Just How Bad Was It?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
How badly did some people make asses of themselves before the election? Aside from the whole "Obama watched as they died" last ditch fabrication effort, that is.

Brace yourselves. When you see it all in once collection, it can take your breath away.

Let's see if all of the liberals can cry in unison..1 - 2 - 3.. Boooooooooooohoooooooooo

USMB Topic: Shock to Obama Camp: Gallup finds early voters favor Romney 52-47%

USMB Topic:Gallup has Romney ahead 52% to 45% nationwide

October 30:

It's Over.

USMB Topic:With a week to go, Obama supporters are in denial

USMB Topic:~ 9 days left and here's how it actually looks

Romney will end up with around 301 Electoral College Votes OR MORE and the poor incumbent will end up with ~239 or fewer.

A thread headline to correct leftwhiner's silly thread headline seemed appropriate.


Consider it a public service correction effort. Can't have libs like leftwhiner spreading their disinformation like that unchallenged.

Thank me.

Thank you!

USMB Topic:In Iowa, disappointment with Obama runs deep

Obama won Iowa.

USMB Topic:At What Point will USMB libs admit Obama will lose?


I'm not the one on television crying over losing Ohio! LOL

A lot of Republicans are crying over Ohio right now.

I voted for Rep. Dale Folwell for Lt. Governor- he's a Tea Party candidate
Barbara Howe- the Libertarian candidate for our next Governor

The next President and Vice President of the United States of America!

All five of those people lost. A LadyGunSlinger endorsement is the kiss of death!

Hahahahahaha.. Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha

It's sooo good and only going to get better as this day goes on!!

USMB Topic:A serious question for conservatives re: Election Night

Im just kind of curious..........for conservatives on here, once the election results roll in and the far left ideology gets mothballed for generations, which 5 liberals are going to take it the hardest in your opinion. I realize choosing just 5 is tough on this forum, but gun to your head, which 5 will be the most miserable and nobody is going to be within 500 miles of them come the morning after election??

I'll start.........my 5 after just a little deliberation.........in no specific order........

1) Lakhota
2) Dick
3) Franco
5) MarcATL

OK.......I know some will disagree and say I left out a number of them that can leave the reservation just as readily, but nobody can quibble with the one's I identified.

How's that working out?

USMB Topic:How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

How was it?

USMB Topic:Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

USMB Topic:It's in the air~

You can just tell. Go tripping around the blogs and read the desperation coming from liberal precincts. Obama is going to lose. Liberal's are already gearing up for full on "revenge" politics. They are going to be more venomous and contentious then ever.

My hope is that Romney, if elected, govern from the center... That he really can find a way to work with liberals that can offer healing and a direction for this country that both parties are able to find agreement on. Compromising where he can- standing firm where it's necessary.

Obama is winning Ohio and probably going win VA and probably FL.

I can't wait to throw all of these posts in your face.. :lol:

Well...you've earned it, I guess. Fire away.

USMB Topic:Early Voting Points to Romney Victory

Polling Data, Early Voting Point to Romney Victory

It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney. He maintains a small but persistent polling edge. As of yesterday afternoon, there had been 31 national surveys in the previous seven days. Mr. Romney led in 19, President Obama in seven, and five were tied. Mr. Romney averaged 48.4%; Mr. Obama, 47.2%. The GOP challenger was at or above 50% in 10 polls, Mr. Obama in none.

Your next President Mitt Romney:clap2::clap2::clap2:

USMB Topic:Top excuses for an Obama loss...

1. The GOP cheated
2. The GOP cheated
3. The GOP cheated
4. The GOP cheated
5. The GOP cheated

And in that vein:

USMB Topic:How many noncitizens are registered to vote?

USMB Topic:Oh yeah!

The beginning of the end of the Age of Obama.

USMB Topic:Romney’s slipping into the presidency

USMB Topic:President elect Mitt Romney

Only 2 more days until you start to hear this on all the news channels. Get used to it. Obama and all of his sheep will be put out to pasture. I can hardly wait.

USMB Topic:Romney Wins! Obama defeated.

