Here's What Real Class Looks Like

Reagan appealed to the same things trump does. Thats why he started his campaign in Nashua County Mississippi preaching about states rights. The only difference between Reagan and Trump was that Reagan was a slicker communicator. Trump is overt in his racism. Reagan was not. Reagan was much better at using dogwhistles.
In the last 7 presidential elections, the Republican candidate has won the popular vote ONCE. Trump failed TWICE to win the popular vote.

Sure, sure, sure, you can wave the electoral college around to make some kind of point. But let's be serious. Winning one out of seven popular votes does not bode well for the future of the party. That is not a trend you want to continue.

So how's that hate and discontent working for ya?

Another characteristic which made Reagan a standout was his optimism. While he may have used Make America Great Again, he did not say our country was suffering from "American carnage".

And let me tell you, we were much worse off in 1980 than we are today.

The Democrats were the whiners and haters in 1980. Today, it's the Trump cult. In fact, it is scary how similar they sound to the old-timey Democrats.

Rather than whine and whine and whine like Trump and his cult do, Reagan referred to us as a "shining city on a hill". A beacon of light to which the world aspires to be like.

You can tell which countries are great by the number of people beating down their doors to get in.

Tucker Carlson has wet dreams about Russia and worships Putin. Tucker ejaculates over Russian bread and the Stalin era subway station.

Yet Russians are fleeing any way they can!
The anti-Make America Great Again are the fascist, cultist and hopeless changlings.
Ronald Reagan was the epitome of an intelligent, thoughtful, classy person. And he was funny.

I thought it would be a good idea to show Trumptards what a guy who not only got re-elected, but got re-elected by sweeping 49 states looks like.

Do you know how rare it is for a President to win so many more states in his re-election than his first election is?

I will show what class looks like. Then I will show you what idiocy and crassness look like. In my next post, I will show you something even more amazing.


No class:


/----/ And liberals hated Reagan with every fiber of their being, just like Trump. So what's your point?
The anti-Make America Great Again are the fascist, cultist and hopeless changlings.
I feel great about America and I feel optimistic about America. That is probably because I am very well read about history.

Trump's constant whining about America is a YUGE turnoff. Trump's knowledge of history doesn't extend any further back than his birth.

The man thinks George Washington "seized the airports"!!!
Reagan appealed to the same things trump does. Thats why he started his campaign in Nashua County Mississippi preaching about states rights. The only difference between Reagan and Trump was that Reagan was a slicker communicator. Trump is overt in his racism. Reagan was not. Reagan was much better at using dogwhistles.
/----/ " Trump is overt in his racism. "
Hey racist, here is Trump being a racist.





Trump is bigoted/racist toward Muslims and Mexicans.
/----/ How idiotic! Trump isn't racist against Blacks but he is against Mexicans and Muslims. How about Puerto Ricans, Colombians, and other South Americans? And how about Hindus?
You never provide proof of your claims, just your TDS opinion. So I'm marking your post FAKE NEWS. Do better.
/----/ How idiotic! Trump isn't racist against Blacks but he is against Mexicans and Muslims. How about Puerto Ricans, Colombians, and other South Americans? And how about Hindus?
You never provide proof of your claims, just your TDS opinion. So I'm marking your post FAKE NEWS. Do better.
It's amazing how you Trumpies continually demonstrate you have the memories of goldfish.

Do the words "Muslim ban" ring a bell, Dory?

How about, "They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Ring a bell, Dory?
It's amazing how you Trumpies continually demonstrate you have the memories of goldfish.

Do the words "Muslim ban" ring a bell, Dory?

How about, "They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Ring a bell, Dory?
/----/ First of all dumbass, Muslim is a religion, not a race. And , it was just radicalized ones that are still banned today. How can you be a racist against just certain members of a religion and not all of them?
Do you even think before you post?

