*Jesus Loves His People*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Thank you Lord, peaceful and true, yeah.
2. Without you we are indeed lost, and forgotten, oh yeah.
3. Orphaned without hope, we seek for thee, unendingly yeah.
4. You came along and lifted us up, oh yeah.
5. We fell down, we hit hard, we did *sigh*, you cleaned our wounds.
6. We crashed from the sky, we fell from a mile high, our tears were all dried.
7. You caught us, when we died, you met us at the door of eternity, no more cries, oh yeah.
8. You love us, and we can't fathom how to return that love, thou we do try, oh yeah.
9. Our despair gathers around our heads, confused we grasp out into the dark, just out of reach, but we don't let go of the touch of your hand, one day you will make it all right, all right when we meet again, oh yeah.
10. Jesus Loves His People, you, can be one, of his people, oh yeah.:eusa_pray:

{Inspiring Words from *CWN*}

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Granny says, "Dat's right...

... if ya love Jesus, he loves ya right back...

... an' when he returns he gonna save ya...

... from bein' put in a lake o' fire an' brimstone...

... with all dem wet-noodle fer brains lefty lib'rals...

... an' Mooslamic terrorists an' Hispexican drug gangs.
Sorry bout that,

1. Thank you Lord, peaceful and true, yeah.
2. Without you we are indeed lost, and forgotten, oh yeah.
3. Orphaned without hope, we seek for thee, unendingly yeah.
4. You came along and lifted us up, oh yeah.
5. We fell down, we hit hard, we did *sigh*, you cleaned our wounds.
6. We crashed from the sky, we fell from a mile high, our tears were all dried.
7. You caught us, when we died, you met us at the door of eternity, no more cries, oh yeah.
8. You love us, and we can't fathom how to return that love, thou we do try, oh yeah.
9. Our despair gathers around our heads, confused we grasp out into the dark, just out of reach, but we don't let go of the touch of your hand, one day you will make it all right, all right when we meet again, oh yeah.
10. Jesus Loves His People, you, can be one, of his people, oh yeah.:eusa_pray:

{Inspiring Words from *CWN*}


Thanks for showing us what a bigoted, narrow minded religious fanatic you truly are, Crap Whore Sow.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Thank you Lord, peaceful and true, yeah.
2. Without you we are indeed lost, and forgotten, oh yeah.
3. Orphaned without hope, we seek for thee, unendingly yeah.
4. You came along and lifted us up, oh yeah.
5. We fell down, we hit hard, we did *sigh*, you cleaned our wounds.
6. We crashed from the sky, we fell from a mile high, our tears were all dried.
7. You caught us, when we died, you met us at the door of eternity, no more cries, oh yeah.
8. You love us, and we can't fathom how to return that love, thou we do try, oh yeah.
9. Our despair gathers around our heads, confused we grasp out into the dark, just out of reach, but we don't let go of the touch of your hand, one day you will make it all right, all right when we meet again, oh yeah.
10. Jesus Loves His People, you, can be one, of his people, oh yeah.:eusa_pray:

{Inspiring Words from *CWN*}


Thanks for showing us what a bigoted, narrow minded religious fanatic you truly are, Crap Whore Sow.

1. Oh hell no,....what your saying,..really???:(
2. I really feel sorry for you.:(
3. But your darkness is taken notice of, you have no one else to blame.:doubt:
4. What part of what I wrote do you see as being bigoted???:eusa_hand:
5. And just what did you get out of it, how do you read it???:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah Billy Idols music career is long over.
2. His talent got drained.
3. His voice has been lost as well, as he is.
4. Well its just a good thing Jesus can forgive.
5. I think Jesus is big enough to forgive this stupidity.
6. Gosh, Billy has really fallen a long way from *White Wedding*, his sound sounds more of amateur than anything else.
7. Even the band is not as good, perhaps he has new members.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq01UYiMyHg"]Spread The Word![/ame]
Sorry bout that,