Just wanted to help y'all get used to the idea, so it isn't such a shock for ya on Tuesday.

USMB Topic:Poll: Brown up +2 in massachusetts senate race

Brown loses.

USMB Topic:Romney has solid lead among early voters. Obama supporters grasping at straws

Romney holds a seven-point edge among early voters (50% to 43%)

Washington Post

Fat lady is warming her vocal chords


USMB Topic:WOW! New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge!

BUH-BYE president Oloser!

The latest Pennsylvania absentee ballot returns are in and show Republicans opening up a 19-point lead over the Democrats — a 17-point swing from the 2008 absentee results.

Romney continues to demonstrate momentum in Ohio, with the latest absentee returns showing a nine-point swing to Republicans compared to 2008.

This spells trouble for the Obama campaign, even if Obama is leading the early voting in Ohio (which isn’t necessarily true). In 2008, Obama trailed McCain by 1.9 percent among the 295,000 absentee voters in Pennsylvania. In 2012, Obama trails Governor Romney by 18.8 percent among the 115,000 absentee voters (assuming Democrats vote for Obama, Republicans vote for Romney). Obama won the state by 10 percent overall in 2008.

Read more: New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge | The Daily Caller

Don't cut your throat on the Daily Caller's edge!

USMB Topic:Independents breaking HEAVY for Romney

Don't let the Liberal Media fool you.. Obama CANNOT win with Indpendents breaking in this big of an advantage for Romney.

Yeah. Don't be fooled!

I admit, I called it big for Romney. I never saw an Obama win, let alone a landslide.

But still... That's funny right there.

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Quote: Originally Posted by EriktheRed
Quote: Originally Posted by auditor0007
Quote: Originally Posted by Cheddarmelon

I know facts are uncomfortable for the right wing.


Fact is, since early 2010, until the present... there has not been a single month without positive private sector job creation. Corporate profits have skyrocketed. The DOW has come close to doubling.

I know the Goopers always like to claim they are better for the economy... but all real evidence points to the exact opposite.
First jobs reports by Gallup and ADP are out. Tomorrow's official numbers are expected to be the same. Obama wins in a landslide.
Come on, ya still gotta be realistic. At best this just means it won't get any worse for him in the next few days. An extremely bad - or good - jobs report would have made a difference; not one like this. IOW, if Obama wins, it will very likely not be a landslide.

Still, a win's a win.

It will be a landslide based on where things stand now. Obama will take 332 or more in the EC, and he will take around 52% in the popular vote. That isn't a real landslide, but considering all the movement will take place over the last weekend before the election, it's going to leave Republicans scratching their heads wondering what happened. Obama will take all the swing states except NC, and he might even take NC.
The left hates me almost as much as the right.
Last edited:
Made me lol at mi mi mi mi miiiiii


How badly did some people make asses of themselves before the election? Aside from the whole "Obama watched as they died" last ditch fabrication effort, that is.

Brace yourselves. When you see it all in once collection, it can take your breath away.

Let's see if all of the liberals can cry in unison..1 - 2 - 3.. Boooooooooooohoooooooooo

USMB Topic: Shock to Obama Camp: Gallup finds early voters favor Romney 52-47%

USMB Topic:Gallup has Romney ahead 52% to 45% nationwide

October 30:

It's Over.

USMB Topic:With a week to go, Obama supporters are in denial

USMB Topic:~ 9 days left and here's how it actually looks

Romney will end up with around 301 Electoral College Votes OR MORE and the poor incumbent will end up with ~239 or fewer.

A thread headline to correct leftwhiner's silly thread headline seemed appropriate.


Consider it a public service correction effort. Can't have libs like leftwhiner spreading their disinformation like that unchallenged.

Thank me.

Thank you!

USMB Topic:In Iowa, disappointment with Obama runs deep

Obama won Iowa.

USMB Topic:At What Point will USMB libs admit Obama will lose?


I'm not the one on television crying over losing Ohio! LOL

A lot of Republicans are crying over Ohio right now.

