Procrustes Stretched
"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
I'm starting to like Paul Krugman more and more as time goes on.
Today's NYT:
Republicans are now posing as staunch defenders of a program they have hated ever since the days when Ronald Reagan warned that Medicare would destroy America's freedom.
Nor is it even the fact that, as House speaker, Mr. Gingrich personally tried to ram through deep cuts in Medicare - and, in 1995, went so far as to shut down the federal government in an attempt to bully Bill Clinton into accepting those cuts.
After all, you could explain this about-face by supposing that Republicans have had a change of heart, that they have finally realized just how much good Medicare does.
And if you believe that, I've got some mortgage-backed securities you might want to buy.
No, what's truly mind-boggling is this: Even as Republicans denounce modest proposals to rein in Medicare's rising costs, they are, themselves, seeking to dismantle the whole program.