1. Thank you Lord, peaceful and true, yeah.
2. Without you we are indeed lost, and forgotten, oh yeah.
3. Orphaned without hope, we seek for thee, unendingly yeah.
4. You came along and lifted us up, oh yeah.
5. We fell down, we hit hard, we did *sigh*, you cleaned our wounds.
6. We crashed from the sky, we fell from a mile high, our tears were all dried.
7. You caught us, when we died, you met us at the door of eternity, no more cries, oh yeah.
8. You love us, and we can't fathom how to return that love, thou we do try, oh yeah.
9. Our despair gathers around our heads, confused we grasp out into the dark, just out of reach, but we don't let go of the touch of your hand, one day you will make it all right, all right when we meet again, oh yeah.
10. Jesus Loves His People, you, can be one, of his people, oh yeah.:eusa_pray:

{Inspiring Words from *CWN*}


Thanks for showing us what a bigoted, narrow minded religious fanatic you truly are, Crap Whore Sow.
He is correct.
chesswarsnow in his Neg-Rep comment said:
Perhaps you're just a little bit of a dick CWN--maybe that's because you're trying to be like your own personal Jesus. Sorry about your luck.

My own personal Jesus has a sense of humor, and thinks that song is funny--and He blesses me for sharing it.

My personal Jesus isn't a dick.
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Sorry bout that,

chesswarsnow in his Neg-Rep comment said:
Perhaps you're just a little bit of a dick CWN--maybe that's because you're trying to be like your own personal Jesus. Sorry about your luck.

My own personal Jesus has a sense of humor, and thinks that song is funny--and He blesses me for sharing it.

My personal Jesus isn't a dick.

1. There is no doubt I am a bit of a dick, comes with the territory.:eusa_hand:
2. What I am is not Jesus, and what I will be is not Jesus, that position of GOD is already taken.
3. What side of Jesus are you trying to fill?
4. The *Mockery Side*?
5. I don't think that Jesus makes fun of himself, and I can't see why any *Real Christian* would post something that is only *mockery*.
6. Sounds like your personal Jesus is a clown, for allowing you to mock him, and then walk away laughing.:eusa_hand:
7. You sure we are following the same Jesus?

Sorry about your luck,
Sorry bout that,

chesswarsnow in his Neg-Rep comment said:
just plain dumb, way to go.....
Perhaps you're just a little bit of a dick CWN--maybe that's because you're trying to be like your own personal Jesus. Sorry about your luck.

My own personal Jesus has a sense of humor, and thinks that song is funny--and He blesses me for sharing it.

My personal Jesus isn't a dick.

1. There is no doubt I am a bit of a dick, comes with the territory.:eusa_hand:
2. What I am is not Jesus, and what I will be is not Jesus, that position of GOD is already taken.
3. What side of Jesus are you trying to fill?
4. The *Mockery Side*?
5. I don't think that Jesus makes fun of himself, and I can't see why any *Real Christian* would post something that is only *mockery*.
6. Sounds like your personal Jesus is a clown, for allowing you to mock him, and then walk away laughing.:eusa_hand:
7. You sure we are following the same Jesus?

1. I still hope the weather is nice in dick territory. I say this because I'm not that much of a dick.

2. I hope you didn't think I was suggesting otherwise. But ... maybe your personal Jesus is a bigger dick than you are. Maybe dick territory would be a happier place if you took over.

3. I'm not trying to fill any side or part of Jesus. I'm all right with Jesus, and Jesus is all right with me.

4. Nope. Like I said, I'm all-right with Jesus, and ... [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3aYJibxMOQ"]Jesus is just all-right with me.[/ame]

5. Perhaps you should have stopped this *thought* at, "I don't think ..." Because being a *Real Christian* doesn't mean being bereft of a sense of humor, and it certainly doesn't presume to assign such a lack upon Jesus so much so, that the Savior that loves us would judge a little bit of fun as *mockery*--and even if He did, *Real Christians* wouldn't assign such little self esteem to their Savior that such *mockery* should deserve severe consequences rather than a few chuckles.

Whose the *Real Christian* here Chuckles?

6. Why, "clown" is just insulting, Chuckles. How do *Real Christians* react to insulting their Savior?

I know what I do about it. I stand beside, and laugh with Jesus as he points at you and says, "I forgive you, but you're still a dick."