I voted for Rep. Dale Folwell for Lt. Governor- he's a Tea Party candidate
Barbara Howe- the Libertarian candidate for our next Governor

The next President and Vice President of the United States of America!

All five of those people lost. A LadyGunSlinger endorsement is the kiss of death!

Hahahahahaha.. Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha

It's sooo good and only going to get better as this day goes on!!

USMB Topic:A serious question for conservatives re: Election Night

Im just kind of curious..........for conservatives on here, once the election results roll in and the far left ideology gets mothballed for generations, which 5 liberals are going to take it the hardest in your opinion. I realize choosing just 5 is tough on this forum, but gun to your head, which 5 will be the most miserable and nobody is going to be within 500 miles of them come the morning after election??

I'll start.........my 5 after just a little deliberation.........in no specific order........

1) Lakhota
2) Dick
3) Franco
5) MarcATL

OK.......I know some will disagree and say I left out a number of them that can leave the reservation just as readily, but nobody can quibble with the one's I identified.

How's that working out?

USMB Topic:How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

How was it?

USMB Topic:Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

USMB Topic:It's in the air~

You can just tell. Go tripping around the blogs and read the desperation coming from liberal precincts. Obama is going to lose. Liberal's are already gearing up for full on "revenge" politics. They are going to be more venomous and contentious then ever.

My hope is that Romney, if elected, govern from the center... That he really can find a way to work with liberals that can offer healing and a direction for this country that both parties are able to find agreement on. Compromising where he can- standing firm where it's necessary.

Obama is winning Ohio and probably going win VA and probably FL.

I can't wait to throw all of these posts in your face.. :lol:

Well...you've earned it, I guess. Fire away.

USMB Topic:Early Voting Points to Romney Victory

Polling Data, Early Voting Point to Romney Victory

It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney. He maintains a small but persistent polling edge. As of yesterday afternoon, there had been 31 national surveys in the previous seven days. Mr. Romney led in 19, President Obama in seven, and five were tied. Mr. Romney averaged 48.4%; Mr. Obama, 47.2%. The GOP challenger was at or above 50% in 10 polls, Mr. Obama in none.

Your next President Mitt Romney:clap2::clap2::clap2:

USMB Topic:Top excuses for an Obama loss...

1. The GOP cheated
2. The GOP cheated
3. The GOP cheated
4. The GOP cheated
5. The GOP cheated

And in that vein:

USMB Topic:How many noncitizens are registered to vote?

USMB Topic:Oh yeah!

The beginning of the end of the Age of Obama.

USMB Topic:Romney’s slipping into the presidency

USMB Topic:President elect Mitt Romney

Only 2 more days until you start to hear this on all the news channels. Get used to it. Obama and all of his sheep will be put out to pasture. I can hardly wait.

USMB Topic:Romney Wins! Obama defeated.

Just wanted to help y'all get used to the idea, so it isn't such a shock for ya on Tuesday.

USMB Topic:Poll: Brown up +2 in massachusetts senate race

Brown loses.

USMB Topic:Romney has solid lead among early voters. Obama supporters grasping at straws

Romney holds a seven-point edge among early voters (50% to 43%)

Washington Post

Fat lady is warming her vocal chords


USMB Topic:WOW! New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge!

BUH-BYE president Oloser!

The latest Pennsylvania absentee ballot returns are in and show Republicans opening up a 19-point lead over the Democrats — a 17-point swing from the 2008 absentee results.

Romney continues to demonstrate momentum in Ohio, with the latest absentee returns showing a nine-point swing to Republicans compared to 2008.

This spells trouble for the Obama campaign, even if Obama is leading the early voting in Ohio (which isn’t necessarily true). In 2008, Obama trailed McCain by 1.9 percent among the 295,000 absentee voters in Pennsylvania. In 2012, Obama trails Governor Romney by 18.8 percent among the 115,000 absentee voters (assuming Democrats vote for Obama, Republicans vote for Romney). Obama won the state by 10 percent overall in 2008.

Read more: New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge | The Daily Caller

Don't cut your throat on the Daily Caller's edge!

