Nikki Haley: "I will vote for Donald Trump."

Poor Letch, actually thought lil Nikki was gonna back his Pedo Messiah.:auiqs.jpg:

Do you really think that lush thinks that?

A Solid Republican (if a RINO) candidate and former office holder is going to endorse a sitting Democrat President that even the majority of Democrats don't currently support?

Is lush actually that out of touch with the real world?
1. What threat to democracy does Trump present? The US Constitution will hold against any perceived or imagined threats.

2. Word salad doesn't clarify WTF your imaginary fears are

That's just it..... There is a large population of people in this country who enjoy being in a police state. Similar to the people who will now perpetually wear a masks They only feel safe when their life is completely controlled by a higher authority. Oddly these are the same ones who have the highest incidence of Atheism if you can believe it. Trump represents a direct threat to that construct. He represents a nation full of people making their own decisions and becoming responsible for their own results. This is completely anathema to anything at the left it has to or values.
That's just it..... There is a large population of people in this country who enjoy being in a police state. Similar to the people who will now perpetually wear a masks They only feel safe when their life is completely controlled by a higher authority. Oddly these are the same ones who have the highest incidence of Atheism if you can believe it. Trump represents a direct threat to that construct. He represents a nation full of people making their own decisions and becoming responsible for their own results. This is completely anathema to anything at the left it has to or values.
A nation of people all deciding for themselves who won the election isn't a recipe for a stable democracy, Clowns. :laugh:
There’s a little tiny website called google….try to use it.
Will the Never Trumper's ever forgive her?

From her remarks, looks like she's trying to get some traction in the Veep-stakes.

View attachment 950529

He has already forgiven her and wishes her well when he speaks/posts about her. I don't believe he has directly said she isn't under consideration but most of the MSM and never Trumper sites are saying representatives of the Trump team say she isn't being considered.

In fact they are so adamant that Trump doesn't want her--I think it was late last year or early this year Tucker Carlson said he wouldn't vote for a Trump/Haley ticket giving all the reasons he didn't like her as a candidate--does make me wonder if she isn't on his short list. :)

(I do think some of her policy positions are in conflict with his though. But it would be interesting seeing her debate Kamala.)

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