7. We're probably not. Like I said, "Sorry about your luck."
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Here's my favorite song about Jesus........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LyKxzw6cjg]Hamlet 2 "Rock Me Sexy Jesus" music video - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

Sorry about your luck,
Sorry bout that,

Perhaps you're just a little bit of a dick CWN--maybe that's because you're trying to be like your own personal Jesus. Sorry about your luck.

My own personal Jesus has a sense of humor, and thinks that song is funny--and He blesses me for sharing it.

My personal Jesus isn't a dick.

1. There is no doubt I am a bit of a dick, comes with the territory.:eusa_hand:
2. What I am is not Jesus, and what I will be is not Jesus, that position of GOD is already taken.
3. What side of Jesus are you trying to fill?
4. The *Mockery Side*?
5. I don't think that Jesus makes fun of himself, and I can't see why any *Real Christian* would post something that is only *mockery*.
6. Sounds like your personal Jesus is a clown, for allowing you to mock him, and then walk away laughing.:eusa_hand:
7. You sure we are following the same Jesus?

1. I still hope the weather is nice in dick territory. I say this because I'm not that much of a dick.

2. I hope you didn't think I was suggesting otherwise. But ... maybe your personal Jesus is a bigger dick than you are. Maybe dick territory would be a happier place if you took over.

3. I'm not trying to fill any side or part of Jesus. I'm all right with Jesus, and Jesus is all right with me.

4. Nope. Like I said, I'm all-right with Jesus, and ... [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3aYJibxMOQ"]Jesus is just all-right with me.[/ame]

5. Perhaps you should have stopped this *thought* at, "I don't think ..." Because being a *Real Christian* doesn't mean being bereft of a sense of humor, and it certainly doesn't presume to assign such a lack upon Jesus so much so, that the Savior that loves us would judge a little bit of fun as *mockery*--and even if He did, *Real Christians* wouldn't assign such little self esteem to their Savior that such *mockery* should deserve severe consequences rather than a few chuckles.

Whose the *Real Christian* here Chuckles?

6. Why, "clown" is just insulting, Chuckles. How do *Real Christians* react to insulting their Savior?

I know what I do about it. I stand beside, and laugh with Jesus as he points at you and says, "I forgive you, but you're still a dick."

7. We're probably not. Like I said, "Sorry about your luck."

1. I don't get you.
2. You seem to mock Jesus, with your video, and at the same time pretend to be one of his???
3. Nothing in my posts reflect what you seem to be.
4. I interpret what you do in my thread, and some how you think you can turn me into the one thats mocking Jesus???
5. You are one lost soul.:eusa_hand:
6. You can take your dog and pony show else where's friend.
7. You are full of bullshit.
8. Either stand with you mockery or get the hell out!:evil:
9. The vid you posted says it *all*.:eusa_hand:

Sorry but that,

Here's my favorite song about Jesus........

Hamlet 2 "Rock Me Sexy Jesus" music video - YouTube

1. Wow, another mocking video.:eusa_hand:
2. That and a buck will get you a bus ride to hell.
3. Coming from a person who has no idea about God, and thinks at a certain time after conception God puts the spark of life, or adds the soul to a person 40 days after conception, what an idiot.
4. God knows each and everyone of us before we are sent to earth.
5. Its just some of us like gaybiker the devil wins over, so sad.:evil:

Sorry about your luck,
Sorry bout that,

Sorry about your luck,
Sorry bout that,

1. There is no doubt I am a bit of a dick, comes with the territory.:eusa_hand:
2. What I am is not Jesus, and what I will be is not Jesus, that position of GOD is already taken.
3. What side of Jesus are you trying to fill?
4. The *Mockery Side*?
5. I don't think that Jesus makes fun of himself, and I can't see why any *Real Christian* would post something that is only *mockery*.
6. Sounds like your personal Jesus is a clown, for allowing you to mock him, and then walk away laughing.:eusa_hand:
7. You sure we are following the same Jesus?

1. I still hope the weather is nice in dick territory. I say this because I'm not that much of a dick.

2. I hope you didn't think I was suggesting otherwise. But ... maybe your personal Jesus is a bigger dick than you are. Maybe dick territory would be a happier place if you took over.

