even as Republicans denounce modest proposals to rein in Medicare's rising costs, they are, themselves, seeking to dismantle the whole program.
Paul Krugman is a prov-en idiot. Democrats fawn over his fictional stories because communist awarded him one of those fucked up Nobel Prizes.
I really am starting to like this least lately I am :lol:
Yeah, It's really cute when you progressives find a new idol to worship, after all Marx, Mao, Castro, Wilson, FDR, Chavez and Obama must get old after a while.
Yea but anyone with common sense knows that Krugman is a Lunatic Liberal Nutter. He falls under Gollum Emanuel's wise assessment..."Liberal activists are F*cking Retarded." Well said Mr. Emanuel.
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And why wouldn't you? after all he's a hyper-partisan progressive that's gone off the Keynesian Deep End, just like you.

Try Refuting Krugman...If you can.
...the process of dismantling would begin with spending cuts of about $650 billion over the next decade. Math is hard, but I do believe that's more than the roughly $400 billion (not $500 billion) in Medicare savings projected for the Democratic health bills.

What I'm talking about here is the "Roadmap for America's Future," the budget plan recently released by Representative Paul Ryan, the ranking Republican member of the House Budget Committee.

Other leading Republicans have been bobbing and weaving on the official status of this proposal, but it's pretty clear that Mr. Ryan's vision does, in fact, represent what the G.O.P. would try to do if it returns to power.

The broad picture that emerges from the "roadmap" is of an economic agenda that hasn't changed one iota in response to the economic failures of the Bush years. In particular, Mr. Ryan offers a plan for Social Security privatization that is basically identical to the Bush proposals of five years ago.
The GOP Hates Medicare/Social Security which they view as socialism . They do NOT want to save it at all...they want to kill it.
Wasn't that article in the National Enquirer also ? .....

You either have no idea about the facts or you cannot refute Krugam, or both.

So being a Right Wing Lunatic @ USMB, you attack Krugman personally. :lol:

thank you for sharing

1) I didn't attack Krugman, i attacked the NYT.

2) Now that you mention it, Krugman is a progressive idealogue, so it's a real shock that he's attacking Repubs.

3) In other ground breaking news, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh label Dems as hypocrites.
I would agree with him on this one. I think the only reason republicans are defending Medicare now is because of the high elderly population that is now claiming benefits from it or is about to. That demographic always comes out to vote, so having them in your corner is a good thing politically. If they can successfully pull off the image of being defenders of Medicare against the Democrats who want to cut it, then that could help out in the upcoming election.

Yep, it's hypocritical, but you can more than expect that from both parties when it's convenient for them before or during an election.
And why wouldn't you? after all he's a hyper-partisan progressive that's gone off the Keynesian Deep End, just like you.

Try Refuting Krugman...If you can.
Naw, It's more fun pointing out how Mr. "I ain't a progressive" keeps collecting progressive idols to fawn over, not to mention I stopped paying any attention to anything that Krugman had to say years ago, after all one can only tolerate so much Keynesian nonsense and partisan pom-pom waving from a man that should know better.
I'm starting to like Paul Krugman more and more as time goes on.
Today's NYT:

Republicans are now posing as staunch defenders of a program they have hated ever since the days when Ronald Reagan warned that Medicare would destroy America's freedom.

Nor is it even the fact that, as House speaker, Mr. Gingrich personally tried to ram through deep cuts in Medicare - and, in 1995, went so far as to shut down the federal government in an attempt to bully Bill Clinton into accepting those cuts.

After all, you could explain this about-face by supposing that Republicans have had a change of heart, that they have finally realized just how much good Medicare does.

And if you believe that, I've got some mortgage-backed securities you might want to buy.

No, what's truly mind-boggling is this: Even as Republicans denounce modest proposals to rein in Medicare's rising costs, they are, themselves, seeking to dismantle the whole program.
Of course you do. He is a scamster, dealer in half truths and out right lies, a fraud, a sneak, he changes the past on a daily basis to suit his needs. It is obvious you would admire him. Just like every sand lot little leager admires Cal Ripkin, Joe Dimaggio, Ted Williams and Hank Arron, you admire the modern Elmer Gantry types like Krugman and Olberman
Paul Krugman is a prov-en idiot. Democrats fawn over his fictional stories because communist awarded him one of those fucked up Nobel Prizes.

another shit talking Right Wing Lunatic @ USMB (RWL@USMB), can't refute the supposed idiocies of Krugman so they attack him?

:lol: and the laughs keep coming...

go figure
This is the same Paul Krugman who describes anyone who challenges him a "lunatic", "crazy", "irrational", etc? Krugman is a battered Keynesian who still clings to the falsehood that the calamaties of the 70's were caused solely by rising oil prices and political instability in the middle east.

e's almost always waaaaay off the mark.

COLBERT: How many employees do you, Paul Krugman have?

KRUGMAN: Um, I have –

COLBERT: Have you ever created one job?

KRUGMAN: Um, I have –

COLBERT: Have you ever run one business?


COLBERT: So much as a hot dog stand?

KRUGMAN: No. In fact, I have not.

COLBERT: So you are a theoretician.

KRUGMAN: This is true.

COLBERT: So you are like a theologian, okay?


COLBERT: A theologian can write about martyrdom, but only the martyr goes into the fire. True?


Read more: Krugman on Colbert: Bushies Were Stupid, and They Were Crazy |

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