USMB Topic:Independents breaking HEAVY for Romney

Don't let the Liberal Media fool you.. Obama CANNOT win with Indpendents breaking in this big of an advantage for Romney.

Yeah. Don't be fooled!


Funny stuff. You did celebrate the re-election of the Marxist. Hey, BTW, where's your thread on Democrat wrong predictions in the midterm elections?
How badly did some people make asses of themselves before the election? Aside from the whole "Obama watched as they died" last ditch fabrication effort, that is.

Brace yourselves. When you see it all in once collection, it can take your breath away.

Let's see if all of the liberals can cry in unison..1 - 2 - 3.. Boooooooooooohoooooooooo

USMB Topic: Shock to Obama Camp: Gallup finds early voters favor Romney 52-47%

USMB Topic:Gallup has Romney ahead 52% to 45% nationwide

October 30:

It's Over.

USMB Topic:With a week to go, Obama supporters are in denial

USMB Topic:~ 9 days left and here's how it actually looks

Romney will end up with around 301 Electoral College Votes OR MORE and the poor incumbent will end up with ~239 or fewer.

A thread headline to correct leftwhiner's silly thread headline seemed appropriate.


Consider it a public service correction effort. Can't have libs like leftwhiner spreading their disinformation like that unchallenged.

Thank me.

Thank you!

USMB Topic:In Iowa, disappointment with Obama runs deep

Obama won Iowa.

USMB Topic:At What Point will USMB libs admit Obama will lose?


I'm not the one on television crying over losing Ohio! LOL

A lot of Republicans are crying over Ohio right now.

I voted for Rep. Dale Folwell for Lt. Governor- he's a Tea Party candidate
Barbara Howe- the Libertarian candidate for our next Governor

The next President and Vice President of the United States of America!

All five of those people lost. A LadyGunSlinger endorsement is the kiss of death!

Hahahahahaha.. Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha

It's sooo good and only going to get better as this day goes on!!

USMB Topic:A serious question for conservatives re: Election Night

Im just kind of curious..........for conservatives on here, once the election results roll in and the far left ideology gets mothballed for generations, which 5 liberals are going to take it the hardest in your opinion. I realize choosing just 5 is tough on this forum, but gun to your head, which 5 will be the most miserable and nobody is going to be within 500 miles of them come the morning after election??

I'll start.........my 5 after just a little deliberation.........in no specific order........

1) Lakhota
2) Dick
3) Franco
5) MarcATL

OK.......I know some will disagree and say I left out a number of them that can leave the reservation just as readily, but nobody can quibble with the one's I identified.

How's that working out?

USMB Topic:How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

How was it?

USMB Topic:Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

USMB Topic:It's in the air~

You can just tell. Go tripping around the blogs and read the desperation coming from liberal precincts. Obama is going to lose. Liberal's are already gearing up for full on "revenge" politics. They are going to be more venomous and contentious then ever.

My hope is that Romney, if elected, govern from the center... That he really can find a way to work with liberals that can offer healing and a direction for this country that both parties are able to find agreement on. Compromising where he can- standing firm where it's necessary.

Obama is winning Ohio and probably going win VA and probably FL.

I can't wait to throw all of these posts in your face.. :lol:

Well...you've earned it, I guess. Fire away.

USMB Topic:Early Voting Points to Romney Victory

Polling Data, Early Voting Point to Romney Victory

It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney. He maintains a small but persistent polling edge. As of yesterday afternoon, there had been 31 national surveys in the previous seven days. Mr. Romney led in 19, President Obama in seven, and five were tied. Mr. Romney averaged 48.4%; Mr. Obama, 47.2%. The GOP challenger was at or above 50% in 10 polls, Mr. Obama in none.

Your next President Mitt Romney:clap2::clap2::clap2:

USMB Topic:Top excuses for an Obama loss...

1. The GOP cheated
2. The GOP cheated
3. The GOP cheated
4. The GOP cheated
5. The GOP cheated

And in that vein:

USMB Topic:How many noncitizens are registered to vote?

USMB Topic:Oh yeah!