From a Left Wing reporter
Published 8:10 PM EDT, June 26, 2018
WASHINGTON (AP) — A sharply divided Supreme Court upheld President Donald Trump’s ban on travel from several mostly Muslim countries Tuesday, the conservative majority taking his side in a major ruling supporting his presidential power. A dissenting liberal justice said the court was making a historic mistake by refusing to recognize the ban discriminates against Muslims.
The 5-4 decision was a big victory for Trump in the court’s first substantive ruling on one of his administration’s policies. It also was the latest demonstration of a newly invigorated conservative majority and a bitter defeat for the court’s liberals.
The ruling came on an issue that has been central for Trump, from his campaign outbursts against “radical Islamic terrorism” through his presidency. He tweeted a quick reaction — “Wow!” — and then celebrated at greater length before TV cameras.
The Democrats version of patriotism centers around bashing America and saying it is not great and needs to be made great again.

Oh wait...

Republicans nor MAGA bash America. We bash the current administration who is doing everything in their power to destroy it. Seriously, it is difficult to have a reasonable conversation with a person that can’t agree on something as basic as securing our border.
Bullshit.. Democrats turned their backs to patriotism in the Vietnam years, not all but now it’s fairly obvious traditional patriotism is dying out in the name of political power and greed.
if youre referring to protests against vietnam war, opposing it ended up being the correct position, since this so called "communism" there ended up no threat at all.
if youre referring to protests against vietnam war, opposing it ended up being the correct position, since this so called "communism" there ended up no threat at all.
/----/ Except for the wholesale slaughter of Vietnamese who fought against the Communists, and the total loss of freedom by all, you are correct.
/----/ First of all dumbass, Muslim is a religion, not a race. And , it was just radicalized ones that are still banned today. How can you be a racist against just certain members of a religion and not all of them?
Do you even think before you post?

From a Left Wing reporter
Published 8:10 PM EDT, June 26, 2018
WASHINGTON (AP) — A sharply divided Supreme Court upheld President Donald Trump’s ban on travel from several mostly Muslim countries Tuesday, the conservative majority taking his side in a major ruling supporting his presidential power. A dissenting liberal justice said the court was making a historic mistake by refusing to recognize the ban discriminates against Muslims.
The 5-4 decision was a big victory for Trump in the court’s first substantive ruling on one of his administration’s policies. It also was the latest demonstration of a newly invigorated conservative majority and a bitter defeat for the court’s liberals.
The ruling came on an issue that has been central for Trump, from his campaign outbursts against “radical Islamic terrorism” through his presidency. He tweeted a quick reaction — “Wow!” — and then celebrated at greater length before TV cameras.
If Trump is a racist for trying to protect the U.S. from Muslim terrorists and other terrorist organizations, which the article states is the attempt, then the 5 from the SC who voted to uphold it are as well.

And it appears that other POTUS' have also blocked travel as well. Are they also so Racist?

"Barack Obama invoked it 19 times, Bill Clinton 12 times, George W. Bush six times and Ronald Reagan five times. George H.W. Bush invoked it once."

/----/ First of all dumbass, Muslim is a religion, not a race.
Um...Dory? I clearly said Trump is BIGOTED/racist toward Muslims and Mexicans.

And , it was just radicalized ones that are still banned today.
Trump called for a TOTAL BAN against ALL Muslims. Including INNOCENT people fleeing the violence in the Middle East.

How can you be a racist against just certain members of a religion and not all of them?
Trump is bigoted against ALL Muslims.

Do you even think before you post?

You really don't remember, do you, Dory.


Here is what Trump read from his statement on December 7, 2015:

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."
Ronald Reagan was the epitome of an intelligent, thoughtful, classy person. And he was funny.

I thought it would be a good idea to show Trumptards what a guy who not only got re-elected, but got re-elected by sweeping 49 states looks like.

Do you know how rare it is for a President to win so many more states in his re-election than his first election is?

I will show what class looks like. Then I will show you what idiocy and crassness look like. In my next post, I will show you something even more amazing.


