Karl Rove Rips Trump’s ‘Reckless Petulance’ For Indictment, Argues ‘Any Staffer Found Guilty’ Would Go To Prison For Same Behavior

Jul 26, 2010
North Carolina
Karl Rove, the former deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush, tore into Donald Trump this week over the DOJ’s 37-count criminal indictment of the former president.

Unlike many on the right, Rove pointed the finger directly at Trump, not the Justice Department for the indictment coming to fruition. “The blame for this calamity rests solely on Mr. Trump and his childish impulse to keep mementos from his time in the Oval Office, no matter what the law says,” Rove wrote in the Wall Street Journal Wednesday.

Rove then explains some of the allegations and quotes from the indictment, writing that Trump “ordered a fleet of trucks to carry away hundreds of boxes of letters, reports, memos and other documents he’d received as president.” Rove then explains:

The indictment says these included information about “defense and weapons capabilities” of both the U.S. and foreign countries, American nuclear programs, our and allies’ “potential vulnerabilities . . . to military attack,” and “plans for possible retaliation” to an attack.
“Those documents didn’t belong to Mr. Trump, and he surely knew that. The president’s lawyers and staff must have warned him he couldn’t take the files,” he adds, arguing Trump knew full well he was breaking the law.

Rove notes that Trump’s “top aides with security clearances had been made well aware of classified documents’ sensitivity” and argues:

It also had to have been explained to Mr. Trump that the White House Office of Records Management kept a list of the documents he received and the National Security Council maintained a log of the classified documents he saw. He must have known these inventories would be shared with the National Archives and Records Administration, so that NARA would know if he improperly took documents.
Rove goes on to note that background explains why Trump explicitly worked to retain the documents once the National Archives asked for them back,” adding:

That’s why in May 2021 the archives began requesting their return. When Mr. Trump sent some records back in January 2022, NARA knew he had more. When his lawyers said in June 2022 that after a “diligent search,” all remaining “responsive documents” had been returned, the Federal Bureau of Investigation knew that wasn’t true. It took a search warrant two months later to collect the rest of them.
Mr. Trump says there’s no criminal penalty for violating the Presidential Records Act. That’s true, but it only highlights how damning his behavior was. Congress thought a law so simple and clear would be honored by anyone entrusted with the presidency.
Rove pulled no punches in his conclusion, writing, “Instead of living up to his office, Mr. Trump treated it and America’s national security flippantly, taking thousands of presidential records, among them hundreds of highly classified documents.”

“Any staffer found guilty of doing that would go to prison for breaking the laws protecting the nation’s secrets, as Mr. Trump is now charged,” Rove adds before noting that Trump’s ongoing criminal proceedings are a dark moment for the U.S. and the country “will pay a high price for the former president’s reckless petulance. So will he.”

Is Karl on point or is he just another member of the Deeeeep State out to get Trump.

Can anyone show me where Rove is in error on his assessment of Trump's actions.
Karl Rove is a meaningless individual.

No one BUT a President (and a Vice President) is covered under the Presidential Records Act (PRA). All the others would be covered by the Federal Records Act, so Rove is once again clueless.

In 2012 the DOJ argued in court the PRA allowed a President to take any records with him when he left office.
Karl Rove is a meaningless individual.

No one BUT a President (and a Vice President) is covered under the Presidential Records Act (PRA). All the others would be covered by the Federal Records Act, so Rove is once again clueless.

In 2012 the DOJ argued in court the PRA allowed a President to take any records with him when he left office.
So you are saying that a President can take ANY document no matter what the sensitivity or national security of that document is and if that is what you are saying please post the Law.
So you are saying that a President can take ANY document no matter what the sensitivity or national security of that document is and if that is what you are saying please post the Law.
you're right. only democrat presidents can do that. Joe was vp when he did it and it was not in his purview..but hey....THAT's Cool.
Did Rove rip into Biden's crime family and taking bribes from nations that mean us harm?... until he does that he can go fuck himself....
One of the things I cannot figure out is how you guys hear some vague evidence out there that very well may be true, but at this point is at best a rumor, but since it is about Biden he is immediately convicted and you all just "know" he is guilty, he did it. Period. I have heard you guys with all these outrage/crimes/stolen elections etc year after year, yet the RWers always disappoint. It looks like at some point you would learn. But again...Now if it is Trump and there is tons of video evidence, the goof ball confesses in public or to a tape recorder over and over and over, you still dont believe he did anything wrong. How can you guys keep this up?
Karl Rove, yes the same Karl Rove who outed a CIA agent, disclosing or leaking information from classified documents. Karl Rove is very familiar with breaking the law, because Karl Rove broke the law.

Nice source, a classified document criminal
None answer, Joe's loss of documents is being investigated as well. Joe cooperated, Trump didn't.
LOLOL bull, The democrat weaponzied FBI/DoJ/CIA are covering for him and have been for a long long time. What's wrong wit a bruthah that is that dumb, yo.
Karl Rove, the former deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush, tore into Donald Trump this week over the DOJ’s 37-count criminal indictment of the former president.

Unlike many on the right, Rove pointed the finger directly at Trump, not the Justice Department for the indictment coming to fruition. “The blame for this calamity rests solely on Mr. Trump and his childish impulse to keep mementos from his time in the Oval Office, no matter what the law says,” Rove wrote in the Wall Street Journal Wednesday.

Rove then explains some of the allegations and quotes from the indictment, writing that Trump “ordered a fleet of trucks to carry away hundreds of boxes of letters, reports, memos and other documents he’d received as president.” Rove then explains:

“Those documents didn’t belong to Mr. Trump, and he surely knew that. The president’s lawyers and staff must have warned him he couldn’t take the files,” he adds, arguing Trump knew full well he was breaking the law.

Rove notes that Trump’s “top aides with security clearances had been made well aware of classified documents’ sensitivity” and argues:

Rove goes on to note that background explains why Trump explicitly worked to retain the documents once the National Archives asked for them back,” adding:

Rove pulled no punches in his conclusion, writing, “Instead of living up to his office, Mr. Trump treated it and America’s national security flippantly, taking thousands of presidential records, among them hundreds of highly classified documents.”

“Any staffer found guilty of doing that would go to prison for breaking the laws protecting the nation’s secrets, as Mr. Trump is now charged,” Rove adds before noting that Trump’s ongoing criminal proceedings are a dark moment for the U.S. and the country “will pay a high price for the former president’s reckless petulance. So will he.”

Is Karl on point or is he just another member of the Deeeeep State out to get Trump.

Can anyone show me where Rove is in error on his assessment of Trump's actions.
It's so funnah watching you moonbats shove you heads up the ass of a guy whom y'all wanted tried for war crimes 20 years ago. :laugh2:

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