The beginning of the end of the Age of Obama.

USMB Topic:Romney’s slipping into the presidency

USMB Topic:President elect Mitt Romney

Only 2 more days until you start to hear this on all the news channels. Get used to it. Obama and all of his sheep will be put out to pasture. I can hardly wait.

USMB Topic:Romney Wins! Obama defeated.

Just wanted to help y'all get used to the idea, so it isn't such a shock for ya on Tuesday.

USMB Topic:Poll: Brown up +2 in massachusetts senate race

Brown loses.

USMB Topic:Romney has solid lead among early voters. Obama supporters grasping at straws

Romney holds a seven-point edge among early voters (50% to 43%)

Washington Post

Fat lady is warming her vocal chords


USMB Topic:WOW! New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge!

BUH-BYE president Oloser!

The latest Pennsylvania absentee ballot returns are in and show Republicans opening up a 19-point lead over the Democrats — a 17-point swing from the 2008 absentee results.

Romney continues to demonstrate momentum in Ohio, with the latest absentee returns showing a nine-point swing to Republicans compared to 2008.

This spells trouble for the Obama campaign, even if Obama is leading the early voting in Ohio (which isn’t necessarily true). In 2008, Obama trailed McCain by 1.9 percent among the 295,000 absentee voters in Pennsylvania. In 2012, Obama trails Governor Romney by 18.8 percent among the 115,000 absentee voters (assuming Democrats vote for Obama, Republicans vote for Romney). Obama won the state by 10 percent overall in 2008.

Read more: New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge | The Daily Caller

Don't cut your throat on the Daily Caller's edge!

USMB Topic:Independents breaking HEAVY for Romney

Don't let the Liberal Media fool you.. Obama CANNOT win with Indpendents breaking in this big of an advantage for Romney.

Yeah. Don't be fooled!


Funny stuff. You did celebrate the re-election of the Marxist. Hey, BTW, where's your thread on Democrat wrong predictions in the midterm elections?
And he "claims" to be a conservative.

What a fucking kook.
Strange, indeed.

Earlier today I was defending G for thoroughly vetting Obama prior to the elections and how he didn't support Obama in either election

Now here he sits, gloating over Obama's victory, happy at the loss of the Republican party
Strange, indeed.

Earlier today I was defending G for thoroughly vetting Obama prior to the elections and how he didn't support Obama in either election

Now here he sits, gloating over Obama's victory, happy at the loss of the Republican party

Yeah g5000, gloating the Obama victory just like the rest of the Republi...er, wait a second
The right wing trolls are eating some massive shit after last night :up:

And the Dems took their turn two years later in the midterm elections
Why don't you start that thread? From what I recall there were no delusional Dems on here in 2014 like they delusional GOPers who stunk up the joint in 2012. Every GOPer was drinking the koolaid in 2012.

Seriously? You aren't old enough to remember 2014? That was last freaking year. How old are you? Wow, another liberal with no self actualization, who saw that coming?
The right wing trolls are eating some massive shit after last night :up:

And the Dems took their turn two years later in the midterm elections
Why don't you start that thread? From what I recall there were no delusional Dems on here in 2014 like they delusional GOPers who stunk up the joint in 2012. Every GOPer was drinking the koolaid in 2012.

Seriously? You aren't old enough to remember 2014? That was last freaking year. How old are you? Wow, another liberal with no self actualization, who saw that coming?
I remember 2014 well. Please find all the threads stating that the Dems were going to win and that the polls were wrong. That's what we're talking about here, dummy.
The right wing trolls are eating some massive shit after last night :up:

And the Dems took their turn two years later in the midterm elections
Why don't you start that thread? From what I recall there were no delusional Dems on here in 2014 like they delusional GOPers who stunk up the joint in 2012. Every GOPer was drinking the koolaid in 2012.

Seriously? You aren't old enough to remember 2014? That was last freaking year. How old are you? Wow, another liberal with no self actualization, who saw that coming?
I remember 2014 well. Please find all the threads stating that the Dems were going to win and that the polls were wrong. That's what we're talking about here, dummy.

