Never Been A Case In American History Where A Former President Has Engaged In Conduct Remotely Similar To Trump’s

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
I confess that I can see where people could be a bit confused with the thread title: "Never Been A Case In American History Where A Former President Has Engaging In Conduct Remotely Similar To Trump’s." Seeing as Mr. Trump himself has prided himself on not following traditions, breaking rules, ignoring the norms. But this is about his actions in a serious national security case:

In rebuffing what was known as a “selective prosecution” claim by Mr. Trump, the prosecutors said that while many government officials over the years had taken classified materials with them after leaving office — often inadvertently, but occasionally willfully — Mr. Trump’s case remained unique because of the extent to which he had “resisted the government’s lawful efforts to recover them.”

“There has never been a case in American history in which a former official has engaged in conduct remotely similar to Trump’s,” they wrote.

In their 12 page filing:

In their 12-page filing, the prosecutors dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” a separate claim that Mr. Trump has raised in his own defense — that Mr. Biden had “secretly directed” the classified documents case and used the special counsel who filed the indictment, Jack Smith, as a “puppet” and a “stalking horse.”

Did Mr. Trump defy attempts by the National Archives to get the records back?

Did he engage in deceptions giving officials at the archives “only a fraction of the documents in his possession while claiming that his production was complete?”

Did Mr. Trump ask one of his lawyers M. Evan Corcoran, to “hide or destroy documents rather than produce them to the government?”

What about Mr. Trump's dealings with his personal aides, Walt Nauta, and Carlos De Oliveira,? We know for a fact that both Mr. Nauta and Mr. De Oliveira have been charged as Mr. Trump’s co-defendants in the case.
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I confess that I can see where people could be a bit confused with the thread title: "Never Been A Case In American History Where A Former President Has Engaging In Conduct Remotely Similar To Trump’s." Seeing as Mr. Trump himself has prided himself on not following traditions, breaking rules, ignoring the norms. But this is about his actions in a serious national security case:

In their 12 page filing:

theres never been a POTUS that used the justice dept in an attempt to imprison a political opponent thats beating the shit out of him in the polls .
theres never been a POTUS that used the justice dept in an attempt to imprison a political opponent thats beating the shit out of him in the polls .
For simpletons like you who comment without reading the links you comment on:


and try and refute a single fact:

For simpletons like you who comment without reading the links you comment on:


and try and refute a single fact:

the country knows whats going on ... its a big reason Trump is surging in the polls ... like it or not Trump has a very very good chance of being POTUS for four long wimp triggering years again !
the country knows whats going on ... its a big reason Trump is surging in the polls ... like it or not Trump has a very very good chance of being POTUS for four long wimp triggering years again !

Mr. Trump’s case remained unique because of the extent to which he had “resisted the government’s lawful efforts to recover them.”
“Decisions made by the Department of Justice generally, and the special counsel specifically, have been made on the basis of the facts and the law, not political considerations,” the prosecutors wrote. “The defendants offer no evidence to the contrary, because there is no such evidence.”
theres never been a POTUS that used the justice dept in an attempt to imprison a political opponent thats beating the shit out of him in the polls .

Even Mr. Hur's report concluded that Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's case were not the same.

Joe Biden fully cooperated with investigators. Mr. Trump

appeal fails
I confess that I can see where people could be a bit confused with the thread title: "Never Been A Case In American History Where A Former President Has Engaging In Conduct Remotely Similar To Trump’s." Seeing as Mr. Trump himself has prided himself on not following traditions, breaking rules, ignoring the norms. But this is about his actions in a serious national security case:

In their 12 page filing:

Did Mr. Trump defy attempts by the National Archives to get the records back?

Did he engage in deceptions giving officials at the archives “only a fraction of the documents in his possession while claiming that his production was complete?”

Did Mr. Trump ask one of his lawyers M. Evan Corcoran, to “hide or destroy documents rather than produce them to the government?”

What about Mr. Trump's dealings with his personal aides, Walt Nauta, and Carlos De Oliveira,? We know for a fact that both Mr. Nauta and Mr. De Oliveira have been charged as Mr. Trump’s co-defendants in the case.
LOL Comrade Smith is prosecuting Trump for hiding documents, while hiding documents. WHat a hoot.
Yep read the document you posted, or find someone to read it to you

You big poopyhead. I win
You maye have read things, but as we all know your ability to fully comprehend things is nil

Did Mr. Trump defy attempts by the National Archives to get the records back?

Did he engage in deceptions giving officials at the archives “only a fraction of the documents in his possession while claiming that his production was complete?”

Did Mr. Trump ask one of his lawyers M. Evan Corcoran, to “hide or destroy documents rather than produce them to the government?”

What about Mr. Trump's dealings with his personal aides, Walt Nauta, and Carlos De Oliveira,? We know for a fact that both Mr. Nauta and Mr. De Oliveira have been charged as Mr. Trump’s co-defendants in the case.

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