3. I'm not trying to fill any side or part of Jesus. I'm all right with Jesus, and Jesus is all right with me.

4. Nope. Like I said, I'm all-right with Jesus, and ... [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3aYJibxMOQ"]Jesus is just all-right with me.[/ame]

5. Perhaps you should have stopped this *thought* at, "I don't think ..." Because being a *Real Christian* doesn't mean being bereft of a sense of humor, and it certainly doesn't presume to assign such a lack upon Jesus so much so, that the Savior that loves us would judge a little bit of fun as *mockery*--and even if He did, *Real Christians* wouldn't assign such little self esteem to their Savior that such *mockery* should deserve severe consequences rather than a few chuckles.

Whose the *Real Christian* here Chuckles?

6. Why, "clown" is just insulting, Chuckles. How do *Real Christians* react to insulting their Savior?

I know what I do about it. I stand beside, and laugh with Jesus as he points at you and says, "I forgive you, but you're still a dick."

7. We're probably not. Like I said, "Sorry about your luck."

1. I don't get you.
2. You seem to mock Jesus, with your video, and at the same time pretend to be one of his???
3. Nothing in my posts reflect what you seem to be.
4. I interpret what you do in my thread, and some how you think you can turn me into the one thats mocking Jesus???
5. You are one lost soul.:eusa_hand:
6. You can take your dog and pony show else where's friend.
7. You are full of bullshit.
8. Either stand with you mockery or get the hell out!:evil:
9. The vid you posted says it *all*.:eusa_hand:

1. Correction. You're not about to "get" me. You have no intention to, and it's entirely disingenuous of you to suggest that you even tried.

2. "Big Butter Jesus" doesn't mock Jesus. It mocks a bunch of yahoos who erected a 60 ft half effigy of Jesus in a fit of ecstatic-faith hubris.

My guess is the reason you're throwing such a fit over it, is that rather than mocking Jesus, the video mocks you.

3. Correct. You have me all wrong. It's a symptom of having your mind closed shut.

4. I don't think this, and I didn't say such. Such is expected from one whose mind is closed shut to reality ... or you're just a dick ... or both.

5. I and my soul know right where we're at. So does Jesus; his message to you hasn't changed.

6. I'm sure you actually believe I have a dog and a pony. Regardless, you are absolutely right: (If I had a dog and pony) I can take my dog and pony show elsewhere ... I'm just not inclined to take your suggestion as an invitation I'm going to accept.

Sorry about your luck.

7. That's rather hopeful of you, but alas no, I'm not accepting bullshit--certainly not yours--so I have plenty of capacity for bullshit should I decide to accept yours.

Again, sorry about your luck.

8. Hmm. How should i untangle this false dilemma? Oh! I have it!


9. Well, I suppose it says something.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Look loki, I don't get you, and it isn't likely I will any time soon, your not actually helping things here.
2. I write some pretty good inspiring words, then you come along a post a video that mocks Jesus, what do you want me to think about that, friend?
3. I'm done.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Look loki, I don't get you, and it isn't likely I will any time soon, your not actually helping things here.
2. I write some pretty good inspiring words, then you come along a post a video that mocks Jesus, what do you want me to think about that, friend?
3. I'm done.


1. This is clear.

2. Didn't mock Jesus, but probably mocked you.

3. Good.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Look loki, I don't get you, and it isn't likely I will any time soon, your not actually helping things here.
2. I write some pretty good inspiring words, then you come along a post a video that mocks Jesus, what do you want me to think about that, friend?
3. I'm done.


1. This is clear.

2. Didn't mock Jesus, but probably mocked you.

3. Good.

1. Why you came off as a atheist nut is what puzzles me???
2. You didn't mock me, I'm not Jesus.
3. Why you keep posting in my thread is amazing too???
4. Let me make this clear, the video you posted was mocking towards Jesus, you seem to think I'm Jesus, I am not.
5. Are you this stupid, really?
6. Really?:eek:
7. You're new here, or should I say, I've not seen you before now, and I didn't expect this of you, gaybiker with his mockery of Jesus, that I expected.:eusa_hand:

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