But you don't remember Democrats saying the Republican dreams of taking seats were delusional? You don't remember that? Seriously?

Suppose I did show you that, what difference would it make to you? Would you call them "left wings trolls ... eating shit?"
The right wing trolls are eating some massive shit after last night :up:

And the Dems took their turn two years later in the midterm elections
And those republicans have graciously laid down for Obama to walk all over them for his last 2 years, scoring victory after victory against the toothless republican losers that you loons keep bragging about! :rofl:
The right wing trolls are eating some massive shit after last night :up:

And the Dems took their turn two years later in the midterm elections
Why don't you start that thread? From what I recall there were no delusional Dems on here in 2014 like they delusional GOPers who stunk up the joint in 2012. Every GOPer was drinking the koolaid in 2012.

Seriously? You aren't old enough to remember 2014? That was last freaking year. How old are you? Wow, another liberal with no self actualization, who saw that coming?
I remember 2014 well. Please find all the threads stating that the Dems were going to win and that the polls were wrong. That's what we're talking about here, dummy.

But you don't remember Democrats saying the Republican dreams of taking seats were delusional? You don't remember that? Seriously?

Suppose I did show you that, what difference would it make to you? Would you call them "left wings trolls ... eating shit?"
Here? No, I don't recall that outside of maybe one or two posters. If they were saying that then they were truly delusional.

Nearly every right winger back in 2012 was off their fucking rocker over that election. The situations aren't even comparable.
The right wing trolls are eating some massive shit after last night :up:

And the Dems took their turn two years later in the midterm elections
And those republicans have graciously laid down for Obama to walk all over them for his last 2 years, scoring victory after victory against the toothless republican losers that you loons keep bragging about! :rofl:


Where did I brag about Republicans? My God liberals are stupid. I hate to keep saying that, but wow. You are so stupid. The next post will not be you backing up the shit you make up...
And the Dems took their turn two years later in the midterm elections
Why don't you start that thread? From what I recall there were no delusional Dems on here in 2014 like they delusional GOPers who stunk up the joint in 2012. Every GOPer was drinking the koolaid in 2012.

Seriously? You aren't old enough to remember 2014? That was last freaking year. How old are you? Wow, another liberal with no self actualization, who saw that coming?
I remember 2014 well. Please find all the threads stating that the Dems were going to win and that the polls were wrong. That's what we're talking about here, dummy.

But you don't remember Democrats saying the Republican dreams of taking seats were delusional? You don't remember that? Seriously?

Suppose I did show you that, what difference would it make to you? Would you call them "left wings trolls ... eating shit?"
Here? No, I don't recall that outside of maybe one or two posters. If they were saying that then they were truly delusional.

Nearly every right winger back in 2012 was off their fucking rocker over that election. The situations aren't even comparable.

That wasn't the question: "Suppose I did show you that, what difference would it make to you? Would you call them 'left wings trolls ... eating shit?'"
Why don't you start that thread? From what I recall there were no delusional Dems on here in 2014 like they delusional GOPers who stunk up the joint in 2012. Every GOPer was drinking the koolaid in 2012.

Seriously? You aren't old enough to remember 2014? That was last freaking year. How old are you? Wow, another liberal with no self actualization, who saw that coming?
I remember 2014 well. Please find all the threads stating that the Dems were going to win and that the polls were wrong. That's what we're talking about here, dummy.

But you don't remember Democrats saying the Republican dreams of taking seats were delusional? You don't remember that? Seriously?

Suppose I did show you that, what difference would it make to you? Would you call them "left wings trolls ... eating shit?"
Here? No, I don't recall that outside of maybe one or two posters. If they were saying that then they were truly delusional.

Nearly every right winger back in 2012 was off their fucking rocker over that election. The situations aren't even comparable.

That wasn't the question: "Suppose I did show you that, what difference would it make to you? Would you call them 'left wings trolls ... eating shit?'"
It depends on the level of delusion. I'm still waiting for you to share all of these posts about left wing trolls who thought the Dems were going to win in 2014.

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