No class:


Trump likely won as many states but I must remind you that the Democrats cheated, en masse, during the 2020 farce of an "election."
Um...Dory? I clearly said Trump is BIGOTED/racist toward Muslims and Mexicans.

Trump called for a TOTAL BAN against ALL Muslims. Including INNOCENT people fleeing the violence in the Middle East.
Sometimes, the needs of the many (US citizens) out weigh the needs of the few (Muslims).
Trump is bigoted against ALL Muslims.


You really don't remember, do you, Dory.


Here is what Trump read from his statement on December 7, 2015:

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."
And the ban was for 90 days. It was for the protection of the U.S. And when you can't rely on blocking specific individuals, because its impossible to know them all, what is the next step? How do you protect from terrorist organizations that are coming from primary source and that organizations continues to grow with new faces everyday?

What you're also failing to realize is that the fault should be on the militant muslim factions that force the hand of Trump and previous POTUS'. Sorry if a innocent muslim can't travel to the US because there are terrorist cells from your country blowing shit and people up. Again, the mindset of not blaming the actual criminal/terrorist is the actual crime here.
Republicans nor MAGA bash America. We bash the current administration who is doing everything in their power to destroy it. Seriously, it is difficult to have a reasonable conversation with a person that can’t agree on something as basic as securing our border.
Trump owns the border now.

He ordered bitch boi Mike Johnson to kill the bipartisan Senate border bill.

That's because the only thing Trump has to hammer Biden with any more is the border. The last thing Trump wants is for a border bill to be passed while he is out of power.

And before you parrot the claim the border bill sucks and does nothing substantive like a good little cuck, let's not pretend you read it, mm-kay?

You'd be speaking out of your ass if you did that. As you normally do. It's getting old.

So, yeah. Trump and Mike Johnson own the border now.
Trump owns the border now.

He ordered bitch boi Mike Johnson to kill the bipartisan Senate border bill.

That's because the only thing Trump has to hammer Biden with any more is the border. The last thing Trump wants is for a border bill to be passed while he is out of power.

And before you parrot the claim the border bill sucks and does nothing substantive like a good little cuck, let's not pretend you read it, mm-kay?

You'd be speaking out of your ass if you did that. As you normally do. It's getting old.

So, yeah. Trump and Mike Johnson own the border now.

Man you guys are gullible. The terrible border bill was only meant to give the appearance that it is Republicans that don’t want to control the border by not passing it. Low info folks fell for it. Biden doesn’t need a bill. All he has to do is to revert back to the Trump border policies which he removed immediately upon taking office, causing the border crisis to become far worse than it was under Trump. He won’t do it, because he doesn’t really want a secure border. No Democratic politicians want a secure border. They say they do, to trick the morons that vote for them, but the reality is that they want to let all these people in and will ultimately work out a way to get them to vote. It is obvious to anybody who is not completely brainwashed.
Trump likely won as many states but I must remind you that the Democrats cheated, en masse, during the 2020 farce of an "election."
You know, the Trump mob must be dumber than even I think they are.

I mean, Biden takes a five million dollar bribe from China and no one can find a single shred of evidence? Just how fucking incompetent and stupid do you have to be to not find it after YEARS of searching for it?!? You have thousands of pages of his bank records, for chrissakes!

The Democrats commandeered an Italian military satellite, reanimated Hugo Chavez, and stuffed millions and millions and millions of fraudulent votes into the ballot box, and after FOUR YEARS of searching, and more than 60 court cases (including in front of Trump-appointed judges), and an audit by MAGA ninjas, they can't find those fucking fake ballots, and Hugo Chavez is nowhere to be found!

Even more embarrassing, the MAGA ninjas found Biden won by an even BIGGER margin!


You say the flesh eating pedophiles cheated "en masse". Yet not one is talking!

I mean, they couldn't keep a blowjob in the Oval Office a secret, and you think a massive army of operatives on a national scale can't be caught?

Shit, man. I don't know. They still haven't found a single one of those five million wetbacks who voted for Hillary in 2016, and Trump looked really, really hard for them!

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